Category:Chocobo Raising

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With the cooperation of the VCS (Vana’diel Chocobo Society), adventurers are be able to create care plans, raise, and breed their very own chocobos.

The Egg

Faintly warm egg.jpg

To begin raising a chocobo, you must first trade an egg to the appropriate VCS official in one of the three starting nations. Chocobo eggs can be obtained from vendors or battlefields.

Note: you cannot trade another egg to a chocobo trainer once the chocobo raising process has begun. Also, the process of raising a chocobo must be continued in the nation where the egg was traded.

It is also important to note that the time you trade your egg to the trainer NPC immediately starts the timer for Day 1. Time between days is not counted using Japanese Standard Time. If you keep this in mind it can be used to your advantage, for example trading it at a time it is easiest for your schedule to care for your chocobo for two days worth in a row in one sitting.

Obtaining An Egg

Chocobo eggs can be obtained in a number of ways. Completing the quest Chocobo on the Loose! will reward you with a chocobo egg. Dabih Jajalioh (F-9) Ru'Lude Gardens sells chocobo eggs if enough people have bought her stock that day to upgrade her shop. ISNM's drop eggs as well. You can also get an egg from Finbarr (G-7) Upper Jeuno after successfully mating two chocobo's.

There are five different types of eggs, each having a different warmth to them. The differences between eggs is unknown.

Helpful NPCs:

VCS Chocobo Trainers:

*There are new NPCs in the chocobo stables known as “chocoguys” who will help you understand the process of chocobo raising.


From The Egg to A Chocobo

Aren't I cute?

The process of raising a chocobo from egg, to chick, to adolescent, to adult will take approximately one month. Adventurers will work with a VCS chocobo trainer to care for their chocobo. The attributes of a fully grown chocobo will depend on the treatment it receives during this time.

After 4 days of care, the egg will hatch and a baby chocobo will be born! You will be able to name your bird at this time. If you wait too long to choose a name the VCS Trainer will name it for you. Chocobo Names List. The chocobo will remain a chick until day 19, when it becomes a teenager. On day 29 the chocobo will become an adult and you will be able to ride it. Finally, your bird will be automatically retired on day 129.

Care Plans

Once the egg hatches, you will be able to choose from several care plans that will affect the development of your chocobo. Care plans allow you to have the most control over your bird's development. Care plans are non-interactive, but you will be briefed on their success/failure by the VCS official once every 24 hours.

Care plans.jpg

Note: Not all care plans are available when a chick hatches.

Care Plan Name When available
Basic Care Available immediately
Rest Available when hatched
Take A Walk In Town Available when hatched
Listen to Music Available when hatched
Exercise Alone Available from adolescent
Exercise in a Group Available from adolescent
Interact With Children Available from adolescent
Interact With Chocobos Available from adolescent
Carrying Packages Available from adolescent
Exhibiting to the Public Available from adolescent
Delivering Messages Available from adulthood
Digging for Treasure Available from adulthood
Acting in a Play Available from adulthood

Note: It is highly advised to never use the Rest care plan. This has been known to cause glitch in the game where your chocobo will ignore all future care plans and do nothing but sleep.

  • All personal care options except "Watch Over" are disabled until the chocobo wakes up.
  • Scolding the chocobo and feeding it Chocotonic can help wake a sleeping chocobo.

Setting Up A Care Plan

You are allowed 4 care plans to manage at one time. Each care plan can last anywhere from 1 to 7 days. Each care plan must be modified individually.


Modifying A Care Plan

The following outlines the process to modify care plans:

  1. Select the plan you wish to modify.
  2. Select the activity you wish to have your chocobo participate in.
  3. Select the duration of the activity.
  4. Confirm the care plan and duration.

The chart on the right is an example of a 10 day plan which consist of:

  • Listen to Music (3 days)
  • Taking a Walk (2 days)
  • Resting (2 days)
  • Basic Care (3 days)


  • You can modify care plans at any time.
  • By default, all care plans are set to Basic Care for 7 days.
    • In the event that you do not choose a care plan, it will be set to 7 days of Basic Care.
  • VCS officials will inform you of the success/failure of the care plan once every 24 hours.
    • The report will always be from the previous day.

Personal Care

Visiting your chocobo and caring for it directly will create bonds of affection that cannot be replaced by even the most detailed care plan. It is not strictly necessary to provide this level of dedication; however, your loving attention will have a noticeable effect on your chocobo’s development. It is also possible to cure your chocobo of several different status ailments with direct care.

