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Signing up for an Assault Mission
To participate in Assault, you must first complete Aht Urhgan Mission 3 to enlist in a mercenary company, such as the fine outfit run by the generous, benevolent Naja Salaheem.
Once you are part of a mercenary company, the Empire will issue you Imperial Army I.D. Tags. Each tag will allow you to attempt a single Assault Mission.
- The tags will be held in reserve by Rytaal at the Commissions Agency until you speak to him to retrieve a tag.
- You may only redeem one tag at a time. Complete a mission and return to Rytaal before attempting to redeem another tag.
- If Rytaal is holding less than 3 tags in reserve (4 for Captains), the Empire will issue a new ID tag every 24 hours (Earth Time) after the first tag was redeemed.
- Completing Rhapsodies of Vanadiel Mission 1-16 and receiving the Key Item "Rhapsody in Azure" will allow ID tags to refresh every 10 mins.
- You are able to hold 1 tag and at the same time allow Rytaal to store up your maximum number of tags.
When you have a Imperial Army I.D. Tag, you may sign up for a mission by talking to the NPCs at the desks in the lower area of the agency, who will offer you missions based on your Assault Rank. Select a mission and you will receive Assault Orders in exchange for the tag. Assault Orders will permit you to enter the assault, and will also allow you to use the Runic Portal to travel to your assault destination without a Runic portal use permit.
- Assault Orders will not permit you to travel to Runic Portals that you have not already visited.
- Exiting the secured area with Assault Orders is prohibited.
Initiating an Assault Mission
A party must fulfill these conditions to initiate an assault mission:
- All players in the party must be level 50 or above.
- All players in the party, at the Runic Portal must have the same Assault Orders.
- The party must be between 1 and 6 people.
- Any characters which disconnect during the entry procedure will count towards this limit, but they will fail to enter the zone and their Assault Orders will not be used.
The party must designate a single member to assume the lead for the mission. To assume the lead, talk to the Imperial Guard at the Staging Point. 50 Imperial Standing can be exchanged for an Assault Armband which can be used to lead the mission.
Once the party is prepared, the designated leader initiates the mission by interacting with the Runic Seal. After selecting parameters, any party members in the vicinity of the Runic Seal will be automatically transported to the assault location and their Assault Orders will be marked as used.
- Used Assault Orders will still allow you to use the Runic Portal freely, but cannot be used to enter another assault mission.
Caution: Players in other zones or a large distance from the Seal will not be transported. Please ensure all your party members are nearby before initiating the mission.
- Note: As of the December 2013 Version Update, players are now able to enter without any other party members. Due to the nature of some Assault Missions, it may be very difficult to win all objectives while solo.
Winning and Losing
Upon entry to the assault location, a timer will start, and the party will be informed of the time limit for the mission. The party must trigger the Rune of Release before the time limit is exhausted or the mission will be a failure.
Each assault mission has a unique set of objectives which must be accomplished before the Rune of Release will spawn. Completing these objectives will cause the Rune of Release to spawn. The party is free to continue the assault mission after the Rune spawns, and in some cases will be rewarded for further efforts. However, the party must be careful to trigger the Rune before the time limit expires, because if they do not, the mission will be a failure even if all objectives are met.
Upon successful completion of the mission, each party member will be rewarded with Assault Points. The amount of assault points varies depending on mission, and in some cases the party can receive penalties for poor performance during the mission.
- Each mission has a base value of AP which will be rewarded to each player (see table below).
- The table shows the maximum AP earnable per person for a party of 3 people.
- In some missions, AP penalties will be assessed for underperforming (for example, capturing only 4 of the 5 Fairy Apkallu during Apkallu Seizure)
- For any mission except First Lieutenant missions, bringing additional party members will reduce the base value by 10% per additional party member beyond 3.
- For First Lieutenant missions, the amount of AP rewarded is static regardless of party size.
- Each participant will receive the same base value regardless of their actual contribution during the Assault.
- Players will receive an individual 50% AP bonus if this was the first time they successfully completed the mission.
- The designated leader will receive a 10% AP bonus if the mission was a success.
