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Category:Moblin Maze Mongers
Ordering the Maze
Speaking with Goldagrik in Lower Jeuno at H-9 (Inside Muckvix's Junkshop) will begin MMM and give the player the first Maze Tabula (M01), Voucher, and Runes.
Players may begin MMM immediately after setting up their tabula. Goldagrik explains MMM further and Chatnachoq located next to him will allow players to purchase items related to MMM and equipment using Moblin Marbles. It is not required to speak with either any further.
- If you drop your
Maze Tabula M01 you may repurchase it from Chatnachoq for 100 gil.
A maze is ordered by trading your Maze Tabula to Maze Mongers Shopfront well in Lower Jeuno at (G-12) (Chocobo Stables). After confirming the tabula settings all party members in Lower Jeuno will be teleported into the maze and the timer will begin. There is no level cap, therefor buffs do not wear off on zoning.
The level of the monsters within the maze is decided by the lowest level member of the party and can adjusted further through runes. Some NMs within the maze have a set level that does not adjust with runes or party level.
Each player may only order a maze once a day(real time), or once per hour with the "Rhapsody in Mauve". This timer resets on Japanese midnight. You may enter other player's mazes without restriction.
- The timer starts when players leave Lower Jeuno.
Customizing the Maze Tabula
Customizing a Maze Tabula is done by selecting it in the item menu and using it. This will open a new window where vouchers and runes can be placed.
Runes are placed in a special manner: They must fit within 5x5 set of spaces and each have a different shape and size. In this box are blacked out squares. Runes cannot be overlapped with those squares. Runes can be rotated in the same manner as furniture in Mog Houses. (Either "-" key on PC).
Maze Vouchers
Maze Runes
- Unwanted Maze Runes may be traded to Chatnachoq for 4-8 marbles.
Completing the Maze
Once the party has entered the maze they will be teleported in front of two Moblin NPCs: Packapic and Rediroq.
Speaking with Packapic will allow to check the objectives, confirm the tabula settings, check the remaining time(structural stability), purchase items, or set the soundtrack. The items will only be available with correct rune in use.
Rediroq will send players into the main portion of the maze where the objective will need to be completed.
Each maze will have an objective. Once the objective is completed, a hoardbox will appear. There is no other indication of a successful run and the maze can be exited in any fashion without penalty.
The Objective of the maze is dependent on the Maze Voucher set in the Tabula. A maze's objective can be modified(sometimes for less or more difficulty) with the use of runes. There are currently nine available Maze Vouchers.
Voucher | Name | Objective |
Maze Voucher 01 | Sanitization Team Alpha | Defeat all monsters. By default there are two sets of monsters numbering around 8, but sometimes with less or more based on the monster's "size." If using Maze Rune 102 Trial by Numbers, a third group will be present. |
Maze Voucher 02 | Sanitization Team Beta | Defeat waves of enemies that will advance on your position. Three waves will spawn, sending 3-4 monsters each on entry. Defeated monsters will cause another to spawn until spawn point runs out. If using Maze Rune 102 Trial by Numbers, four waves will be present. |
Maze Voucher 03 | Sanitization Team Gamma | Defeat all monsters in a multi-floor maze. Killing all monsters on a floor spawns a Rickety Ladder, which allows movement to the next floor or exiting. Standard maze contains 5 floors, if using Maze Rune 102 Trial by Numbers, there are 10 floors. |
Maze Voucher 04 | Materialization Team | Trade in all requested items created through synthesis. Materials are earned through HELM and defeating monsters. |
Maze Voucher 05 | Actualization Team | Guide the goblin adventurer Chaperix on his quest to level up and protect his village. |
Maze Voucher 06 | Appropriation Team | Search the maze for three treasures while avoiding the enemies within. If using Maze Rune 102 Trial by Numbers, six treasures will be required. |
Maze Voucher 07 | Liquidation Team | Defeat a Notorious Monster. This monster has a constant level that isn't scaled. |
Maze Voucher 08 | Aquatic Depopulation Team | Engage in a fishing contest with Joulet and Gallijaux. |
Maze Voucher 09 | Revitalization Team | Relax and enjoy your battle with a strong monster. |
Temporary Items
If Maze Rune 109 (Sustenance Contract) is set in the Maze Tabula, Packapic will sell temporary items in the same fashion as Nyzul Isle assault. The item are purchased using moblin marbles. There is no other rune or method to obtain the ability to purchase temporary items.
