Category:Ultimate Weapons

From FFXI Wiki

Were you looking for Relic Weapons or Mythic Weapons or Empyrean Weapons or Aeonic Weapons?

Throughout the long history of Final Fantasy, every game to date has had at least one Ultimate Weapon, and Final Fantasy XI is no different.
Within Vana'diel, there are five types of weapons that are markedly superior to all others in sheer, raw power. Being effectively Item Level 121 in their fully upgraded Item Level 119 form.

With the first expansion, Rise of the Zilart,'s release, the first group of these superior arms were implemented: the Relic Weapons, offering high-damage, low-delay weapons with unique Weapon Skills available only when these weapons are equipped and a special effect when those Weapon Skills are used, which would set the trend that all others in this category would follow.

Mythic Weapons came next with the release of the third expansion, Treasures of Aht Urhgan; these weapons are job-specific, offering powerful augments to the faculties that each job relies on. With the release of the three Abyssea add-ons, Empyrean Weapons joined the ranks, offering Relic Weapon equivalents to Treasures of Aht Urhgan and Wings of the Goddess jobs.

With the release of Seekers of Adoulin and the addition of two new jobs, Ergon Weapons were added, offering Mythic Weapon equivalents to the new jobs from that expansion.

Finally, with the completion of Rhapsodies of Vana'diel, the fifth and final type of Ultimate Weapon, Aeonic Weapons, would be added to Vana'diel; giving Seekers of Adoulin jobs access to Relic Weapon equivalents.

In the February 2016 Version Update[1], Relic, Empyrean, Mythic and Ergon Weapons would have their final Item Level 119 forms implemented, making them match Aeonic Weapons in their unparalleled attributes compared to other Item Level 119 weapons.

In the September 2018 Version Update[2], Relic, Empyrean, Mythic, Ergon, and Aeonic Weapons were able to be Augmented AugRank.png with unique stats, making them even stronger. In order to begin this process, a player must meet prerequisites and be in possession of a "119 III" version of a weapon.

Relic-Empyrean-Aeonic Weapons

Spharai (Level 119 III) icon.pngVerethragna (Level 119 III) icon.pngGodhands icon.png || Mandau (Level 119 III) icon.pngTwashtar (Level 119 III) icon.pngAeneas icon.png || Excalibur (Level 119 III) icon.pngAlmace (Level 119 III) icon.pngSequence icon.png || Ragnarok (Level 119 III) icon.pngCaladbolg (Level 119 III) icon.pngLionheart icon.png || Guttler (Level 119 III) icon.pngFarsha (Level 119 III) icon.pngTri-edge icon.png || Bravura (Level 119 III) icon.pngUkonvasara (Level 119 III) icon.pngChango icon.png || Apocalypse (Level 119 III) icon.pngRedemption (Level 119 III) icon.pngAnguta icon.png || Gungnir (Level 119 III) icon.pngRhongomiant (Level 119 III) icon.pngTrishula icon.png || Kikoku (Level 119 III) icon.pngKannagi (Level 119 III) icon.pngHeishi Shorinken icon.png || Amanomurakumo (Level 119 III) icon.pngMasamune (Level 119 III) icon.pngDojikiri Yasutsuna icon.png || Mjollnir (Level 119 III) icon.pngGambanteinn (Level 119 III) icon.pngTishtrya icon.png || Claustrum (Level 119 III) icon.pngHvergelmir (Level 119 III) icon.pngKhatvanga icon.png || Yoichinoyumi (Level 119 III) icon.pngGandiva (Level 119 III) icon.pngFail-Not icon.png || Annihilator (Level 119 III) icon.pngArmageddon (Level 119 III) icon.pngFomalhaut icon.png || Gjallarhorn (Level 99 II) icon.pngDaurdabla (Level 99 II) icon.pngMarsyas icon.png || Aegis (Level 99 II) icon.pngOchain (Level 99 II) icon.pngSrivatsa icon.png


