Category:Chocobo Digging

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There is no item limit to a zone, but players are subject to 100 successful digs in total per real life day on a rental chocobo, and 100~200 digs on a raised chocobo.


Chocobo digging possesses an invisible rank, similar to that of other crafts. The way to determine ones rank is based upon the time (in seconds) a chocobo must wait after zoning in before it may begin digging.

The delay between digs also decreases as ones digging rank increases. The daily limit is successful digs and is not total dig attempts. Most successful digs count as 1 fatigue but as you level, your bird may get an occasional free dig. Daily maximum dig is 100 items. You need to move away (>2 yalms) from previous dig or you will fail to dig. There may be a longer history than 1 dig, so it's best to walk around the zone.

The items available in a zone also change as you rank up.


Rank Area Delay (s) Dig Delay (s)
Amateur 60 15
Recruit 55 10
Initiate 50 5
Novice 45 3
Apprentice 40 3
Journeyman 35 3
Craftsman 30 3
Artisan 25 3
Adept 20 3
Veteran 15 3
Expert 10 3
Hyper Campaign 5 3


The chocobo digging experience may be enhanced using either Duration gear and by using a few one-off pieces of equipment:

  • {{{2}}}px Blue Race Silks - 50% of the time, a successful dig will not count towards the daily fatigue cap.
  • {{{2}}}px Sky Blue Race Silks - Gives a message about your chocobo learning something ~50% of the time on successful digs, which is likely related to skilling up faster.
  • It is unclear which of the two Race Silks you should use if you want to cap digging skill, but either will be better than neither.
  • {{{2}}}px Chocobo Rope - Slightly increases the digging skillup rate.
  • {{{2}}}px Black Chocobo Suit - Reduces the chance of obtaining common items by 50%, and increases the chance of obtaining rare items by 50%.
  • {{{2}}}px Denim Pants +1 - Reduces the chance of obtaining common items by 50%, and increases the chance of obtaining rare items by 50%.Verification Needed
  • Since these pants and the Black Chocobo Suit reduces your chances of obtaining common items (a much higher pool), wearing either will greatly lower your dig rate. Not recommended for skilling up at low ranks.
  • {{{2}}}px Egg Helm - Adds Egg-themed items to the chocobo digging pool.
  • This can be used to increase the odds of digging something up if seeking skillups.

NPC Rented Chocobo Duration gear:

Personal Chocobo Duration Gear:

  • {{{2}}}px Red Race Silks - Increases riding duration by 10 minutes for a personal chocobo.

Personal Chocobo

Personal Chocobos, raised in the stables and called by Chocobo Whistle or via the "/mount chocobo" command, have a few bonuses. These bonuses depend on their stats, which only update when you re-register them for riding at a chocobo trainer NPC.

  • They have a higher successful digs/day cap
    • You may use a normal Chocobo for the first 100 successful digs and then switch to your personal chocobo to dig the difference
    • This is related to the Endurance stat, from my observations it's approximately 2 points in endurance = 1 successful dig over base of 100. Note: The ability Canter does NOT increase successful digs. Therefore, the 200 dig cap is reached at approximately 200/255 points in Endurance stat, for example:
      • E = approximately 100 - 115 dig cap
      • B = approximately 164 - 179 dig cap
      • S = approximately 196 - 200 dig cap
      • SS = 200 cap (no change)
  • They will occasionally "refuse to partake" in Gysahl Greens on successful or unsuccessful digs.
    • This rate is related to their Discernment stat
      • B = 15%
      • C = 10%
  • They can learn the Bore and Burrow abilities, which change the distribution of items available in each zone.
  • Burrow allows the chocobo access to any Gardening seeds, Beastcoins, feathers, Spider Webs, mushrooms, or roots and greens such as Gysahl, Ginger, Napa, Chamomile, Deathball, etc.
  • Bore allows the chocobo to access any crystals, logs, shells, scales, or ores
  • Certain zone pools allow you to obtain many of these items without Burrow or Bore.
  • However, bore increases the odds and certain zones will not reward certain ores without the trait.
  • A chocobo may learn Treasure Finder to reduce the chance of receiving nothing upon digging.
Chocobo Attriubute Effects on Digging
Strength Determines the reward amount of Beastmen caches.
E.g. Conquest Points, Allied Notes, etc
Endurance Maximum number of digs before fatigue cap.
Rental Chocobos are 100, and Raised are up to 200.
Discernment Increases rate a Chocobo digs without consuming Gysahl Greens icon.png Gysahl Greens.
Receptibility Increases the rate of obtaining rarer items.