Item | Cost |
X-Potion | 2 |
Super Ether | 2 |
Dusty Potion | 4 |
Dusty Ether | 4 |
Dusty Elixir | 6 |
Dusty Scroll of Reraise | 6 |
Dusty Wing | 8 |
Bottle of Catholicon | 8 |
The song for the maze can only be selected after ordering the maze, but before teleporting to the main portion of the maze where objectives can be completed. After selecting "Set Soundtrack" while speaking to Packapic, a repertoire can be chosen. There is only one currently available repertoire - "Free (repertoire #1)" .
Available songs:
- Battle Theme
- Battle in the Dungeon
- Battle Theme #2
- Battle in the Dungeon #2
- Clash of Standards
- On this Blade
- The Kingdom of San d'Oria
- The Republic of Bastok
- The Federation of Windurst
- Hook, Line, and Sinker
- The Big One
It is also possible to select "none", leaving silence instead of a background song.
Moblin Marbles
Moblin Marbles are obtained from completed mazes and used for purchasing new vouchers, runes, titles, and cosmetic equipment from Chatnachoq's Souvenir Shop. Additonally, players may store Maze Tabulas with Duplidoc in exchange for 20 Marbles. Finally, players may trade unwanted Maze Runes they obtain to Packpic in exchange for Maze Marbles.
Base quantity of Marbles obtained from completing a maze are listed in the Vouchers section below.
Chatnachoq's Souvenir Shop
Chatnachoq will sell Maze Tabulas, Maze Vouchers, Maze Runes, and Equipment for marbles.
Chatnachoq offers titles as well. Titles must be unlocked first before they can be purchased. Titles are earned by the total amount of moblin marbles ever earned.
Chatnachoq will sell a Maze Tabula M01 for 100 gil.
Maze Tabula are 5x5 Blocks which hold the Tetris shapes of Maze Vouchers.
- Placing a Maze Voucher of the same element on the corresponding spot in a Maze Tabula will increase the difficulty of the ordered maze, and thus increase Marble payout.
- Placing a Maze Voucher of the opposite or a neutral element will have no effect.
Name | Cost | Description |
1 Marble or 100 Gil | No elements | |
100 Marbles | Wind, Fire, Lightning, Light | |
100 Marbles | Earth, Water, Ice, Dark |
Rune | Entry Cost | Name | Description | Marble Reward |
100 Gil | Sanitization Team Alpha | Defeat waves of enemies that will advance on your position. | 8 | |
100 Gil | Sanitization Team Beta | Defeat waves of enemies that will advance on your position. | 9 | |
100 Gil | Sanitization Team Gamma | Defeat all monsters in a multi-floor maze. | 2~8 | |
150 Gil | Materialization Team | Trade in all requested items created through synthesis. | 25 | |
250 Gil | Actualization Team | Guide the goblin adventurer Chaperix on his quest to level up and protect his village. | 25 | |
100 Gil | Appropriation Team | Search the maze for three treasures while avoiding the enemies within. | 40 | |
200 Gil | Liquidation Team | Defeat a Notorious Monster. This monster has a constant level that isn't scaled. | 10 | |
100 Gil | Depopulation Team | Engage in a fishing contest with Joulet and Gallijaux. | 10 | |
300 Gil | Revitalization Team | Relax and enjoy your battle with a strong monster. | 50 |
The Hoardbox is the awarded chest that appears upon completion of the maze's specified goals. Once opened all players receive experience or limit points, and Moblin Marbles. Occasionally up to two maze runes will be awarded as well.