Relic, Empyrean, and Aeonic Weapons offer weapons of each weapon type with high base damage and very low delay, as well as a set of instruments and shields. Unlike Empyreans and Aeonics, Relics have a hidden, innate "Occasionally deals double/triple damage" effect, as well as a direct damage bonus to their linked Weapon Skills of +40%.
It should also be noted that for weapon types that can be wielded in the off-hand, any special effects granted from the weapon are ignored. (Things like Magic Damage and the accuracies and attack derived from the Item Level skill are applied as normal.) This includes access to any Weapon Skill that isn't unlocked prior, as well as any hidden effects, Aftermaths, and Afterglows. However, as of June 2024, Empyrean Weapon's large base stat boost and Aeonic Weapon's Store TP are applied when used in the off-hand slot, even though the associated Weapon Skill, Aftermath, and Afterglow is not.

Weapon Skills

While almost all of the Relic, Empyrean and Aeonic instruments and shields only offer enhancements with no linked Weapon Skill, the Aeonic instrument Marsyas grants the player a unique song only available while it is equipped in a similar manner to the other weapons' linked Weapon Skills.

Unlike Relics, Empyreans' and Aeonics' linked Weapon Skill may be unlocked through various means for use with any weapon, meaning that, as of June 2024, a player wishing to utilize a Relic Weapon Skill, must equip the Weapon that it is tied to.