- This 10% bonus is cumulative with the first-time bonus as well. Thus, a leader who wins the assault for the first time will receive 165% of the base value.
- In the event that the party failed the mission, each party member instead receives 100 Assault Points. No leader or first-time bonuses are awarded.
Ranking Up
If an assault is completed successfully, each member earns 1 Rank-Up Point. If that is the first time completing that Assault, the player will receive an additional 4 Rank-Up Points, for a total of 5.
You can check which assaults you have completed by checking your menu under "Missions", there will be a separate tab labeled "Assaults" that will display current and completed assaults.
After a player has collected 25 or more Rank-Up Points, they may start a promotion quest from either Abquhbah or Naja Salaheem to improve their standing within her mercenary company.
- Alternatively upon reaching the pre-requisite number of 25+ points players may skip each quest by spending 1,000 gil to buy the key item ranks from a Curio Vendor Moogle after the player has obtained the
"Rhapsody in Azure" from Rhapsodies of Vanadiel Missions.
Rank-up points can be checked by talking to Abquhbah and clicking the Mercenary Assessments option.
After ranking up, any excess rank-up points beyond 25 are lost, and the player must accumulate another 25 rank-up points to gain another promotion.
Ranking up to Captain
Unlike the other ranks, the Captain Promotion does not rely upon rank-up points. Instead, this quest is offered once a mercenary has successfully completed all 50 main assaults and all of the Treasures of Aht Urhgan Missions. Players initially enter their mercenary company at Private Second Class, and through successful completion of assault missions can rise as high as Captain.
Having the Captain rank confers certain benefits:
- Rytaal will reserve a 4th tag.
- This happens without the Promotion: Captain quest being started or completed. Immediately after finishing the 50th assault and then speaking to Rytaal he will speak of the new ID.
- Runic Portal permits cost 0 Imperial Standing.
- Access to Alzadaal Undersea Ruins no longer costs a 1 Imperial Silver Piece fee.
- The ability to begin building a Mythic Weapon.
Assault Missions
To accept an assault mission, talk to the appropriate NPC in the Commissions Agency while possessing an Imperial Army I.D. Tag. View the current mission list and select a mission in order to obtain Assault Orders for that mission.
Any mission at the player's current rank or below will be offered to the player. For example, a Private First Class will be able to attempt any mission with rank PFC or PSC. A Superior Private will be able to attempt those missions as well as any mission with rank SP. Players ranked First Lieutenant will have access to all 50 assault missions.
Assault Mission Chart
Leujaoam Sanctum
Leujaoam Sanctum Yahsra in Aht Urhgan Whitegate | |||||
Rank | Mission | Objective | Description | AP (max) | Unique Appraisals |
PSC | Leujaoam Cleansing | Remove all threats | General Afkaam is to inspect Leujaoam Sanctum. Destroy all creatures in the area that may pose a threat to the general. | 1000 | |
PFC | Orichalcum Survey | Discover orichalcum ore | There is a rumour that orichalcum ore has been discovered in Leujaoam Sanctum. Find the ore vein before the beastmen do. | 1200 | |
SP | Escort Professor Chanoix | Protect the professor | A longhaired marid has been found frozen in the eternal ice of Leujaoam Sanctum. Escort Professor Clavauert B Chanoix to the site of the discovery. | 1100 | |
LC | Shanarha Grass Conservation | Protect the vegetation | Rabbits are sending shanarha grass, unique to the Leujaoam Sanctum, to the verge of extinction. Drive away the rabbits and protect the vegetation. | 1333 | |
C | Counting Sheep | Buy black sheep | The Imperial Army on the eastern front is being hit by a peculiar cold wave, and warm uniforms are in short supply. Buy as many sheep as you can from the markets in Leujaoam and save the troops. | 1166 | |
S | Supplies Recovery | Retrieve the supplies | A logistics unit headed to the front lines of the war with the Far East was attacked and their supplies were stolen. The enemy then fled towards Leujaoam Sanctum. An Immortals unit will also join in the recovery. | 1000 | |
