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Craft |
In order to craft an item a player must have the proper ingredients, the proper crystal, and the proper skill levels. A player must be within 27 skill levels of the required main skill cap as well as 27 skill levels of the required sub skill cap of the item. There is a much higher chance of failure when one's craft skill is much lower than the required skill cap, but you will have the ability to try to craft the item when you are 27 levels below it. To craft an item, you first click on the crystal in your inventory, this will open the crafting interface. From there, you can add the individual ingredients needed to synthesize the item.
Alternatively, you can also use the "Synthesis" option in the main menu to start a synthesis or to view the last ten recipes you have attempted. A text command "/lastsynth" has also been added to perform the last synthesis you have done.
Skilling up
While you are crafting there is a chance that you will gain a skill up. Your unenhanced skill must be either less than the synth's level cap, or not greater than eleven levels above the recipe cap. Skill from equipment and Synthesis support do not matter for any skill up rates in any way. The skill up system changes before and after level 70 natural skill. For synths involving multiple crafts, skill ups for the main and sub synths are independent and you can receive both (or neither) on the same synth.
- Under 70 skill, there is approximately a 95% chance of getting a skill up until that recipe's natural cap. You then have approximately 66% to 75% chance to skill up on a successful synth if your natural skill is equal or up to 11 levels higher than than the recipe's cap.
- Example: The Orichalcum Ring recipe caps at level 93. You will gain skill on that recipe until you are level 104. At that point, you can no longer gain skill from that recipe.
- At or above 70 skill, you have approximately a 25% chance to skill up on a successful synth.
Broken synths can give skillups if you are (without enhancements) 5 or fewer skill levels of the synth's skill cap. If you are more than 5 levels away, you cannot skill up off a broken synth. There are only a few known ways to increase your skill up rates:
- Use the appropriate Crafting Food, Macarons.
- See the Crafting Food page fur further information.
- Use Shaper's Shawl, which can be obtained through Inside the Belly.
- Use of the Midras's Helm +1, quest reward from Vegetable Vegetable Frustration.
- Use the Orvail Ring/Orvail Ring +1, the final reward of the Seekers of Adoulin mission storyline.
- The bonus of Ionis while in an area released in the Seekers of Adoulin expansion
- In order to gain this bonus, the Inventors' Coalition must have reached a certain edification level. See the Ionis page for more details
- Use of Monster Rearing Cheer effects. These are craft specific, so look for the craft your leveling.
You will hit a skill cap every 10 levels of skill for each craft. In order to break that skill cap, you must pass a Rank-up test by providing a requested item to the Guild Master. You can undertake the Rank-up test two levels earlier than the cap (Levels 8, 18, 28, 38, etc). You can take all crafts to level 70 skill this way, but currently you only have 40 points that you can use for crafts in excess of level 70. These points do not have to be spent on one craft, but exceeding your 40 point limit will lower your highest skill level by an equivalent amount. You can revoke your skills over 70 and ranks over Artisan for all over crafts by speaking to Guild Master of the craft that you wish to remain over 70. Example: You could have one 110 craft, 2 level 90 crafts, 4 level 80 crafts, or many other point distributions. If you have a level 110 craft and you unlock and skill up another craft 0.1, your 110 craft will drop to 109.9 because you have exceeded your maximum limit.
Monthly Adventurer Campaigns
There is one campaign that may run any given month.
Double Synthesis Skill Increase Campaign
- When this Monthly Adventurer Campaign is active, the rate of Synthesis skill increase will be doubled for the duration of the campaign.
Breaking Up is Easy to Do
Synthesis can (and will) fail, sometimes destroying ingredients in the process. Your break rate is primarily determined by your craft skills and the number of crafts involved in the synthesis, but it can be affected by other factors too (as seen below.) Material loss rates appear to be independent of break rate, but they are affected by many of the same factors. Critical materials are always (barring an enhancement that reduces material losses) lost following synthesis failure on some synths. These are typically the "signature" ingredient of each synth, which is also often the most expensive one to obtain.
- Certain Moghancements and Moglifications gained by Mog House furnishings can help to lessen the amount of breakage
- Moglifications additionally reduce material loss.
- The Super-Kupower "Artisan's Advantage" can also help lower the material loss rate.
- In order to gain the benefit of Artisan's Advantage, that Super Kupower must be active and you must have advanced synthesis image support.
