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Synergy Recipes
Due to the vast amount of Synergy Recipes in the game, we needed to divide them into individual pages according to rank. Please click on the rank you wish to view.
A couple quick notes regarding Recipes:
- "Craft Requirements": At least one player must be in your party to represent each of the required ranks. If you can reach all required levels, you do not need anybody else to join you.
- Ex: If two Veteran ranks are required, you obviously cannot do this yourself as you can only have one Veteran ranked craft.
- The closer your elemental balance to each element, the higher your chance of HQ.
- Each elemental balance level must be within 3 strength, above or below, in order to finish a synth.
- Elemental balance that is not required has no affect on the outcome of the synth. It can be as high or as low as possible with no bearing.
Synergy Recipes | ||||
Amateur | Recruit | Initiate | Novice | Apprentice |
Journeyman | Craftsman | Artisan | Adept | Veteran |
Ingredients and Fewell
Synergy is a far more complicated and involved process than regular crafting, even an overview of the process is somewhat complex. Unlike normal crafting which has a minimum of involvement after the ingredients are obtained, Synergy is essentially a large menu system that requires careful balancing of elements to obtain the optimal result. Instead of using crystals, synergy uses fewell to control the elemental balance, and unlike synthesis ingredients are never lost on failure. Synergy is also a team activity (though may be performed solo) where up to six players can operate the furnace at once. Once a player has a Synergy crucible , they may begin a synergy session. A player examines a Synergy Furnace to claim it to initiate a session and install their synergy crucible, then trade ingredients to the Furnace to begin the Synergy process. Once the process has begun, examining the Synergy Furnace will show the following options:
Synergy Furnace Overview
- Select an action.
- Feed fewell.
- Consumes a fewell to alter the elemental balance of the Synergy process.
- Operate furnace.
- Performs special actions upon the furnace. You cannot perform these actions if you have a status effect from an overload.
- View furnace readings.
- Tells you the elemental energy, internal pressure, impurity level, and synergy status of the furnace.
- End synergy.
- Allows you to stop the process and retrieve the finished product.
- Review objective.
- Toggle command confirmation [off/on].
- Close menu.
Feed fewell
- Feed which fewell?
- Cancel.
Feeding a fewell will consume one of the fewells from the active synergy crucible in order to increase the energy of that element in the furnace by 1-10. The opposite element to the one fed will also be reduce the amount of fewell of the type by 2.
- For example, feeding a fire fewell will reduce the ice fewell value by 2.
- This may be used to indirectly tweak the numbers of various alignments downwards if they are overfed.
An elemental surge (perfect, or "critical," fewell feed) will increase the fewell by the maximum possible amount (10 or more depending on effects), or will perfectly align that fewell to the required value if the current alignment is close enough.
- An elemental surge will also reduce the opposite fewell by 1.
As the synergy process continues, a fewell "leak" becomes more and more likely. Leaks may be repaired by adding fewell of the opposite element to the leak, with a random chance of repairing the leak on each fewell addition. *For example, a fire leak may be repaired with ice fewell. While the furnace is leaking, the leaking element's alignment will tick downards by one per tick, and the opposite element will increase by one per tick.
Fewells may be replenished in one of three ways.
- First, you may speak to a Synergy Engineer and have the fewell completely restocked for a less-than-nominal gil fee of 100g/fewell.
- Secondly, you may trade crystals of that element to a claimed Synergy Furnace to increase that element's fewell supply by one.
- Thirdly, you may craft elemental fewell items and trade them to a claimed Synergy Furnace to increase that element's fewell supply by fifty.
When trading crystals or fewell items, the fewell supply of the active synergy crucible will be refilled regardless of which player trades the item.
Operate furnace.
Option Name | Description | Fewell Cost | Armor Required |
Thwack furnace. | Apply a measured thwack to the furnace to prevent explosion.
None * | Native |
Operate pressure handle. | Operate the pressure handle to lower internal pressure.