SM | Azure Experiments | Become a test subject | The Imperial alchemists have developed various tissues to graft onto and strengthen the bodies of the Immortals, but they need test subjects for clinical experiments. Go lend your assistance. | 1000 | |
CS | Imperial Code | Retrieve the OGMA | The Empire's mercury cipher (OGMA) has been stolen by a group of far eastern spies. With it, our enemies will be able to decrypt top-secret military orders, thus severely compromising Imperial safety. You are to intercept the enemy as they transfer the device. | 1333 | |
SL | Red Versus Blue | Defeat Raubahn | Joint battle excercises are to be carried out between the Immortal (blue) and the Inexorables (red). You have been assigned to assist the red team. The first side to defeat the leader of the other will be declared victor. | 1666 | |
FL | Bloody Rondo | Defeat the count | After years of quietly defying Imperial rule, the recluse Count Dracula has recently begun preparations for an assault upon Al Zahbi. Infiltrate the Leujaoam Sanctum, locate the count, and slay him before he can execute his plans. | 1500 |
Mamool Ja Training Grounds
Mamool Ja Training Grounds Isdebaaq in Aht Urhgan Whitegate | |||||
Rank | Mission | Objective | Description | AP (max) | Unique Appraisals |
PSC | Imperial Agent Rescue | Rescue the agent | An agent sent to spy on the secret training grounds of the Mamool Ja has been captured. Rescue him before he is interrogated for Imperial secrets. | 1100 | |
PFC | Preemptive Strike | Destroy the assassins | A unit of Mamool Ja soldiers is training in assassination techniques. Destroy them before they can become a threat to the Empress. | 1000 | |
SP | Sagelord Elimination | Defeat Sagelord Molaal Ja | Sagelord Molaal Ja is visiting the training grounds to oversee the progress of the soldiers. His elimination would sow chaos and confusion in the Mamool Ja ranks. | 1200 | |
LC | Breaking Morale | Steal the supplies | Scouts report that the new Mamool Ja soldiers have recieved supplies from their families. Destroy Mamool Ja morale by stealing these supplies while being careful to remain undetected. | 1333 | |
C | The Double Agent | Apprehend the spy | There is a double agent among the Imperial Qiqirn spies in the Mamool Ja Training Grounds. Find him before he puts the other spies in danger. | 1200 | |
S | Imperial Treasure Retrieval | Recover the treasure | A puk recently stole a treasure box containing enchanted gems from the royal treasury. The gems were then given to Mamool Ja officers as a reward for duty. Find and retrieve the treasure. | ? | |
SM | Blitzkrieg | Annihilate the enemy | After shedding their skins, the Mamool Ja gather for a festival to celebrate their new scales and dance until exhausted. This is a prime opportunity to catch them off guard! | 1533? | |
CS | Marids in the Mist | Neutralize the marids | Our agents have informed us that the Mamool Ja have been training marids to use during sieges on the Empire. You are to locate these deadly beasts and capture or eliminate them before it's too late. | 1333 | |
SL | Azure Ailments | Gather pathological data | To protect against an outbreak of the dreaded kraken flu, data is required on the effects of the disease. Healthy volunteers are wanted to travel to the Mamool Ja Training Grounds and collect important supplies. | 1000 | |
FL | The Susanoo Shuffle | Defeat Orochi | In an attempt to strengthen their bonds with the Mamool Ja, an eastern nation has provided the beastmen with a new biologically engineered hydra hybrid known as Orochi. You are to infiltrate the training grounds and eliminate the new threat. | 1500 |
Lebros Cavern
Lebros Cavern Famad in Aht Urhgan Whitegate | |||||
Rank | Mission | Objective | Description | AP (max) | Unique Appraisals |
PSC | Excavation Duty | Remove the obstructions | The Imperial Army plans to traverse Lebros Cavern as part of their attack on Halvung, however the tunnels are blocked with rocks. You must remove the obstructions. | 1100 | |
PFC | Lebros Supplies | Deliver the Provisions | An advance unit sent into Lebros Cavern has met heavy resistance and is in need of reprovisioning. Your mission is to deliver rations to each member of the advance unit. | 1200 | |