- Some kinds of Crafting Food can lower the break rate and reduce material losses.
- There is a ring for each guild that provides a nominal decrease in break rate in exchange for eliminating any chance of High-quality products.
- Craftkeeper's Ring and Orvail Ring both reduce the chance of material loss by 1%, for a total of 2%.
- The bonus of Ionis while in an area released in the Seekers of Adoulin expansion
- In order to gain this bonus, the Inventors' Coalition must have reached a certain edification level. See the Ionis page for more details
If your total skill (natural skill and gear, moghancements, and/or image support) is at or above the skill cap for an item, the chance of breaking any synth is approximately 5%. If your total skill is under the skill cap, it is believed that the break rate is an additional 10% per level under the cap. If the synthesis has sub-crafts, your break rate is determined by adding the break rates for each craft.
Example: If your synth has 2 sub-crafts and you're above the cap for all of them, you would expect a 15% break rate (= 5% main +5% sub 1 +5% sub 2).
High-Quality Synthesis
If your synthesis does not break, there is a chance it will yield a High Quality result.
Depending on the particular synthesis you are doing this will either improve the stats on the item you were making (Hexed Haubert -1 instead of a Hexed Haubert), give you more of it (Bronze Bullet x66 or x99 instead of x33), or not have any benefit (Velvet Cloth).
The chance of HQing primarily depends on the difference between your craft skill levels and the skill cap for your synth. If you are performing a synth with sub-crafts, your HQ rate will be whichever one is the lowest.
There is no correlation between HQ rates and day, moon phase, direction, or any of the other voodoos various crafters have come up with over the years.
Chances of a high-quality synth occuring:
- If your total skill is 10 or less over the item's skill cap (T0), the chance of a HQ synth is approximately 1~3%. (~1/64)
- If your total skill is between 11 and 30 over the item's skill cap (T1), the chance of a HQ synth is approximately 5~7%. (~1/16)
- If your total skill is between 31 and 50 over the item's skill cap (T2), the chance of a HQ synth is approximately 25%. (1/4)
- If your total skill is more than 50 over the item's skill cap (T3), the chance of a HQ synth is approximately 50%. (1/2)
- HQs with a total skill below the cap (T -1) are impossible.
- Example: If you are making Scorpion Harness (69 Bone/33 Leather) with level 100 Bone and 60 Leather, you will be Tier 1 on it. 100-69=31, so T2. However, 60-33=27, so T1. The lowest is T1, so the synth is T1. With the sub-craft increase to 70, you can now T2 the Scorpion Harness, but the aforementioned rules still apply for Tiers.
The only known ways to affect your HQ rate are through Rusk Crafting Food, Confectioner's Ring which enhances Rusks, Orvail Ring and/or the Craftmaster's Ring and a completed Escutcheon.
Chances of high-quality tiers:
Once the game has decided that your synthesis will be a high-quality, it will determine the high-quality tier. The benefit of this once again depends on the synthesis, as certain items (namely consumables like bullets or food) gain a boost in quantity while others have no change in results or only one HQ result.
Craftskill plays absolutely no bearing on this calculation.
- The chance of the HQ being a HQ1 is 12/16
- The chance of the HQ being a HQ2 is 3/16
- The chance of the HQ being a HQ3 is 1/16
- For crafts with only 1 HQ, this check is irrelevant and may not actually be performed.
- For crafts with no HQ3 but an HQ2, the ratio may be slightly different depending on the implementation SE used.
Miscellaneous Crafting Rules
- The maximum number of ingredients for any single synth will never be greater than eight.
- You must be within 27 levels of a synth's skill cap (and sub craft's skill cap) to attempt it.
- If you attempt synthesis while engaged, you will receive a message that you have lost your crystal but no ingredients, but nothing will be lost. This is a good way to test skill caps of recipes.
- If you attempt a synthesis while zoning (from a boat) or are acted on by another player (via spells or job abilities), the synth will break and there is a chance you will lose your ingredients.
Synthesis Kits
Synthesis Kits were introduced in the June 2014 Version Update. These items are "prepackaged kits" that allow for simple synthesis of an item if combined with the appropriate crystal. The item created as well as the crystal required are listed on the Kit item description itself.
- Kits up to level 50 are available from the guild merchants at each guild.
- Kits in the level 50 range (typically 55 and 60) are only available via the Repeat Login Campaign, but their availability each month is random.