Weapon Type Weapon Skill Type Description Modifiers Skill Chain Properties§ Linked Weapon Jobs
Hand-to-Hand Final Heaven Relic Deals triple damage. VIT 80% Light / Fusion Spharai MNK
Victory Smite Empyrean Delivers a fourfold attack. Chance of critical hit varies with TP. STR 80% Light / Fragmentation Verethragna MNK, PUP
Shijin Spiral Aeonic Delivers a fivefold attack that plagues the target. Chance of additional effect varies with TP. DEX 73~85% {Light} / Fusion / Reverberation Godhands MNK, PUP
Dagger Mercy Stroke Relic Delivers a fourfold attack. STR 80% Darkness / Gravitation Mandau RDM, THF, BRD
Rudra's Storm Empyrean Deals quintuple damage and weighs target down. Damage varies with TP. DEX 80% Darkness / Distortion Twashtar THF, BRD, DNC
Exenterator Aeonic Delivers a fourfold attack that decreases target's accuracy. Duration of effect varies with TP. AGI 73~85% {Light} / Fragmentation / Scission Aeneas (WAR), (RDM), THF, (BST), BRD, (RNG), (NIN), (COR), DNC
Sword Knights of Round Relic Deals quintuple damage. STR 40% MND 40% Light / Fusion Excalibur RDM, PLD
Chant du Cygne Empyrean Delivers a threefold attack. Chance of critical hit varies with TP. DEX 80% Light / Distortion Almace RDM, PLD, BLU
Requiescat Aeonic Delivers a fivefold attack of non-elemental damage. Attack power varies with TP. MND 73~85% {Darkness} / Gravitation / Scission Sequence (WAR), RDM, PLD, (DRK), (SAM), BLU, (COR), (RUN)
Great Sword Scourge Relic Deals double damage. STR 40% VIT 40% Light / Fusion Ragnarok WAR, PLD, DRK
Torcleaver Empyrean Deals triple damage. Damage varies with TP. VIT 80% Light / Distortion Caladbolg PLD, DRK
Resolution Aeonic Delivers a fivefold attack. Damage varies with TP. STR 73~85% {Light} / Fragmentation / Scission Lionheart (WAR), (PLD), (DRK), RUN
Axe Onslaught Relic Delivers a fivefold attack that decreases target's accuracy. DEX 80% Darkness / Gravitation Guttler BST
Cloudsplitter Empyrean Deals lightning elemental damage. Damage varies with TP. STR 40% MND 40% Darkness / Fragmentation Farsha WAR, BST
Ruinator Aeonic Delivers a fourfold attack. Accuracy varies with TP. STR 73~85% {Darkness} / Distortion / Detonation Tri-edge (WAR), (DRK), BST, (RNG)
Great Axe Metatron Torment Relic Deals triple damage and lowers target defense. STR 80% Light / Fusion Bravura WAR
Ukko's Fury Empyrean Delivers a twofold attack that slows target. Chance of critical hit varies with TP. STR 80% Light / Fragmentation Ukonvasara WAR
Upheaval Aeonic Delivers a fourfold attack. Damage varies with TP. VIT 73~85% {Light} / Fusion / Compression Chango WAR, (DRK), (RUN)
Scythe Catastrophe Relic Deals triple damage and drains target's HP. STR 40% INT 40% Darkness / Gravitation Apocalypse DRK
Quietus Empyrean Delivers a triple damage attack that ignores target's defense. Amount ignored varies with TP. STR 60% MND 60% Darkness / Distortion Redemption DRK
Entropy Aeonic Delivers a fourfold attack. Converts some of the damage into MP. Damage varies with TP. INT 73~85% {Darkness} / Gravitation / Reverberation Anguta (WAR), DRK, (BST)
Polearm Geirskogul Relic Delivers a twofold attack. DEX 80% Light / Distortion Gungnir DRG
Camlann's Torment Empyrean Delivers a triple damage attack that ignores target's defense. Amount ignored varies with TP. STR 60% VIT 60% Light / Fragmentation Rhongomiant DRG
Stardiver Aeonic Delivers a fourfold attack that decreases enemy critical hit evasion. Damage varies with TP. STR 73~85% {Darkness} / Gravitation / Transfixion Trishula (WAR), (SAM), DRG
Katana Blade: Metsu Relic Delivers a fourfold attack that paralyzes the target. DEX 80% Darkness / Fragmentation Kikoku NIN
Blade: Hi Empyrean Deals quadruple damage. Chance of critical hit varies with TP. AGI 80% Darkness / Gravitation Kannagi NIN
Blade: Shun Aeonic Delivers a fivefold attack. Attack power varies with TP. DEX 73~85% {Light} / Fusion / Impaction Heishi Shorinken NIN
Great Katana Tachi: Kaiten Relic Deals double damage. STR 80% Light / Fragmentation Amanomurakumo SAM
Tachi: Fudo Empyrean Deals double damage. Damage varies with TP. STR 80% Light / Distortion Masamune SAM
Tachi: Shoha Aeonic Delivers a twofold attack. Damage varies with TP. STR 73~85% {Light} / Fragmentation / Compression Dojikiri Yasutsuna SAM
Club Randgrith Relic Delivers a twofold attack that decreases target's evasion. STR 40% MND 40% Light / Fragmentation Mjollnir WHM
Dagan Empyrean Deals no damage. Restores HP and MP. Amount restored varies with TP. Maximum HP&MP None Gambanteinn WHM
Realmrazer Aeonic Delivers a sevenfold attack. Accuracy varies with TP. MND 73~85% {Light} / Fusion / Impaction Tishtrya (WAR), (MNK), WHM, (BLM), (PLD), (SMN), (BLU), GEO, (RUN)
Staff Gates of Tartarus Relic Deals triple damage and lowers the target's attack. INT 80% Darkness / Distortion Claustrum BLM, SMN
Myrkr Empyrean Deals no damage. Restores MP and removes up to three status ailments. Amount of MP restored varies with TP. Maximum MP None Hvergelmir BLM, SMN, SCH
Shattersoul Aeonic Delivers a threefold attack that decreases target's magic defense. Duration of effect varies with TP. INT 73~85% {Darkness} / Gravitation / Induration Khatvanga (WAR), (MNK), (WHM), BLM, (PLD), (BRD), (DRG), SMN, SCH, (GEO)
Bow Namas Arrow Relic Deals triple damage that has reduced enmity generation. STR 40% AGI 40% Light / Distortion Yoichinoyumi RNG, SAM
Jishnu's Radiance Empyrean Delivers a threefold attack, ammunition permitting. Chance of critical hit varies with TP. DEX 80% Light / Fusion Gandiva RNG
Apex Arrow Aeonic Delivers a triple damage attack that ignores target's defense. Amount ignored varies with TP. AGI 73~85% {Light} / Fragmentation / Transfixion Fail-Not RNG, (SAM)
Gun Coronach Relic Deals triple damage that has reduced enmity generation. DEX 40% AGI 40% Darkness / Fragmentation Annihilator RNG
Wildfire Empyrean Deals fire elemental damage. Reduced enmity generation varies with TP. AGI 60% Darkness / Gravitation Armageddon RNG, COR
Last Stand Aeonic Delivers a twofold attack, ammunition permitting. Damage varies with TP. AGI 73~85% {Light} / Fusion / Reverberation Fomalhaut (THF), RNG, COR