  • Watch Over the Chocobo
  • Tell A Story
  • Scold the Chocobo
  • Compete Against Others
  • Go on A Short Walk
  • Go on A Regular Walk
  • Go on A Long Walk

Every time you use a care option the bond between you and your chocobo will strengthen, but there is a limit to how often you can care for your bird. Caring for your chocobo will deplete some of its energy. That energy will refill once every 24 hours after being fed. Some care options require more work for the chocobo and will deplete its energy faster, but they have the benefit of increasing your bond more.

While still inside the egg, the only interaction you are allowed to have with your egg is to watch over it. This used to affect how much affection the chocobo had for you when it hatched: at least 100 times to reach maximum affection! As of Aug 2016, chocobos always hatch with max affection. Eggs will never run out of energy. The other care options unlock as your chocobo matures. At birth, you are limited to watching over your bird and taking it out on short walks. In adolescence, you can tell your bird a story (teaches abilities), scold it (cures stubbornness), race it (cures boredom), and regular walks. All care options unlock when your bird becomes an adult.


Story Teaches Learned From Obtained From
Story of a happy chocobo Auto-Regen Bashraf Win "Compete Against Others" 3 times
Story of a youthful chocobo Bore Pulonono Bastok: Long Walk
San d'Oria: Regular Walk
Windurst: Short Walk
Story of a worrisome chocobo Burrow Zopago Bastok: Short Walk
San d'Oria: Regular Walk
Windurst: Long Walk
Story of a curious chocobo Canter Brutus All Nations: Long Walk
Story of an impatient chocobo Gallop Hantileon Bastok: Regular Walk
San d'Oria: Short Walk
Windurst: Regular Walk
Story of a diligent chocobo Treasure Finder Owner of Lost Chick Lost Chocobo Chick Mini-Quest

Abilities act like job traits for your chocobo. To teach your bird an ability, you must first obtain a story (key item). After you have a story, tell it to your chocobo using the "Tell A Story" option. Chances for your chocobo to learn from the story are small, but with repeated readings and increased Discernment your bird may eventually be inspired by your words.


  • Abilities for chocobos act like job traits do on players; this means they are always active.
  • Abilities can be passed down from parent to chick.
    • The chance to pass on an ability increases when the parent has high Receptivity.
  • There are six abilities available, but each bird can only learn a maximum of two.
    • If a bird is born with an ability it will only be able to learn one additional ability.
  • When you retire your bird all stories you have will be lost. You must get the stories over again for every bird you raise.


  • Raising a chocobo is not always an easy process. Occasionally, your bird will be afflicted with one or more conditions.
  • Most of these are negative, but some are positive.
  • You will want to fix the negative conditions as soon as possible.
  • Treatment with Chocobo Feed doesn't take effect immediately: even if their fullness changes, a chocobo's condition is updated on the following day.
    • Chocotonic restores stamina at the time of use: it's medicine rather than feed.
Condition Type Effect Cure
Injured Physical Physical care plans less effective Feed Gausebit Grass
Stomachache Physical Physical care plans less effective Feed Garidav Wildgrass
Minor Illness Physical Physical care plans less effective Feed Tokopekko Wildgrass or Celerity Salad
Serious Illness Physical Physical care plans less effective Feed Tokopekko Wildgrass or Celerity Salad
Bursting with Vitality Physical Physical are plans more effective. Increased chance to learn ability with "Tell A Story". This is good, no need to cure
Depressed Emotional Care plans less effective Raise Affection
Happiness Emotional Care plans more effective. More likely to be "Bursting with Vitality" or "Sparkling with Intelligence". This is good, no need to cure.
Bored and Restless Mental Mental care plans less effective Race Against Others
Spoiled Mental Mental care plans less effective Scold Chocobo
In Love Mental Mental care plans will sometimes be less effective. However, this status will sometimes benefit the chocobo and increase the success rate instead. Feed Celerity Salad
Sparkling with Intelligence Mental Mental care plans more effective. Increased chance to learn ability with "Tell A Story". This is good, no need to cure
Crying at Night Other Not a negative status, part of Chocobo Whistle Quest Carry around the White handkerchief to get your scent on it, then return it to the trainer.
Asleep Stops all development Care plans cannot be used Feed Chocotonic
Run Away Stops all development Care plans cannot be used Wait for its return


Hungry Hungry Chocobo

Like every living thing, chocobos need food to survive. VCS trainers will provide your bird with the most basic of feed, but it is often not enough to fill your bird up. Chocobos can be fed a variety greens, carrots, medicines, and even a few potions. Each type of food has a different effect on your chocobo.