3 |
Native |
Operate safety lever. | Operate the safety lever to purge impurities from inside the furnace and reduce the likelihood of an explosion
6 |
Native |
Repair furnace. | Restore the furnace's durability.
6 |
Native |
Recycle strewn fewell. | Gather and feed explosion-strewn fewell fragments to the furnace.
None | Native |
Fishing: Lunar Smarts. | Temporarily increase the likelihood of an elemental surge. Effect varies depending on the moon phase. | 5 |
Fisherman's Smock |
Fishing: Precision Thwack. | Apply a precisely aimed blow to the furnace to prevent an explosion, with results superior to the standard thwack. Effect varies depending on moon phase. | None * | Fisherman's Cuffs |
Woodworking: Cyclical Smarts. | Deftly manipulate the furnace's internal elemental balance to temporarily mitigate the rate of wear. | 10 |
Carpenter's Smock |
Woodworking: Earth Affinity. | Keenly observe the flow of elements to prevent |
5 |
Carpenter's Cuffs |
Smithing: Combustive Smarts. | Temporarily improve fewell combustion rate. | 10 |
Blacksmith's Smock |
Smithing: Fire Affinity. | Keenly observe the flow of elements to prevent |
5 |
Blacksmith's Cuffs |
Goldsmithing: Engraver's Touch. | Evenly disperse the furnace's internal stress to delay a looming explosion. | 10 |
Goldsmith's Smock |
Goldsmithing: Wind Affinity. | Keenly observe the flow of elements to prevent |
5 |
Goldsmith's Cuffs |
Clothcraft: Restorer's Touch. | Restore furnace durability by a significant amount. | 10 |
Weaver's Smock |
Clothcraft: Lightning Affinity. | Keenly observe the flow of elements to prevent |
5 |
Weaver's Cuffs |
Leathercraft: Pressurization Smarts. | Temporarily suppress fluctuations in internal pressure. | 10 |
Tanner's Smock |
Leathercraft: Ice Affinity. | Keenly observe the flow of elements to prevent |
5 |
Tanner's Cuffs |
Bonecraft: Carbonization Smarts. | Temporarily increase the likelihood of an elemental surge. | 10 |
Boneworker's Smock |
Bonecraft: Dark Affinity. | Keenly observe the flow of elements to prevent |
5 |
Boneworker's Cuffs |
Alchemy: Alchemical Smarts. | Temporarily suppress the force of explosions. | 10 |
Alchemist's Smock |
Alchemy: Light Affinity. | Keenly observe the flow of elements to prevent |
5 |
Alchemist's Cuffs |
Cooking: Heating Smarts. | Gradually purge the furnace of impurities. | 10 |
Culinarian's Smock |
Cooking: Water Affinity. | Keenly observe the flow of elements to prevent |
5 |
Culinarian's Cuffs |
Note: Actions marked with a * reduce furnace durability (or HP), with Precision Thwack reducing less than a normal Thwack.
These actions are meant to improve the chances of a successful synergy by staving off explosions by clearing out impurities and lowering the damage of explosions by reducing pressure. The craft-specific abilities are accessed by wearing the cuffs or smocks for that craft. Having the appropriate craft skill is not required to equip the cuffs or to gain access to the attached abilities.
- The abilities granted by Cuffs function as specialized Thwacks with extremely high success rates. (Much higher than 5/5 Thwacking.)
- They don't appear to reduce furnace HP.
- When successful, reduces impurity level to 5%.
Feeding the furnace will build up the level of impurities inside it. The impurities will increase by 5% and then an additional 1% more for every level away from the synergy level cap for that item a player is.
- Overloads may occur anytime the level of impurities passes 30%, with an increasing chance as the level rises.
Players may either attempt to thwack the furnace or ideally operate the safety lever to keep the impurities below 31%.
Each overload will inflict damage and the following affects to players:
- Fire Overload : Inflicts Disease.
