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July 2024

July 2024



I've played too many videogames thar were easy. I think that tedious part of any RPG is the fact that you have to grind out the currency for things that are essential for players to enjoy the game. And so, I've played too much endgame in different MMORPG and felt like there was always some unnecesary and lengthy quest invovled before obtaining ultimate weapons. So, my solution is to have those items available much faster, and much easier.

Located in each of the home Nations is a NPC that will give information in Vana D'iel for things that have been ticked on Sephiroth. Currently the Bug Tracker will also fix the "AllMaps" plugin. It should be noted that neither the Runefencer nor Geomancer will be able to use Empyrean Weapons. It shuld be also noted that both Ochain and Daurdabla are not available. The Empyrean NPC is located in Lower Jeuno, which requires players to have Rank 10 to access.

Edge Missions
CrystallineProphecy Icon.png
A Crystalline Prophecy
Mooglekupodetat Icon.png
A Moogle Kupo d'Etat
ShantottoAscension Icon.png
A Shantotto Ascension
Abyssea Icon.png
Vision of Abyssea
Scars of Abyssea
Heroes of Abyssea
VoraciousResurgence Icon.png
The Voracious Resurgence
Vana D'iel Missions
Bastok Iconv2.png
The Republic of Bastok
Windurst Iconv2.png
The Federation of Windurst
Sandorian Iconv2.png
The Kingdom of San d'Oria
Expansion Missions
Jeuno Icon.png
Rise of the Zilart
Chainsofpromathia Icon.png
Chains of Promathia
AhtUrghan Icon.png
Treasures of Aht Urhgan
Wingsofthegoddess Icon.png
Wings of the Goddess
Rhapsodies Icon.png
Rhapsodies of Vana'diel
Special Battle Endeavors
Assault Icon.PNG
Campaign Iconv2.png