Monthly Adventurer Campaigns

There are two types of campaigns that may run any given month.

Chocobo Digging Skill Increase Campaign

  • When this Monthly Adventurer Campaign is active, your Chocobo's Chocobo Digging skill increases faster.
    • Your Chocobo will have an increased chance for digging skill to increase every time it digs.
    • Note: When run concurrently with the Hyper Chocobo Digging Campaign below, experience gains will be properly applied even though there are no changes in visual effects.

Hyper Chocobo Digging Campaign

  • When this Monthly Adventurer Campaign is active, Chocobos can dig faster between intervals.
    • The delay between subsequent digs and the time you need to wait between zoning and your first dig will both be decreased.
      • If your Chocobo Digging skill is already at its maximum, this campaign does not apply.
    • Note: As mentioned above, this is not a "Plus!" campaign. these are two entirely different campaigns, even though the name does not imply that.

Goblin Diggers

Goblin Diggers sporadically appear in some diggable zones and bury items. After they bury the item, they will move on and you will be able to dig it up. This triggers a different series of digging messages (indicating proximity) than normal and items dug up do not count against your daily quota.

Weather and Moonphase

Some items can only be dug in specific weather. For instance, Clusters are only available during double weather.

  • These count against your daily quota.

Colored rock (Red Rock icon.png Red Rock, etc) and Elemental Ore is determined by weather. Fire Ore icon.png Elemental Ore can only be obtained when the Moon Phase is on the first 7 Vana'diel Days of Waxing Crescent (7%-21%), there has to be elemental weather, and they can only be found in non-expansion middle lands zones. It also seems to specifically be zones in the vicinity of Jeuno (e.g. Fire Ore can be obtained in Rolanberry Fields but not Eastern Altepa Desert or Valkurm Dunes).

Moon phase previous determined the availability of items in a zone. Historically, zones were able to be dug clean by multiple players and little to no items would be left until replaced at a certain moon phase. This was removed in the June 7th 2016 update. Thus there is no longer a universal item limit per zone, and only a personal fatigue limit similar to fishing.

Digging Rewards

West Sarutabaruta

Chocobo Digging
Item Rarity
Gysahl Greens icon.png Gysahl Greens C
Chamomile icon.png Chamomile R
Lauan Log icon.png Lauan Log R
Little Worm icon.png Little Worm R
Pebble icon.png Pebble R
Moko Grass icon.png Moko Grass R
Ginger icon.png Ginger R
Insect Wing icon.png Insect Wing R
Yagudo Feather icon.png Yagudo Feather R
Napa icon.png Napa VR
Saruta Cotton icon.png Saruta Cotton VR
Bird Feather icon.png Bird Feather VR
Ebony Log icon.png Ebony Log VR
Tree Cuttings icon.png Tree Cuttings VR
Rosewood Log icon.png Rosewood Log SR
Heavy Metal icon.png Heavy Metal SR

East Sarutabaruta

Chocobo Digging
Item Rarity
Gysahl Greens icon.png Gysahl Greens C
Chamomile icon.png Chamomile R
Lauan Log icon.png Lauan Log R
Pebble icon.png Pebble R
Ginger icon.png Ginger R
Insect Wing icon.png Insect Wing R
Yagudo Feather icon.png Yagudo Feather R
Saruta Cotton icon.png Saruta Cotton R
Papaka Grass icon.png Papaka Grass R
Napa icon.png Napa VR
Bird Feather icon.png Bird Feather VR
Ebony Log icon.png Ebony Log VR
Green Rock icon.png Green Rock VR
Rosewood Log icon.png Rosewood Log SR
Heavy Metal icon.png Heavy Metal SR