  • To feed your chocobo, trade food to the VCS Trainer.
  • Medicine can help cure negative status effects and gives an energy boost.
    • If you give your chocobo medicine when it is full, medicine will have no effect and the item will be lost.
  • Careful how much you feed your chocobo, overfeeding can cause stomach aches.
  • If a red glow appears around your chocobo when feeding it, it's affection level has gone up.

Hunger Level

  1. Starving
  2. Quite hungry
  3. A little hungry
  4. Neither hungry nor full
  5. Neither hungry nor full (2nd)
  6. Almost full
  7. Quite full
  8. Completely full

Food Items


Greens are a staple chocobo food. Each chocobo has a favorite green. A chocobo's favorite green is one that it gobbles all up in one bite. Greens are an easy way to help build affection.

  • Gysahl Greens: Lowers hunger and provides a small boost to affection.
  • Sharug Greens: Lowers hunger and provides a good boost to affection.
  • Azouph Greens: Lowers hunger and provides a good boost to affection.


Giving carrots to your chocobo will provide small boosts to your chocobo's attributes.

  • Vomp Carrot: Lowers hunger and provides a small boost to Strength and Endurance.
  • San d'Oria Carrot: Lowers hunger and provides a small boost to all stats.
  • Zegham Carrot: Lowers hunger and provides a small boost to Discernment and Receptivity.


Pastes are specially designed for baby chocobos. They are very effective at filling up chicks, but as the chocobo ages they become much less filling.

  • Carrot Paste: Lowers hunger and provides a boost to Strength and Endurance.
  • Herb Paste: Lowers hunger and helps cure illness.
  • Vegetable Paste: Lowers hunger and provides a boost to Discernment and Receptivity.
  • Worm Paste: Lowers hunger, increases energy and affection, but lowers attributes.


Chocobos do not like the taste of medicines, but they are needed to help your chocobo recover quickly from illness and injury.


Worms are used help raise affection and energy dramatically when they are falling dangerously low, but they have the side effect of lowering attributes.

  • Cupid Worm: Raises affection substantially, but will lower one of your bird's attributes significantly.
  • Gregarious Worm: Restores approximately 25% of your chocobo's energy and completely fills it up.
  • Parasite Worm: Raises chocobo's hunger and lowers one attribute slightly.


Personalizing Your Chocobo

Your chocobo's appearance will alter as it grows. The care plans you select while raising your chocobo greatly affect portions of its appearance.


Chocobos have 4 main attributes; 2 of which are physical and the other 2 are mental. The care plans you select for your bird have a big impact on which attributes are raised/lowered.


  • Strength: Determines the chocobo's top running speed.
  • Endurance: Determines how long your chocobo will remain out in the field and how long it can maintain top speed in a race.


  • Discernment: Increases the chances for your bird to learn abilities. Also controls pacing in a race.
  • Receptivity: Increases chances offspring will learn the abilities the parent knew. Also helps avoid attacks in races.


  • Energy: The energy needed to care for your chocobo. Resets every 24 hours.
  • Affection: This is an indication of the strength of the bond between you and your chocobo. The higher the affection level the more successful care plans are.
    • There are 8 levels of affection:
  1. It does not seem to care about you.
  2. It seems to be able to endure your company.
  3. It seems to slightly enjoy your company.
  4. It seems to like being around you.
  5. It seems to like you pretty well.
  6. It seems to like you a lot.
  7. It seems to want to be with you all the time.
  8. It seems to regard you as its parent.

Attribute Levels

Rank Grade
Poor F
Substandard E
A bit deficient D
Average C
Better than average B
Impressive A
Outstanding S
First-class SS
Chocobo color.jpg


  • Very easygoing, making it easy to care for.
  • Rather Ill-tempered, making it ideal for military uses.
  • Very patient, making it ideal for carrying goods.
  • Quite sensitive, making it good with people.
  • Rather enigmatic, making it difficult to know what it's thinking.


When your bird reaches adolescence (Day 19), the tips of its tailfeathers will change color to reflect what color the bird will be at adulthood (Day 29).