SP | Troll Fugitives | Destroy the Troll fugitives | The remnants of a Troll army that clashed with Imperial forces has taken refuge within Lebros Cavern. Hunt down the fugitives and prevent them from regrouping. | 1000 | |
LC | Evade and Escape | Discover alternate route | The unit deployed within Lebros Cavern is in danger of being overwhelmed by the well-positioned enemy. Discover an alternate route so they can retreat in safety. | 1000 | |
C | Siegemaster Assassination | Assassinate Borgerlur | The Trolls have recruited Borgerlur, a siege specialist from central Aradjiah. The Empire cannot allow him to take control of the Troll army. Find and eliminate Borgerlur as he travels through Lebros Cavern. | 1100 | |
S | Apkallu Breeding | Match the apkallu | Due to their intelligence and ability to travel through both water and on land, the rare Lebros Apkallu is prized by the navy as a messenger bird. Help increase their numbers by pairing them up. | 1300 | |
SM | Wamoura Farm Raid | Remove the threat | The enemy has begun raising swarms of wamoura in the Lebros Caverns. If they reach adulthood, they would present a formidable threat. Infiltrate the Lebros Caverns and destroy them. | 1166 | |
CS | Egg Conservation | Drive out the hunters | There have been reports that Qiqirn hunters have been collecting the eggs of our army's messenger apkallus. You are to join forces with the male apkallus in the area and eliminate the invading Qiqirn while protecting the females and their eggs. | 1333 | |
SL | Operation: Black Pearl | Rescue Princess Kadjaya | A ship carrying Princess Kadjaya of the Imperial family back from a diplomatic mission to the West has run aground near the Lebros Cavern. You are to find the survivors and escort them to safety. | ? | |
FL | Better Than One | Defeat Black Shuck | Recently there have been multiple reports of a three-headed beast attacking traders en route to Al Zahbi. You are to travel to its rumored lair in the Lebros Cavern and slay the monster. | 1500 |
Periqia Lageegee in Aht Urhgan Whitegate | |||||
Rank | Mission | Objective | Description | AP (max) | Unique Appraisals |
PSC | Seagull Grounded | Escort the prisoner | The Immortals have captured a member of the Seagull Phratrie, a rebel organization. You are to escort the prisoner safely to a holding area. | 1100 | |
PFC | Requiem | Destroy the undead | An Immortal has reported the existence of a large force of undead soldiers. Destroy these undead minions before they can organize an attack on the Empire. | 1000 | |
SP | Saving Private Ryaaf | Find the survivors | A squad sent in to search for the Seagull Phratrie hideout has failed to report. Find any survivors, especially one Private Ryaaf, a relative of the Galeserpent General. | 1100 | |
LC | Shooting Down the Baron | Eliminate the Black Baron | An imp known as the Black Baron has hit Periqia like a meteor strike, single-handedly defeating 79 Imperial soldiers. The empire cannot suffer any more losses. It is time for the Baron to meet his end. | 1100 | |
C | Building Bridges | Activate the bridge | Thanks to the enemy destroying a bridge along the path of their attack, the unit assaulting Periqia is at an impasse. Find and activate the backup bridge mechanism rumored to be hidden in the area. | 1200 | |
S | Stop the Bloodshed | Exterminate the chigoes | The Lamiae are preparing to release swarms of chigoes in Al Zahbi to collect blood samples. Destroy the chigoes and thwart their plan. | 1000 | |
SM | Defuse the Threat | Clear the mine fields | The Lamiae have hired Qiqirn demolition experts to set land mines in Periqia. You must eliminate this hazard for the soldiers. | 1600 | |
CS | Operation: Snake Eyes | Locate the generals | Generals Karazahm and Umarid of the Imperial Army's Arrapago division have disappeared from camp headquarters while on a mission on Sharug Isle. There is a high possibility that the two have been kidnapped by members of the Undead Swarm. | 1333 | |
SL | Wake the Puppet | Retrieve the Mark-IIs | During a previous mission to eradicate the Undead Swarm presence from Periqia, the Imperial forces were forced to abandon several Mark-II automatons upon their retreat. You are to infiltrate the area, locate the machines, and aid in their return to Al Zahbi. | 1200 | |