§ Skill Chain Properties denoted in italics and braces are only present when using that Weapon Skill while equipped with the linked Aeonic Weapon.
Jobs denoted in italics and parenthesis may unlock the corresponding Weapon Skill, but may not equip the linked Weapon.


An "Aftermath" is a unique buff generated by using a specific Weapon Skill alongside that Weapon Skill's linked Ultimate Weapon. Shields and Instruments lack any Aftermath effects.
There are three tiers to an Aftermath effect, dependent upon the level of TP used in the activating Weapon Skill. TP Bonus effects from gear and other sources do not have any effect on these Aftermath tiers.

Relic Aftermath
Relic Weapons' Aftermaths offer unique effects tied to each weapon. With only the duration of the Aftermath effect being dependent upon the TP of the Weapon Skill used to activate it.
Empyrean Aftermath
Empyrean Aftermath is uniform between all Empyrean Weapons: varying frequency and duration of "Occasionally deals double/triple damage", dependent upon the TP of the Weapon Skill used to activate it. This effect can proc on any additional hits (through the activation of Double Attack, Triple Attack, Zanshin, etc), with the exception of Verethragna in that it can only proc on hits generated by its "main" hand, and cannot proc on Weapon Skills.
And similar to Mythic Aftermath, any level Aftermath will overwrite Aftermath Level 1, but only Aftermath Level 3 will overwrite Level 2, and nothing overwrites Level 3. This means that someone trying to maintain the Level 3 aftermath all the times will needs to wait for it to wear off before using the activating Weapon Skill again.
Aeonic Aftermath
Much like Empyrean Aftermath, Aeonic Aftermath is uniform between all Aeonic Weapons: varying potency of Skillchain and Magic Burst damage and the steps required to trigger one of the "ultimate skillchains" of Radiance and Umbra, dependent upon the TP of the Weapon Skill used to activate it, and with the Aftermath being consumed upon said skillchains being used. Aftermath duration is static for all levels of TP.
In the same manner as Mythic and Empyrean Aftermath, the level of the Aftermath is locked, meaning that any level Aftermath will overwrite Aftermath Level 1, but only Aftermath Level 3 will overwrite Level 2, and nothing overwrites Level 3. This means that someone trying to maintain the Level 3 aftermath all the times will needs to wait for it to wear off or be consumed before using the activating Weapon Skill again.
Aeonic Aftermath also grants Level 3 Skillchain properties to the appropriate linked Weapon Skills, thereby allowing those Weapon Skills to participate in Level 4 Skillchains, these properties are applied to the Weapon Skill that activates the Aftermath in addition to when used during the Aftermath's duration[3]; meaning that for all intents and purposes, just equipping an Aeonic Weapon grants the linked Weapon Skill Level 3 Skillchain properties.