Black tips = Black Chocobo

Blue tips = Blue Chocobo

Green tips = Green Chocobo

Red tips = Red Chocobo

White tips = Yellow Chocobo

  • A chocobo's color is determined by a gene expression calculation.
    • Some of this information comes from this Yoji Fujito interview -> Chocobo Raising/Topic. The rest comes from data mining debug menus in the Aht Urhgan era.
  • The color gene is made up of 3 DNA values.
    • In chocobo breeding, there's at least 1 DNA value from each parent and potentially a random DNA value unique to the chick.
    • The chocobo eggs from Aht Urhgan battlefields have a higher probably of paired non-yellow DNA values.
    • DNA values include Y, B, r, g, b.
      • Y = Yellow (1st Dominant color gene)
      • B = Black (2nd Dominant color gene)
      • r = red (recessive color gene)
      • g = green (recessive color gene)
      • b = blue (recessive color gene)
  • The gene expression turns on at adolescence, so the color gene can still be adjusted while it's a chick.
    • Feeding a chocobo chick a Parasite Worm icon.png Parasite Worm will change one of the DNA values at random.
  • Gene Expression calculation
    • 3 of the same DNA value = express color matching the 3 DNA values
    • 2 of the same DNA value/1 other = express color matching the 2 DNA values, other value is turned off
    • 1/1/1 = Yellow > Black. (e.g. if any value is Yellow, express Yellow. otherwise if there is a Black value, express Black.) If DNA values are any r/g/b combination, express Yellow.

  • Once you have a chocobo you can call on the field, you can also apply temporary dyes that change the color of your chocobo when you ride them as a mount.
    • The dye color is the same color as the naturally raised chocobos would be.
    • To dye feathers using chocobucks, you can speak to a Chocobucks NPC and choose "Dye Feathers".
    • To dye feathers using an item such as Red Chocobo Dye icon.png Red Chocobo Dye, trade the item to the Chocobucks NPC. These cost 75 chocobucks, so it's cheaper to do the previous option for dyeing your own chocobo.
    • The dye effect is removed when you update your chocobo whistle registration, by trading the chocobo whistle to a VCS Trainer. You would want to do this whenever your chocobo's stats increase and you wanted the new stats copied to your chocobo mount.
      • Trading the chocobo whistle to Mapitoto does not remove the temporary dye or update your chocobo mount's stats. This only gives you the key item to put Chocobo on your Mounts menu. (The chocobo whistle is returned to you)

Along with gaining its adult plumage at day 29, your chocobo's physical appearance will alter depending on its dominant attributes. Any attribute at 'Average' or above will trigger the physical change.

Strength: Enlarged feet and legs.

Endurance: Elongated tailfeathers.

Discernment: Enlarged beak, as will the feathers on its head.

Receptivity: No noticeable effect.


Another way to improve your chocobo's abilities is through chocobucks. Chocobucks can be earned through Chocobo Racing and the Chocobo Hot and Cold Game.

  • 80 chocobucks provide a small boost to one attribute of your choice.
  • 7 chocobuck upgrades, or 560 chocobucks are needed to raise an attribute one level.
  • If your racing team is in first, you can buy attribute boost for a retired bird for 100 chocobucks.
  • The maximum amount of chocobucks a player can obtain is 1000.
  • Chocobucks can only be used at the branch at which they were earned.


The Gourmet Plan

Once your chocobo reaches adulthood (day 29), you will be able to mate it with other chocobos. To mate you will need to trade the following items to the NPC Finbarr (G-7) located in Upper Jeuno:

  • Male Chococard
  • Female Chococard
  • VCS Honeymoon Ticket
    • The Honeymoon Ticket Can be purchased from Finbarr for 3500 gil.

There are four types of Honeymoon Plans you can send the chocobos on:

  • Gourmet Plan
    • Increases the chance a chick with high Strength will be born.
    • Increases chances of a male chick.
  • Hiking Plan
    • Increase the chance a chick with high Discernment will be born.
    • Increases the chances of a Female chick.
  • Jeuno Plan
    • Increase the chance a chick with high Receptivity will be born.
    • Increases the chance that the female chocobo's traits will be inherited.
  • Sports Plan
    • Increase the chance a chick with high Endurance will be born.
    • Increases the chance that the male chocobo's traits will be inherited.

Speak to Finbarr again after midnight has passed in Japan and he will give you your chocobo egg.