FL | The Price is Right | Assassinate King Goldemar | Intelligence reports that the dvergr king, Goldemar, is planning the sale of forbidden magicked weapons to the area's beastmen factions. You are to locate the king and eliminate him before the deal is made. | 1500 |
Ilrusi Atoll
Ilrusi Atoll Bhoy Yhupplo in Aht Urhgan Whitegate | |||||
Rank | Mission | Objective | Description | AP (max) | Unique Appraisals |
PSC | Golden Salvage | Recover the figurehead | Rumor has it that the golden figurehead from the Black Coffin, the ship of Luzaf the pirate, can be found somewhere within Ilrusi Atoll. | 1100 | |
PFC | Lamia No.13 | Eliminate Lamia No.13 | Your mission is to hunt down Lamia No.13, a fearsome creature known to have performed vile experiments on the countless corpses of her enemies. | 1200 | |
SP | Extermination | Exterminate all monsters | The vermin feasting on the corpses left behind by the Lamiae have multiplied to unnatural numbers. Destroy this threat to the surrounding ecology. | 1100 | |
LC | Demolition Duty | Demolish the shipwrecks | A confidential report states that corsairs are secretly collecting the remains of shipwrecks on the Ilrusi Atoll. Use the automaton issued to you by the on-site engineer to demolish these shipwrecks. | 1000 | |
C | Searat Salvation | Save the Qiqirn Divers | Qiqirn divers assigned the duty of demolishing wrecks on the Ilrusi Atoll have run into a problem with the local wildlife. Lead them back to safety before they decide to abandon their work. | 1166 | |
S | Apkallu Seizure | Capture the apkallu | Famous biologist Professor Clavauert is researching apkallu on Ilrusi Atoll. The more discoveries he makes in Aht Urhgan, the more likely he is to join the Empire. Assist him by capturing apkallu. | 1333 | |
SM | Lost and Found | Find the ring | The Empress's uncle Bashalab visited Ilrusi Atoll in secret and lost his ring, the "Eye of Zahak." Escort the royal family's hired agent through Ilrusi Atoll and find his lost ring. | 1000 | |
CS | Deserter | Locate the agents | Agents of our Anti-Corsair Task Force have gone AWOL and are hiding somewhere in Ilrusi. Your mission is to swiftly disarm the deviants and take them into custody. All information on these criminals is highly classified and any disclosure of their identity is strictly prohibited. | ? | |
SL | Desperately Seeking Cephalopods | Collect ahtapot | To increase production of special nighttime camouflage, the Imperial marines require large quantities of a secretion from a rare cephalopod known as the ahtapot, found in the Ilrusi Atoll. | ? | |
FL | Bellerophon's Bliss | Defeat Khimaira 14X | Troll mercenary leader Martial Maestro Megomak has completed his newest creation, the Khimaira 14X, and taken it to the Ilrusi Atoll for combat testing. You are to locate the abomination and exterminate it. | 1500 |
Assault Point Rewards
As mercenaries complete Assault Missions, they will accumulate Assault Points. Points are specific to each Assault area and cannot be transferred or combined.
As a way to recognize the contributions of mercenaries, the Empire offers to exchange rare and powerful items for Assault Points in each zone.
- Mercenaries can also exchange 500 AP from any one Assault area for a Remnants Permit (used for Salvage) from Zasshal outside of the Commissions Agency. The Empire implores you not to participate in the Assault Point black-market.
Assault Missions Printer Friendly Checklist
Additional Assault Missions
Nyzul Isle
Instead of taking on the specific objectives laid out by the Empire in the other five traditional assault areas, players may also accept commissions to investigate the mysterious Nyzul Isle for the opportunity to acquire rewards unique to these assaults. Like other assault missions, accepting a commission for Nyzul Isle Investigation (set up for level 75 players) or Nyzul Isle Uncharted Area Survey (set up for level 99 players) requires an Imperial Army I.D. Tag. There is no minimum Assault Rank requirement and Assault Points are not awarded for completion, although Nyzul Isle does have its own unique credit system in the form of Nyzul Tokens which can be used to purchase temporary items within the assault area.