Relic and Empyrean Weapons, unlike Aeonic Weapons, enjoy a further enhancement in their fully upgraded Item Level 119 forms. Whenever a linked Weapon Skill is used, thereby activating an Aftermath effect on the owner, an Afterglow effect is applied to all nearby party members within 10'. This Afterglow status has a fixed duration of 30s regardless of the level of TP used, and will be overwritten by a duplicitous type. However, differing types of Afterglows will stack. (eg: a Relic Afterglow will always overwrite a Relic Afterglow, regardless of who it originates with, but a Relic and an Empyrean Afterglow will apply both their respective effects.) Any Aftermath effect a player may activate will also overwrite the Afterglow effects given by other players, regardless of the Aftermath or Afterglow's aligned type.
For Shields, this effect is granted whenever the Job Ability Shield Bash is used, and it should be noted that the Relic shield and the Empyrean shield lack Item Level 119 variants, being fully upgraded in their level 99 Afterglow variants[4][5]. Instruments grant no Afterglow effects.
Furthermore, while equipped with a level 99 or Item Level 119 Afterglow variant or the fully upgraded Item Level 119 form, a player will glow with a unique aura effect whose color is dependent on the type of Ultimate Weapon.
With visual effects displaying in the following priority order: Main Weapon > Ranged Weapon > Sub Weapon.

Relic Afterglow
Aura color: White
Linked Weapon Skills grant nearby party members Accuracy & Ranged Accuracy +15.
Gjallarhorn is able to be upgraded to an Afterglow phase, but only the visual effect is granted. No Afterglow effect mechanic is gained.
Shield Bash with Aegis grants nearby party members Magic Damage Taken -5%.
Empyrean Afterglow
Aura color: Red
Linked Weapon Skills grant nearby party members Critical Hit Rate +5%.
Daurdabla is able to be upgraded to an Afterglow phase, but only the visual effect is granted. No Afterglow effect mechanic is gained.
Shield Bash with Ochain grants nearby party members Physical Damage Taken -7%.
Aeonic Afterglow
Aura color: None
Aeonic Weapons do not possess an Afterglow.


Mythic-Ergon Weapons

Conqueror (Level 119 III) icon.png || Glanzfaust (Level 119 III) icon.png || Yagrush (Level 119 III) icon.png || Laevateinn (Level 119 III) icon.png || Murgleis (Level 119 III) icon.png || Vajra (Level 119 III) icon.png || Burtgang (Level 119 III) icon.png || Liberator (Level 119 III) icon.png || Aymur (Level 119 III) icon.png || Carnwenhan (Level 119 III) icon.png || Gastraphetes (Level 119 III) icon.png || Kogarasumaru (Level 119 III) icon.png || Nagi (Level 119 III) icon.png || Ryunohige (Level 119 III) icon.png || Nirvana (Level 119 III) icon.png || Tizona (Level 119 III) icon.png || Death Penalty (Level 119 III) icon.png || Kenkonken (Level 119 III) icon.png || Terpsichore (Level 119 III) icon.png || Tupsimati (Level 119 III) icon.png || Idris (Level 119 III) icon.png || Epeolatry (Level 119 III) icon.png


Mythic and Ergon Weapons are generally the most powerful weapons available for each job, with powerful effects specifically tailored to a job's unique abilities. However, only Mythics have the hidden effect of a direct damage bonus to their linked Weapon Skills of +30%.
It should also be noted that for weapon types that can be wielded in the off-hand, any special effects granted from the weapon are ignored. (Things like Magic Damage and the accuracies and attack derived from the Item Level skill are applied as normal.) This includes access to any Weapon Skill that isn't unlocked prior, as well as any hidden effects, Aftermaths, and Afterglows.

Weapon Skills

Mythic and Ergon Weapons' linked Weapon Skill may be unlocked for use with any weapon through the completion of one of three quests:

