The aim of Sephiroth is to adventure through frequent repetitive customized dungeons, notorious monsters, events, and minigames while enjoying a competitive community. Sephiroth has zero Quality of Life and zero Fishing. However with monsters breaking loose in every direction through the Lifestream, a spectacular new way to earn gil, has become the new challenge for adventurers. There might be times that there is zero GM online. Also the Bard job is unavailable.
There is zero QoL and zero Fishing. There might be times that there is zero GM online. Also the Bard job is unavailable.
Even though that you will notice any player is the same as a GM. Everybody will have weapons or custom armor.
There are challenging mini-games coming soon!
PVP is always ON. So to explain how players can disengage combat but also used to run away from combat also. Disabled PVP means that PVE has been turned off. Sephiroth doesn't current have any "honor points".