Rune | Cost | Class | Name | Description |
100 | 2 | Aquan | Aquan-type foes will be lured into the maze. | |
100 | 2 | Amorph | Amorph-type foes will be lured into the maze. | |
100 | 2 | Bird | Bird-type foes will be lured into the maze. | |
100 | 2 | Insurance Contract | In lieu of experience normally gained, experience penalties when knocked unconscious will be reduced. | |
100 | 3 | Onslaught | Enemies' inherent attacking ability will be enhanced. | |
100 | 3 | Protection | Enemies' inherent defensive ability will be enhanced. | |
100 | 3 | Force of Will | The effectiveness of enemies' magical attacks will be enhanced. | |
100 | 3 | Steady Mind | Enemies' resistance to magical attacks will be enhanced. | |
100 | 3 | Amnesiac's Trial | You will be unable to use abilities within the maze. | |
100 | 3 | Trial by Silence | You will be unable to cast spells within the maze. | |
100 | 4 | Trial by Velocity | Slay your foes quickly and a surprise may be in store for you... | |
100 | 4 | Trial by Budget | The maze will be cheaply constructed and particularly unstable. | |
100 | 4 | Trial by Numbers | Massive throngs of enemies will be released into the maze. | |
100 | 4 | Guidance Contract | You will be outfitted with a Maze Pearl. (Starter Rune) | |
200 | 2 | Beast | Beast-type foes will be lured into the maze. | |
200 | 2 | Lizard | Lizard-type foes will be lured into the maze. | |
200 | 2 | Vermin | Vermin-type foes will be lured into the maze. | |
200 | 2 | Plantoid | Plantoid-type foes will be lured into the maze. | |
200 | 3 | Fire | Monsters in the maze will be imbued with the element of fire. | |
200 | 3 | Ice | Monsters in the maze will be imbued with the element of ice. | |
200 | 3 | Wind | Monsters in the maze will be imbued with the element of wind. | |
200 | 3 | Earth | Monsters in the maze will be imbued with the element of earth. | |
200 | 3 | Thunder | Monsters in the maze will be imbued with the element of thunder. | |
200 | 3 | Water | Monsters in the maze will be imbued with the element of water. | |
200 | 3 | Light | Monsters in the maze will be imbued with the element of light. | |
200 | 3 | Darkness | Monsters in the maze will be imbued with the element of dark. | |
200 | 3 | Accuracy | Enemies' inherent visual acuity will be enhanced. | |
200 | 3 | Evasion | Enemies' inherent evasive abilities will be enhanced. | |
200 | 4 | Replenishment Contract | The maze will be stocked with boxes of provisions. | |
300 | 2 | Undead | Undead-type foes will be lured into the maze. | |
300 | 2 | Arcana | Arcana-type foes will be lured into the maze. | |
300 | 2 | Great Warrior | The maze will be populated with gargantuan foes. | |
300 | 2 | Tiny Warrior | The maze will be populated with diminutive foes. | |
300 | 2 | Motion | The maze will be populated with predatory foes. | |
300 | 2 | Stillness | The maze will be populated with lurking foes. | |
300 | 2 | Might | The maze will be populated with monsters more formidable than the client. | |
300 | 2 | Weakness | The maze will be populated with monsters less formidable than the client. | |
300 | 3 | Rapid Strike | Enemies will gain increased attack speed. | |
300 | 3 | Shortcut | The maze will be equipped with devices to allow convenient transportation. | |
300 | 3 | Reinforcement Contract | The maze will be equipped with additional facilities. | |
300 | 3 | Skillchain | Skillchains executed by clients will be rendered more potent. | |
300 | 3 | Magic Burst | Magic bursts executed by clients will be rendered more potent. | |
300 | 5 | Camaraderie Contract | You will be able to summon a fellow to come to your aid in the maze tunnels. | |
400 | 2 | Swift Synthesis | The time required for synthesis will be dramatically decreased. | |
400 | 3 | Flurry of Blows | Enemies will gain the ability to attack multiple times. | |
400 | 3 | Critical | Enemies will fight with exceptional tenacity. | |
400 | 3 | Volubility | Enemies will gain the ability to cast spells at a high rate of speed. | |