- Kits above level 60 are only obtained via NPCs in charge of crafting sets at each guild. Availability also depends on your rank within the guild.
- For instance, Craftsmen can only purchase kits through level 79.
- See below for details regarding crafting sets.
Please note that all level kits are available from the Gobbie Mystery Box.
The following details apply to all Kit synths:
- All items made using synthesis kits will be a normal quality result.
- Skill-ups will remain the same if you use a kit or if you synthesize an item with individual ingredients.
- If a synthesis attempt fails, the kit will always be lost.
Synthesis Sets
Synthesis Sets, also known as "craft sets", are an item created with a special type of crystal known as Analysis Crystals. These items are turned in to special NPCs, and in exchange the player earns Crafter Points. These points are used in the Escutcheon creation process. Each set is worth a different amount of Crafter Points. The higher the HQ result of a set, the higher the points that are earned.
What is unique about this system is that after a player turns in a synthesis set they created, the stock of the same craft kit is then increased. These kits are then made available for lower level crafters to purchase from that NPC to use as a synthesis kit as described above.
See the Escutcheon page for further details on this system.
Crystals, High-Quality Crystals, and Analysis Crystals
Players have the ability to sign their name onto an item that they craft. Not every item can be signed- the item must be unstackable and have the "Inscribable" property in its flags.
- Additionally, High-Quality crystals will decrease the rate of synthesis materials being lost in the event of a break.
High-Quality crystals are purchased from Guild Union Representative for 200 Guild Points each.( Aurora Crystal and Twilight Crystal are 500 Guild Points each.)
- Additionally, Inferno, Cyclone, and Terra Crystals can be purchased for 3,000 gil from the Celebratory Chests in Metalworks (J-8), Chateau d'Oraguille (H-9), and Heavens Tower (Clerical Chamber).
Element | Crystal | HQ Crystal Name | GP Cost (for x1) |
Inferno Crystal | 200 | ||
Glacier Crystal | 200 | ||
Cyclone Crystal | 200 | ||
Terra Crystal | 200 | ||
Plasma Crystal | 200 | ||
Torrent Crystal | 200 | ||
Aurora Crystal | 500 | ||
Twilight Crystal | 500 |
The following "Analysis" crystal types are also available for crafters at the Expert level:
Element | Crystal | Analysis Crystal Name | GP Cost (for x1) |
Pyre Crystal | 450 | ||
Frost Crystal | 450 | ||
Vortex Crystal | 450 | ||
Geo Crystal | 450 | ||
Bolt Crystal | 450 | ||
Fluid Crystal | 450 | ||
Glimmer Crystal | 450 | ||
Shadow Crystal | 450 |
Latent Effect Gear
With the Wings of the Goddess expansion, several quests were added in that rewarded the players with "trainee" gear. This gear had a latent effect active under a craft skill of 40 that increased your crafting skill by 1 point.
- This gear can be stored with a Porter Moogle with Storage Slip 11.
Crafting Torques
With the addition of Grounds of Valor, Crafting Torques were introduced to the game. These torques are found in treasure caskets in certain Grounds of Valor zones add two skill.
Reference the Crafting Torque Farming Guide by Funkworkz for more helpful tips on obtaining these torques.
Guild Point Gear
With the arrival of the Guild Points system in April 2004, Crafters were introduced to Craft skill enhancing items. Although many speculated on whether or not the items effect success/fail rate, it became accepted by the community that the items merely add an 'actual' skill number thus raising your Crafting level.
A player may switch guild contracts to any guild of their choosing. Doing so does not lower any gained crafting skill and any guild points on the previous contract are retained with that guild if a player chooses to switch back to that guild. The only gimmick is you must wait until the following real-life day to accumulate points with your newly contracted guild. This being said, be sure to accumulate points on the day you switch with your old guild before changing contracts.
As of the November 2016 update, a player can now obtain 3x the previous daily limit of guild points per day. Values per item remained unchanged, however. This still drastically cuts down the amount of days required to grind Guild Points than it did previously.
Alchemy Equipment |
Bonecraft Equipment |
Clothcraft Equipment |
Cooking Equipment |
Goldsmithing Equipment |
Leathercraft Equipment |
Smithing Equipment |
Woodworking Equipment |
Guild Point Cost |
70,000 | ||||||||
100,000 | ||||||||
10,000 |
Aprons can be upgraded through Synergy into Smocks. Smocks give the same skill to the craft, but has the added benefit of reducing the amount of damage that a players take from Synergy explosions. They are also an excellent route for skilling up Synergy skill.