Job Weapon Skill Type Description Modifiers Skill Chain Properties Linked Weapon Weapon Type
Warrior King's Justice Mythic Delivers a threefold attack. Damage varies with TP. STR 50% Fragmentation / Scission Conqueror Great Axe
Monk Ascetic's Fury Mythic Damage varies with TP. STR 50% VIT 50% Fusion / Transfixion Glanzfaust Hand-to-Hand
White Mage Mystic Boon Mythic Converts damage dealt to own MP. Damage varies with TP. STR 30% MND 70% None Yagrush Club
Black Mage Vidohunir Mythic Deals dark elemental damage and lowers target's magic defense. Duration of effect varies with TP. INT 80% Fragmentation / Distortion Laevateinn Staff
Red Mage Death Blossom Mythic Delivers a threefold attack that lowers target's magic evasion. Chance of lowering target's magic evasion varies with TP. STR 30% MND 50% Fragmentation / Distortion Murgleis Sword
Thief Mandalic Stab Mythic Damage varies with TP. DEX 60% Fusion / Compression Vajra Dagger
Paladin Atonement Mythic Delivers a twofold attack of breath damage. Enmity varies with TP. Current Enmity Fusion / Reverberation Burtgang Sword
Dark Knight Insurgency Mythic Delivers a fourfold attack. Damage varies with TP. STR 20% INT 20% Fusion / Compression Liberator Scythe
Beastmaster Primal Rend Mythic Deals light elemental damage. Damage varies with TP. DEX 30% CHR 60% Gravitation / Reverberation Aymur Axe
Bard Mordant Rime Mythic Delivers a twofold attack that decreases target's movement speed. Chance of decreases movement speed varies with TP. DEX 30% CHR 70% Fragmentation / Distortion Carnwenhan Dagger
Ranger Trueflight Mythic Deals light elemental damage. Damage varies with TP. AGI 100% Fragmentation / Scission Gastraphetes Crossbow
Samurai Tachi: Rana Mythic Delivers a threefold attack. Accuracy varies with TP. STR 50% Gravitation / Induration Kogarasumaru Great Katana
Ninja Blade: Kamu Mythic Lowers target's accuracy. Duration of the effect varies with TP. STR 60% INT 60% Fragmentation / Compression Nagi Katana
Dragoon Drakesbane Mythic Delivers a fourfold attack. Chance of critical hit varies with TP. STR 50% Fusion / Transfixion Ryunohige Polearm
Summoner Garland of Bliss Mythic Deals light elemental damage and lowers target's defense. Duration of effect varies with TP. STR 30% MND 70% Fusion / Reverberation Nirvana Staff
Blue Mage Expiacion Mythic Delivers a twofold attack. Damage varies with TP. STR 30% DEX 20% INT 30% Distortion / Scission Tizona Sword
Corsair Leaden Salute Mythic Deals dark elemental damage. Damage varies with TP. AGI 100% Gravitation / Transfixion Death Penalty Gun
Puppetmaster Stringing Pummel Mythic Delivers a sixfold attack. Chance of critical hit varies with TP. STR 32% VIT 32% Gravitation / Liquefaction Kenkonken Hand-to-Hand
Dancer Pyrrhic Kleos Mythic Delivers a fourfold attack that lowers target's evasion. Duration of effect varies with TP. STR 40% DEX 40% Distortion / Scission Terpsichore Dagger
Scholar Omniscience Mythic Deals dark elemental damage and lowers target's magic attack. Duration of effect varies with TP. MND 80% Gravitation / Transfixion Tupsimati Staff
Geomancer Exudation Ergon Attack varies with TP. INT 50% MND 50% Darkness / Fragmentation Idris Club
Rune Fencer Dimidiation Ergon Delivers a twofold attack. Damage varies with TP. DEX 80% Light / Fragmentation Epeolatry Great Sword


An "Aftermath" is a unique buff generated by using a specific Weapon Skill alongside that Weapon Skill's linked Ultimate Weapon.
There are three tiers to an Aftermath effect, with effect and duration dependent upon the level of TP used in the activating Weapon Skill. TP Bonus effects from gear and other sources do not have any effect on these Aftermath tiers.
Mythic Aftermath has some restrictions in activation in that any level Aftermath will overwrite Aftermath Level 1, but only Aftermath Level 3 will overwrite Level 2, and nothing overwrites Level 3. This means that someone trying to maintain the Level 3 aftermath all the times will needs to wait for it to wear off before using the activating Weapon Skill again.

Mythic Weapons and Ergon Weapons have the same type of Aftermath: A uniform style of buffs with three tiers of differing effects. These tiers are typically listed in order in the weapon item description. While the Aftermath style is uniform, the individual effect tiers vary between each weapon uniquely; however, all Level 3 tier Aftermath is "Occasionally attacks twice or thrice" for main-hand weapons and "Occasionally deals double or triple damage" for all ranged weapons, which can proc on Weapon Skills.

