There was one SOLDIER named Sephiroth, At the beginning of the game he is vaguely mentioned in some dialogue, but is later revealed in some flashbacks from the game's protagonist, Cloud Strife. Hailed as the man that stopped the war, he is employed by the Shinra Company, as a member of SOLDIER: 1st Class, an elite group of military used for Assaults missions.
I am trying to present a scenario that is transitioning between VanaD'iel and Edge. In Edge, gil is virtually nonexistant and can more commonly be found in treasure chest still located in Vana'Diel or from Notorious Monsters.
This is a custom PVP FF11 Sephiroth server with available retail game expansion packs. However some of the endgame content here is customized and different than the retail game experience.
I've played too many videogames that were easy. I think that tedious part of any RPG is the fact that you have to grind out the currency for things that are essential for players to enjoy the game. And so, I've played much endgame in different MMORPG and felt like there was always some unnecessary and lengthy quest involved before obtaining ultimate weapons. So, my solution is to have those items available much faster, and much easier.