Also like other assault missions, players receive 1 rank-up point per successful investigation (and an extra 4 for the first time the zone is completed), as long as the party leaves Nyzul by choosing to leave rather than letting the time limit expire.
To accept commissions for either of these assaults, speak to Sorrowful Sage in the Commissions Agency. Further details on Nyzul Isle can be found at the Nyzul Isle Investigation and Nyzul Isle Uncharted Area Survey pages.
Monthly Adventurer Campaigns
There is one type of campaign that may run any given month.
Nyzul Isle Uncharted Area Mysterious Item Campaign
- When this Monthly Adventurer Campaign is active, mysterious new items drop from Notorious Monsters on every floor of the Assault Mission Nyzul Isle Uncharted.
- Every usual Notorious Monster encountered drops +1 variant of ??? Item:
- ??? Axe +1, ??? Bow +1, ??? Cape +1, ??? Dagger +1, ??? Earring +1, ??? Footwear +1, ??? Gloves +1, ??? Headwear +1, ??? Necklace +1, ??? Pole +1, ??? Ring +1, ??? Sash +1, ??? Shield +1, ??? Sword +1, and ??? Box +1.
- When appraised, these items may be almost any event (non-upgraded, direct drop) reward in the game including: Geas Fete, Unity Concord, High-Tier Mission Battlefields, Walk of Echoes, Einherjar, Skirmish, Delve, Meeble Burrows, etc.
- Some items, such as the Alzadaal Table, can only be obtained from this event.
- In some cases, you have a higher chance of obtaining certain UR Ultra Rare rewards from this event rather than the actual event. An example includes Pulse Panoplia.
- When appraised, these items may be almost any event (non-upgraded, direct drop) reward in the game including: Geas Fete, Unity Concord, High-Tier Mission Battlefields, Walk of Echoes, Einherjar, Skirmish, Delve, Meeble Burrows, etc.
- ??? Axe +1, ??? Bow +1, ??? Cape +1, ??? Dagger +1, ??? Earring +1, ??? Footwear +1, ??? Gloves +1, ??? Headwear +1, ??? Necklace +1, ??? Pole +1, ??? Ring +1, ??? Sash +1, ??? Shield +1, ??? Sword +1, and ??? Box +1.
- Every "Boss" floor NM (20, 40, 60, 80, and 100) drops a ??? Box +2 item.
- When appraised, this item may be a valuable item such as: Cotton Coin Purse, Linen Coin Purse, Pandemonium Key plus other ZNM pops, Alza'daal Table, etc.
- Every usual Notorious Monster encountered drops +1 variant of ??? Item:
Ashu Talif Assault
Some unparticular companies in Nashmau are looking to hire the services of accomplished mercenaries despite preexisting allegiance of said mercenaries to companies in Aht Urhgan. In order to contract for the Maelstrom Company to investigate the Ashu Talif, complete at least Aht Urhgan Mission 17 (Guests of the Empire) and speak to Halshaob in Nashmau.
The Ashu Talif Assaults do not require an Imperial Army I.D. Tag and do not reward players with AP or rank-up points. More details about these quests can be found at the Ashu Talif Assaults page.
This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total.
Pages in category "Assault"
The following 80 pages are in this category, out of 80 total.
- Apkallu Breeding
- Apkallu Seizure
- Imperial Treasure Retrieval
- Stop the Bloodshed
- Supplies Recovery
- Azure Ailments
- Operation: Black Pearl
- Red Versus Blue
- Wake the Puppet
- Azure Experiments
- Blitzkrieg
- Defuse the Threat
- Lost and Found
- Wamoura Farm Raid
- Escort Professor Chanoix
- Extermination
- Sagelord Elimination
- Saving Private Ryaaf
- Troll Fugitives
- Staging Points