It should also be noted that, unlike most Relic, Empyrean and Aeonic Aftermath, Mythic Aftermath also grants its effects to any associated pets.


Much like Relic and Empyrean Weapons, Mythic Weapons enjoy a further enhancement in their fully upgraded Item Level 119 forms; however, Ergon Weapons, much like Aeonic Weapons, lack this effect. Whenever their linked Weapon Skills are used, thereby activating an Aftermath effect on the owner, an Afterglow effect is applied to all nearby party members within 10'. This Afterglow status has a fixed duration of 30s regardless of the level of TP used, and will be overwritten by a duplicitous type. However, differing types of Afterglows will stack. (eg: a Mythic Afterglow will always overwrite a Mythic Afterglow, regardless of who or what differing weapon it originates with, but a Mythic and a Relic or Empyrean Afterglow will apply both their respective effects.) Any Aftermath effect a player may activate will also overwrite the Afterglow effects given by other players, regardless of the Aftermath or Afterglow's aligned type.
Furthermore, while equipped with a level 99 or Item Level 119 Afterglow variant or the fully upgraded Item Level 119 form, a player will glow with a unique aura effect whose color is dependent on the type of Ultimate Weapon.
With visual effects displaying in the following priority order: Main Weapon > Ranged Weapon > Sub Weapon.

Mythic Afterglow
Aura color: Blue
Linked Weapon Skills grant nearby party members Attack & Ranged Attack +15.
Ergon Afterglow
As of the October 2018 Update[6], Ergon III variant weapons have an Afterglow.
Aura color: Green
Linked Weapon Skills grant nearby party members Attack & Ranged Attack +15.

Ultimate Weapon Augment Upgrade Process

Beginning the Process

  • In order to begin this final step, you must possess an upgraded "119 III" or Aeonic weapon and the appropriate key item Key Item as detailed below:
  • There are two options to obtain the required key item Key Item to upgrade your 119 III weapons, either of these can be done and it will have the same ending result:
  • To begin this option, speak to Oboro while you are on a job that is Mastered. He will then ask for your help in upgrading his tools, and ask for Job Points to be donated to the cause.
  • Only 700 total Job Points may be turned in across all available weapon types per week (resets Sunday, JP Midnight).
  • They may be used from any job that you have mastered.
  • They may also be used in any combination, such as 250 from Warrior, 50 from Bard, and 400 from Corsair.
  • You can deposit 500 points towards Mythic weapons and then 200 against Aeonics during the same week. They both count towards the 700 JP limit.
  • In order to donate Job Points, talk to Oboro and select "Upgrading my weapons even further".
  • Within this menu, you will have an option for each weapon in your inventory that is eligible to upgrade and is on the "119 III stage.
  • Oboro won't let you start to deposit Job Points until you finish depositing 10,000 stones.
  • Option #2: Obtain the appropriate Key Item Mask of Light key item from the Dynamis - Divergence Wave 3 bosses. Each boss represents a type of weapon, as explained in the following table:
Weapon Type Area Unfinished Mask Completed Mask
Relic Weapons Dynamis - Windurst (D) Tarutaru Mask of Darkness Tarutaru Mask of Light
Mythic Weapons / Ergon Weapons Dynamis - Bastok (D) Galka Mask of Darkness Galka Mask of Light
Empyrean Weapons Dynamis - San d'Oria (D) Elvaan Mask of Darkness Elvaan Mask of Light
Aeonic Weapons Dynamis - Jeuno (D) Mithra Mask of Darkness Mithra Mask of Light
  • Upon reaching Wave 3, a player must destroy an Elemental Circle in order to obtain the Key Item "Mask of Darkness" key item for that zone.
  • Once you possess this Key Item, a "Mask" meter will appear in the top left of the screen next to the zone countdown timer, tracking your progress.
  • In order to upgrade this item to a Key Item "Mask of Light", players must perform either of the following:
  • Option 1: Defeat the boss.
  • Calling for help prevents the unlock this way.
  • Option 2: Damage the boss for a total of 30,000,000 HP. The mask meter will gradually fill as damage is done to the boss.
  • The damage calculation is cumulative alliance damage, not player specific damage.
  • The Disjoined bosses have around 20,000,000 HP, so a boss must be fought a minimum of two times in order to obtain your Mask of Light key item.
  • You do not have to defeat the boss, so any progress made on damaging it will count towards your total.
  • Calling for help still allows the mask meter to fill.
  • Your points earned are saved until the next time you encounter that particular zone's boss.
  • After receiving your Light Mask, you will obtain another Dark Mask on your next Elemental Circle kill.
  • Filling the Mask bar a second time after receiving your Light Mask in that zone gifts you a M. Astral Detritus in your inventory.
  • After you obtain a Key Item from any zone, or turn in 10,000 job points for any category, you must now ask Oboro about each weapon type you are able to upgrade.
  • He will then take the Key Item Mask of Light from you, tell you that you may now upgrade that category of weapons, and then return said mask to you.