400 | 4 | Goldagrik's Generosity | The president of the Moblin Maze Mongers will provide you with fishing support. | |
500 | 3 | Strength | The maze will be populated with foes of exceptional physical prowess. | |
500 | 3 | Dexterity | The maze will be populated with particularly dexterous foes. | |
500 | 3 | Agility | The maze will be populated with particularly agile foes. | |
500 | 3 | Vitality | The maze will be populated with particularly robust foes. | |
500 | 3 | Intelligence | The maze will be populated with particularly shrewd foes. | |
500 | 3 | Mind | The maze will be populated with particularly wise foes. | |
500 | 3 | Charisma | The maze will be populated with particularly charismatic foes. | |
500 | 3 | Hardiness | The maze will be populated with enemies that can take a beating. | |
500 | 3 | Mysticism | The maze will be populated with enemies with substantial mana pools. | |
500 | 3 | Prospector | Tunnels will run closer to veins of ore. | |
500 | 3 | Woodsman | Groves of trees will sprout readily in the maze tunnels. | |
500 | 3 | Harvester | Herbs and grasses will sprout readily in the maze tunnels. | |
500 | 3 | Obscured Entrance | The location of the maze entrance will be altered. | |
500 | 4 | Sustenance Contract | You will be outfitted with support items in the maze lobby. (Starter Rune) | |
500 | 5 | Lost and Found | Enemies in the maze will be affected in a particular way... | |
Hoardbox | - | Demon | Demons-type foes will be lured into the maze. | |
Hoardbox | - | Dragon | Dragons-type foes will be lured into the maze. | |
Hoardbox | - | Elemental | Elemental-type foes will be lured into the maze. | |
Hoardbox | - | Supreme Might | The maze will be populated with monsters far more formidable than the client. | |
Hoardbox | - | Peon | The maze will be populated with monsters far less formidable than the client. | |
Hoardbox | - | Conspicuous Behavior | Enemies will behave in unexpected ways. | |
Hoardbox | - | Altered Aggression | Enemies' offensive abilities will be affected in unpredictable ways. | |
Hoardbox | - | Altered Defense | Enemies' defensive abilities will be affected in unpredictable ways. | |
Hoardbox | - | Divine Magic | Enemies will be imbued with the ability to cast Category:Divine Magic. | |
Hoardbox | - | Healing Magic | Enemies will be imbued with the ability to cast Category:Healing Magic. | |
Hoardbox | - | Enhancing Magic | Enemies will be imbued with the ability to cast Category:Enhancing Magic. | |
Hoardbox | - | Enfeebling Magic | Enemies will be imbued with the ability to cast Category:Enfeebling Magic. | |
Hoardbox | - | Elemental Magic | Enemies will be imbued with the ability to cast Category:Elemental Magic. | |
Hoardbox | - | Dark Magic | Enemies will be imbued with the ability to cast Category:Dark Magic. | |
Hoardbox | - | Sure Synthesis | Synthesis will be conducted with increased precision. | |
Hoardbox | - | Conditioning Contract | Opening treasure chests might have an unexpected effect... | |
Hoardbox | - | Walloper | Your Goblin apprentice will demonstrate an aptitude for pounding his foes. | |
Hoardbox | - | Barrager | Your Goblin apprentice will demonstrate an aptitude for hurling explosives at your foes. | |
Hoardbox | - | Spellslinger | Your Goblin apprentice will demonstrate an aptitude for the mystical arts. | |
Hoardbox | - | Salinity Shift | The water of the fishing hole will be altered. |
Name | Cost | Level | Description |
10 | 1 | [Head], DEF: 1, CHR+1, All jobs. | |
100 | 1 | [Feet], DEF: 1, Evasion+1, All jobs. | |
200 | 1 | [Main], DMG: 1, Delay:402, Earth +2, All jobs. | |
300 | 1 | [Head], DEF: 1, VIT-1, All jobs. | |
400 | 1 | [Main], DMG: 1, Delay:300, VIT-1, All jobs. |
Title | Cost | Required Clears |
Maze Wanderer | 10 | 10 |
Maze Navigator | 100 | 50 |
Maze Scholar | 500 | 100 |
Maze Artisan | 1000 | 500 |
Maze Overlord | 5000 | 1000 |
Items based on Runes
Related Links
Pages in category "Moblin Maze Mongers"
The following 177 pages are in this category, out of 177 total.