Added in the June 2008 patch, the following rings can be purchased with Guild Points that remove the chance of inadvertent High Quality results that were dreaded when crafting ingredients for further recipes. An example is Dragon Mail +1 which, in and of itself is useless, but the Normal Quality counterpart Dragon Mail is used in the Cursed Mail synthesis. The High-Quality version cannot be used.
Equipment Name | Related Craft | Guild Point Cost |
80,000 | ||
80,000 | ||
80,000 | ||
80,000 | ||
80,000 | ||
80,000 | ||
80,000 | ||
80,000 |
With the release of the Seekers of Adoulin expansion, crafters received the following beneficial rings to pursue from the Inventors' Coalition.
Equipment Name | Related Craft | Bayld Cost |
All | 20,000 | |
All | 20,000 | |
All | 20,000 |
The Orvail Ring is one of the potential rewards for completing the Seekers of Adoulin Missions. Due to the great stats of all other rings available, and the fact that only one can be chosen, it is a very hard choice for most people to justify this ring rather than another.
Midras's Helm +1
The Midras's Helm +1 grants a bonus to Synthesis skill gain rate +5%, which can be useful for leveling crafts past levels 70 and higher. It is obtained via completing a series of quests in Seekers of Adoulin, ending specifically at Vegetable Vegetable Frustration.
Chocobo Shirt
The Chocobo Shirt grants a bonus to Synthesis material loss -1% if you are below level 31 as well as Initiate rank or lower in a craft. It is not very significant of an effect, but its something.
Kupo Shield
Introduced in the November 2015 Version Update, the Kupo Shield adds three levels to all crafts. This item is currently only available from the Mog Bonanza special events as a rank one (via redeeming a Mog Kupon AW-Kupo) or two prize. This unique item is so sought after because it allows the bearer to reach synthesis skill level 125 in a craft. Cooking was able to do this before with a Hocho, but with the shield the maximum level for cooking is now 128.
Level 125 will result in Tier Level 2 on a number of very valuable synths. These synths include high priced items such as Jinxed Gages, Jinxed Coif and Jinxed Slops. With rumors of a crafting cap limit obliteration, one could potentially have all crafts at level 125. The gil potential is unbelievable. Yet again, Square has dashed our hopes and dreams by redacting the previous statement. Players will no longer be able to level all crafts on a single character. Regardless, the Kupo Shield will be tough to pass up for any hardcore crafter who wins the rank two mog bonanza.
With the introduction of Escutcheons, the Kupo Shield has lost its shine. It is still a very good (possibly best) choice for mules who win Rank 1 or Rank 2 in the Bonanza though.
Note: See the Escutcheons main page for the full article and more details on these shields.
Dubbed as "Ultimate Synthesis Equipment" by Square-Enix, the first phase of these shields was introduced in the February 2017 Version Update. The second phase was added to the game with the March 2017 update, the third in the May 2017 update, and the final phase was added in the September 2017 update.
They largely replace the Kupo Shield. It does still have a slight advantage as it is all synthesis skill +3, whereas these shields only offer specific synthesis skill boosts. That being said, the large HQ success rate on the final shield form tends to trump the benefits of the Kupo Shield.
Phase One Shields
Phase One shields all have "Specific Skill+1" on them.
Phase Two Shields
Phase Two shields all have "Specific Skill +2" on them.
Phase Three Shields
Phase Three shields all have "Specific Skill +2" and "Specific Skill synthesis speed +60" on them.
Phase Four Shields
Phase Four shields are the final result of the Escutcheon questline. Massive grinding is required in order to complete the final step of the shield.
All shields have "Specific Synthesis Skill +2", "Specific Crafting Speed +240", Decreased likelihood of synthesis material loss -5% Increased rate of high-quality item synthesis success +2.
Additionally, there is an enchantment that can be activated on the shield. It is an unlimited use enchantment that lasts for 30 minutes. Its effects are: Decreased likelihood of synthesis material loss -15%, Increased rate of high-quality item synthesis success +3, Subskill +10 (Max 70), Cannot synthesize normal quality items.
At first glance, this seems like a useless buff as you cannot synthesize NQ items. While in fact, this usually ends up saving money as breaks result in material retention instead of a few thousand gil obtained from NPCing the results.