Upgrading your Weapons

  • After you follow the steps above, you can now upgrade your weapons.
Note: Unlike the crafted weapons and necks, you may not upgrade Ultimate Weapons via defeating enemies in Divergence.
  • In order to begin the process, you must trade your eligible weapon plus one S. Astral Detritus to Oboro. You will then have Rank 1 augments placed on your weapon with a bar representing your total RP until next rank.
  • To continue progressing ranks, weapon upgrades are completed by earning RP or "Reinforcement Points" on every eligible weapon you possess. These are earned by trading a weapon plus the following to Oboro:
S. Astral Detritus icon.png Crystal of Swart Astral Detritus (S. Astral Detritus) - Each swart crystal is worth 10 RP each.
M. Astral Detritus icon.png Crystal of Murky Astral Detritus (M. Astral Detritus) - Each murky crystal is worth 50 RP each.
  • All REMA weapons reach a maximum of Rank 15, so a total of 5,960 points must be earned to fully augment a weapon.
*This equals 6 stacks + 2 S. Astral Detritus icon.png Crystal of Swart Astral Detritus (S. Astral Detritus) -OR-
*This equals 1 stack + 20 M. Astral Detritus icon.png Crystal of Murky Astral Detritus (M. Astral Detritus) + 1 (single) S. Astral Detritus icon.png Crystal of Swart Astral Detritus (S. Astral Detritus)
  • Though the item says augment path A, there are no other augment paths possible to take.
  • As long as you meet the requirements for a weapon type, multiple weapons from the same category, as well as multiple weapon types, can be upgraded at the same time!
  • The linked Weapon Skill Damage bonus augment is applied to all hits in the linked Weapon Skill.[7]
  • Due to technical constraints, weapons cannot have an AugRank.png statistic as well as Dispense items at the same time. Because of this, the Marksmanship and Archery weapons lose their Dispensing capabilities once the augmentation process begins. In return, Oboro provides you with a new version of your 119 III weapon and an appropriate waist armor piece to equip so you can still generate appropriate Ammunition.
Weapon 119 III Quiver/Pouch 119 (Aug)
Annihilator Annihilator (Level 119 III) Eradicating Bullet Pouch Annihilator (Augmented)
Armageddon Armageddon (Level 119 III) Devastating Bullet Pouch Armageddon (Augmented)
Death Penalty Death Penalty (Level 119 III) Living Bullet Pouch Death Penalty (Augmented)
Fomalhaut Fomalhaut Chrono Bullet Pouch Fomalhaut (Augmented)
Yoichinoyumi Yoichinoyumi (Level 119 III) Yoichi's Quiver Yoichinoyumi (Augmented)
Gandiva Gandiva (Level 119 III) Artemis's Quiver Gandiva (Augmented)
Fail-Not Fail-Not Chrono Quiver Fail-Not (Augmented)
Gastraphetes Gastraphetes (Level 119 III) Quelling Bolt Quiver Gastraphetes (Augmented)


This category has the following 6 subcategories, out of 6 total.