- An additional 1 to 4 fewell will be lost for every fewell fed.
- Ice Overload : Inflicts Paralysis.
- You will be randomly prevented from a synergy action you select and lose an associated fewell for that action.
- Wind Overload : Inflicts knock-back and causes a loss of up to 6 units of fewell of a random element.
- Getting knocked back too far will relinquish your claim on the furnace.
- Earth Overload : Inflicts Slow.
- Prevents special furnace operations such as Repairing or Thwacking.
- Lightning Overload : Inflicts Stun.
- While stunned, the furnace may not be utilized.
- Water Overload : Inflicts Poison.
- You will be unable to operate the furnace, but may preform a Thwack.
- Every action preformed will lower the health of the furnace by an additional 7%.
- Light Overload : Causes a loss of 2
, and
- Dark Overload : Causes a loss of 2
, and
Synergy Training
Every 5 Synergy Skill levels, you are given the option to raise your proficiency at one of the base 6 Synergy skills by one level to a cap of level 5, similar to merit points.
- If you do not use these points when they become available, they will accumulate until you choose to spend them.
- There is no way to change or reset your skill points, so choose wisely.
Serious testing as to the effects of these skill points has not been done, but they have been eyeballed as follows:
- Fewell Feeding : Each level increases the average elemental yield per fewell fed.
- Thwacking : Each level increases the success rate of "Thwack" by about 10%.
- Pressure Handle : Each level increases the efficacy of Pressure Handle by
- Safety Lever : Each level increases the efficacy of Safety Lever by
- Repair Furnace : Each level increases the average HP restored with "Repair Furnace"
- Recycle strewn fewell : Each level yields more fewell recovered on average
Skilling Up
Currently, it seems the best way to skill up Synergy is simply to take a maximum level recipe and spam a fewell it requires until you cap.
- If you spam an element that the recipe does not require, you will never get a skill up.
- You can get skill ups when the elemental power is over the target.
The best fewell to spam is Earth Fewell, because you can cast Haste on yourself and suffer no negative side effects from the furnace explosions. Do not select "Complete Synergy" until you have capped your skill.
Items required for a recipe cannot be lost if you fail. The only loss is your Fewell.
Alternatively, if you have the appropriate Cuffs, you can spam any element with little danger of explosions. This had the added benefit of an additional skillup chance, which appears to be rather high compared to other actions. Seemingly high skillup chance may be only due to the very high success rate of the Affinity thwacks when compared to other actions. The only downside to this is the increased fewell cost which is partially offset by avoiding the fewell loss from an explosion occurring.
Interesting/Relevant Stats:
- It takes approximately 80 "Feed Fewell"s on average to gain one skill level between level 1 and 60.
- It takes approximately 180 "Feed Fewell"s on average to gain one skill level between level 60 and 80.
- This totals about 8600 "Feed Fewell"s to get from level 1 to level 80, or ~1.7 stacks of Fewell orbs.
Skill Cap Formula:
- Current Level + Impurity % given per fewell fed.
Note, however, that there is a lower cap of 5%, so you will need to get 6% or higher to be able to determine the skill cap.
Increasing Skillup
Placing a Model Synergy Furn. in your mog house grants the Moglification: Synergy Skill Gains. This effect doubles the rate of Synergy skillups.
Pages in category "Synergy"
The following 17 pages are in this category, out of 17 total.
- Synergy Augments
- Synergy/Item Etching
- Synergy/Item Etching/Recipes
- Synergy/Recipes
- Synergy/Recipes/Adept
- Synergy/Recipes/Amateur
- Synergy/Recipes/Apprentice
- Synergy/Recipes/Artisan
- Synergy/Recipes/Craftsman
- Synergy/Recipes/Initiate
- Synergy/Recipes/Journeyman
- Synergy/Recipes/Novice
- Synergy/Recipes/Recruit
- Synergy/Recipes/Veteran