- Maze Rune 001
- Maze Rune 002
- Maze Rune 003
- Maze Rune 004
- Maze Rune 005
- Maze Rune 006
- Maze Rune 007
- Maze Rune 008
- Maze Rune 009
- Maze Rune 010
- Maze Rune 011
- Maze Rune 012
- Maze Rune 013
- Maze Rune 014
- Maze Rune 015
- Maze Rune 016
- Maze Rune 017
- Maze Rune 018
- Maze Rune 019
- Maze Rune 020
- Maze Rune 021
- Maze Rune 022
- Maze Rune 023
- Maze Rune 024
- Maze Rune 025
- Maze Rune 026
- Maze Rune 027
- Maze Rune 028
- Maze Rune 029
- Maze Rune 030
- Maze Rune 031
- Maze Rune 032
- Maze Rune 033
- Maze Rune 034
- Maze Rune 035
- Maze Rune 036
- Maze Rune 037
- Maze Rune 038
- Maze Rune 039
- Maze Rune 040
- Maze Rune 041
- Maze Rune 042
- Maze Rune 043
- Maze Rune 044
- Maze Rune 045
- Maze Rune 046
- Maze Rune 051
- Maze Rune 052
- Maze Rune 053
- Maze Rune 054
- Maze Rune 055
- Maze Rune 056
- Maze Rune 071
- Maze Rune 072
- Maze Rune 073
- Maze Rune 074
- Maze Rune 075
- Maze Rune 076
- Maze Rune 077
- Maze Rune 078
- Maze Rune 079
- Maze Rune 080
- Maze Rune 081
- Maze Rune 082
- Maze Rune 083
- Maze Rune 084
- Maze Rune 085
- Maze Rune 086
- Maze Rune 087
- Maze Rune 088
- Maze Rune 089
- Maze Rune 090
- Maze Rune 091
- Maze Rune 092
- Maze Rune 093
- Maze Rune 094
- Maze Rune 095
- Maze Rune 096
- Maze Rune 097
- Maze Rune 098
- Maze Rune 099
- Maze Rune 100
- Maze Rune 101
- Maze Rune 102
- Maze Rune 103
- Maze Rune 104
- Maze Rune 106
- Maze Rune 107
- Maze Rune 108
- Maze Rune 109
- Maze Rune 110
- Maze Rune 111
- Maze Rune 112
- Maze Rune 113
- Maze Rune 114
- Maze Rune 115
- Maze Rune 116
- Maze Rune 117
- Maze Rune 118
- Maze Rune 119
- Maze Tabula M01
- Maze Tabula M02
- Maze Tabula M03
- Maze Tabula R01
- Maze Tabula R02
- Maze Tabula R03
- Maze Voucher 01
- Maze Voucher 02
- Maze Voucher 03
- Maze Voucher 04
- Maze Voucher 05
- Maze Voucher 06
- Maze Voucher 07
- Maze Voucher 08
- Maze Voucher 09
- MMM Axe
- MMM Axe +1
- MMM Baghnakhs
- MMM Baghnakhs +1
- MMM Bangle
- MMM Bangle +1
- MMM Belt
- MMM Belt +1
- MMM Boots
- MMM Boots +1
- MMM Box
- MMM Box +1
- MMM Bread
- MMM Bread +1
- MMM Coat
- MMM Coat +1
- MMM Coffer
- MMM Coffer +1
- MMM Collar
- MMM Crown
- MMM Crown +1
- MMM Cuffs
- MMM Cuffs +1
- MMM Earring
- MMM Earring +1
- MMM Elixir
- MMM Elixir +1
- MMM Ether
- MMM Ether +1
- MMM Gorget
- MMM Gorget +1
- MMM Ham
- MMM Ham +1
- MMM Helm
- MMM Helm +1
- MMM Hose
- MMM Hose +1
- MMM Jerkin
- MMM Jerkin +1
- MMM Katana
- MMM Katana +1
- MMM Knife
- MMM Knife +1
- MMM Pie
- MMM Pie +1
- MMM Potion
- MMM Potion +1
- MMM Ring
- MMM Ring +1
- MMM Robe
- MMM Robe +1
- MMM Shield
- MMM Shield +1
- MMM Soup
- MMM Soup +1
- MMM Staff
- MMM Staff +1
- MMM Sword
- MMM Sword +1
- MMM Table
- MMM Table +1