Other than Caduceus and the various Trainee weapons mentioned above, the only other known Craft enhancement weapons are two Katanas: The Hocho and the Debahocho/+1. The Hocho drops from the NM Sozu Sarberry in The Temple of Uggalepih, while the Debahocho/+1 is a pitiful level 24 Smithing synthesis. Both Katanas can also be bought from the Auction House under Weapons > Katana. Only a Ninja level 57 and above can wield the Hocho, and all jobs level 1 can use the Debahocho/+1. The Debahocho gives +2 skill levels to Cooking, while the Debahocho +1 and Hocho give a +3 bonus to Cooking.
Note!! For the Hocho, the "Main Hand" designation is missing from this item. It only works when it is equipped on your main hand.
You may also use Guild Points to purchase Furnishings to help with crafting. These guild items when placed in your Mog House will give you a special type of Moghancement key item if the proper element (the element of the GP furnishing) is dominant. Be careful, certain furnishings such as beds and national flags have equal or superior elemental strengths that will either cancel out or take preference over some Guild Point items.
These furnishings enhances your crafting skill by 1 level when you receive the proper Moghacement key item. The following is a list of Furnishings purchasable with Guild Points:
Furniture Name | Key Item | Guild Point Cost |
Moghancement: Alchemy | 150,000 | |
Moghancement: Bonecraft | 150,000 | |
Moghancement: Clothcraft | 150,000 | |
Moghancement: Cooking | 150,000 | |
Moghancement: Goldsmithing | 150,000 | |
Moghancement: Leathercraft | 150,000 | |
Moghancement: Smithing | 150,000 | |
Moghancement: Woodworking | 150,000 | |
Moghancement: Alchemy | 50,000 | |
Moghancement: Bonecraft | 50,000 | |
Moghancement: Clothcraft | 50,000 | |
Moghancement: Cooking | 50,000 | |
Moghancement: Goldsmithing | 50,000 | |
Moghancement: Leathercraft | 50,000 | |
Moghancement: Smithing | 50,000 | |
Moghancement: Woodworking | 50,000 |
Note: The 150,000 and 50,000 GP items seem to operate in a virtually identical manner. Both will give Moghancement for the craft [2] and will give Moglification when paired with a signbord.[3] The 50,000 point items may be traded, bazaared, sent to someone else's Delivery Box, or sold on the Auction House.
When the following items are placed in a Mog House with an above furnishing of the same Guild and the proper elements are dominant, the player will achieve the further bonus of Moglification for the craft, which supposedly reduces the chance of losing materials when for failed syntheses:
Furniture Name | Related Craft | Guild Point Cost |
Moglification: Alchemy | 200,000 | |
Moglification: Bonecraft | 200,000 | |
Moglification: Clothcraft | 200,000 | |
Moglification: Cooking | 200,000 | |
Moglification: Goldsmithing | 200,000 | |
Moglification: Leathercraft | 200,000 | |
Moglification: Smithing | 200,000 | |
Moglification: Woodworking | 200,000 |
Mega Moglification
Players can use Synergy to create Stalls to display in their Mog Houses that will give the added bonus of a Mega Moglification key item. In order to create a stall, you must first obtain the proper emblem for Guild Points. Mega Moglification boosts your skill by 5 points, and overrides previous moglifications, not as a cumulative effect. Therefore, you would get the +5 from Mega Moglification, and standard moglification would be null.[4].
Emblem Name | Furniture Name | Related Craft | Guild Point Cost |
Mega Moglification: Alchemy | 15,000 | ||
Mega Moglification: Bonecraft | 15,000 | ||
Mega Moglification: Clothcraft | 15,000 | ||
Mega Moglification: Cooking | 15,000 | ||
Mega Moglification: Goldsmith. | 15,000 | ||
Mega Moglification: Leathrcrft. | 15,000 | ||
Mega Moglification: Smithing | 15,000 | ||
Mega Moglification: Woodwork. | 15,000 |
Craft |
Related Links
The following websites provide some tool or other that are beneficial to Crafters of all levels.
- Guild Pattern: On, this page shows the pattern for the Guild Point item for the day, as well as the number of items that you need to turn in to receive full credit. (Outdated)
- BG Forum's Basics of crafting sticky: Much of the basic information here was shamelessly lifted from there!
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