Kamp Kweh/Chocobo Hot and Cold Game

The VCS has dispatched six new journeymen trainers to the chocobo stables in each of the three nations of Bastok, San d’Oria, and Windurst. Three are in charge of Kamp Kweh operations, while the other three run the Chocobo Hot and Cold Game.

Calling Your Chocobo In The Field

To be able to ride your chocobo, you must select the "Register to call your chocobo" option when speaking to a VCS trainer. You must also have completed the Chocobo Whistle Quest to be able to get the item. You will not have to repeat this quest for subsequent chocobos. If your whistle runs out of charges, trade it back to the VCS trainer who will recharge it for 10k gil. The VCS Trainer can replace a lost Chocobo Whistle for 20k.


  • You cannot register more than one chocobo to a whistle at any time.
  • It is also necessary to re-register a chocobo to if its stats change after you register it.
  • You must possess a chocobo license to be able to call a chocobo.
  • Chocobos cannot be called to areas they normally would not enter (ie:Sky)


By trading the chocobo whistle to Mapitoto in Upper Jeuno, you can call your chocobo from the mount menu or with the "/mount chocobo" command.

  • You do not need to repeat this step when its stats change, you would only need to re-register the whistle and all changes will be reflected when called by the whistle or mount command.

Movement Speed and Riding Time

Rental chocobos are bred for speed and endurance, so they are automatically at the capped mount speed (+100% of base movement speed) and riding time. Personal chocobos will need the highest Speed rating and the ability Gallop in order to move at the same speed.

The following values were verified using the TargetInfo addon on chocobos at various speed ratings.

Chocobo Speed Ratings
Rating Poor Substandard A bit deficient Average Better than average Impressive Outstanding First-Class
Rank F E D C B A S SS
Movement Speed +80% +82.5% Verification Needed +85% +87.5% +90% +92.5% +95% +97.5% Verification Needed
  • Gallop adds 1 rank: +2.5% Movement Speed.
  • Purple Racing Silks equipment adds 1 rank: +2.5% Movement Speed.
  • Mounted speed can not exceed +100%, from a 4.0 base movement speed.
    • Absolute speed is capped at 8.0 (same as Flee), or +60% relative to a player character's 5.0 base movement speed.
    • Relative to a player, the slowest chocobo moves at +44% and each rank increases speed by +2%.
Chocobo Endurance Ratings
Rating Poor Substandard A bit deficient Average Better than average Impressive Outstanding First-Class
Rank F E D C B A S SS
Riding Time 17min Verification Needed 21min Verification Needed 25min 29min 33min 37min Verification Needed 41min Verification Needed *41~45min Verification Needed
  • *Endurance also affects the number of times you can receive items in Chocobo Digging, where it hits the cap before reaching SS grade. Riding Time from Endurance may cap at the same place.
  • Canter adds 1 rank: +4 minutes of riding time
  • Red Race Silks adds 1 rank: +4 minutes of riding time
  • Riding time can not exceed 45 minutes Verification Needed.

Runaway Chocobo

If you let your chocobo's affection for you drop too much, it can run away from the stables. During the time the bird is away, your bird will be unable to preform any care plans and you will not be able to interact with it until it returns. The duration the bird runs away for is random, if its affection continues to drop it may run away for longer periods of time. It is rather difficult to make chocobos run away, but it will happen if you ignore your bird for long periods of time.


Once your chocobo reaches adulthood (day 29), you are given the option to retire it. After confirming your decision, you are shown a brief cutscene illustrating some memorable points in your chocobo's development. The VCS trainer will present you with a plaque for you to put in your moghouse. This commemorative plaque proves that the Vana'diel Chocobo Society officially recognizes you as a chocobo breeder. The plaque color will be the same color as your bird. If you have not retired your bird by day 129, the VCS trainer will do it for you. Once you retire your chocobo you are no longer able to interact with it through the VCS trainer. This means you can no longer schedule care plans or care for your chocobo. You will still be able to call your bird into the field, race your bird, and mate your bird with others. It is highly recommended that you obtain all documentation on your bird you will need for it if you ever wish to recharge the whistle, race, or mate again. The At this point you will be able to trade another egg to the trainer and begin a new chocobo.


  • A retired chocobo can no longer be involved in the chocobo raising process.
  • A chocobo with which you have chosen the option “Give up chocobo raising” will not be registered on a VCS registration card.
  • A VCS registration card will only be issued once. Please take care not to throw the card away.

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