West Ronfaure

Chocobo Digging
Item Rarity
Gysahl Greens icon.png Gysahl Greens C
Chamomile icon.png Chamomile R
Ginger icon.png Ginger R
Arrowwood Log icon.png Arrowwood Log R
Little Worm icon.png Little Worm R
Ash Log icon.png Ash Log R
Acorn icon.png Acorn R
Chocobo Fthr. icon.png Chocobo Fthr. R
Moko Grass icon.png Moko Grass R
Maple Log icon.png Maple Log R
Napa icon.png Napa R
Chestnut icon.png Chestnut VR
Vegetable Seeds icon.png Vegetable Seeds VR
Chestnut Log icon.png Chestnut Log VR
Mistletoe icon.png Mistletoe VR
Heavy Metal icon.png Heavy Metal SR

East Ronfaure

Chocobo Digging
Item Rarity
Gysahl Greens icon.png Gysahl Greens C
Chamomile icon.png Chamomile R
Ginger icon.png Ginger R
Arrowwood Log icon.png Arrowwood Log R
Little Worm icon.png Little Worm R
Ash Log icon.png Ash Log R
Acorn icon.png Acorn R
Chocobo Fthr. icon.png Chocobo Fthr. R
Moko Grass icon.png Moko Grass R
Maple Log icon.png Maple Log R
Napa icon.png Napa R
Chestnut icon.png Chestnut VR
Vegetable Seeds icon.png Vegetable Seeds VR
Chestnut Log icon.png Chestnut Log VR
Mistletoe icon.png Mistletoe VR
King Truffle icon.png King Truffle VR
Heavy Metal icon.png Heavy Metal SR

South Gustaberg

Chocobo Digging
Item Rarity
Gysahl Greens icon.png Gysahl Greens C
Bird Feather icon.png Bird Feather R
Bone Chip icon.png Bone Chip R
Chamomile icon.png Chamomile R
Ginger icon.png Ginger R
Grain Seeds icon.png Grain Seeds R
Insect Wing icon.png Insect Wing R
Little Worm icon.png Little Worm R
Lizard Molt icon.png Lizard Molt R
Mtl. Beastcoin icon.png Mtl. Beastcoin R
Napa icon.png Napa R
Pebble icon.png Pebble R
Rock Salt icon.png Rock Salt R
White Rock icon.png White Rock VR
Coin of Decay icon.png Coin of Decay SR
Heavy Metal icon.png Heavy Metal SR

North Gustaberg

Chocobo Digging
Item Rarity
Gysahl Greens icon.png Gysahl Greens C
Bird Feather icon.png Bird Feather R
Bone Chip icon.png Bone Chip R
Chamomile icon.png Chamomile R
Fish Scales icon.png Fish Scales R
Ginger icon.png Ginger R
Insect Wing icon.png Insect Wing R
Little Worm icon.png Little Worm R
Lizard Molt icon.png Lizard Molt R
Napa icon.png Napa R
Pebble icon.png Pebble R
Cactus Stems icon.png Cactus Stems VR
Darksteel Ore icon.png Darksteel Ore VR
Mtl. Beastcoin icon.png Mtl. Beastcoin VR
Mythril Ore icon.png Mythril Ore VR
Heavy Metal icon.png Heavy Metal SR

La Theine Plateau

Chocobo Digging
Item Rarity
Gysahl Greens icon.png Gysahl Greens C
Yellow Ginseng icon.png Yellow Ginseng C
Chamomile icon.png Chamomile U
Arrowwood Log icon.png Arrowwood Log R
Chocobo Fthr. icon.png Chocobo Fthr. R
Ginger icon.png Ginger R
Little Worm icon.png Little Worm R
Napa icon.png Napa R
Pebble icon.png Pebble R
Tin Ore icon.png Tin Ore R
Tree Cuttings icon.png Tree Cuttings R
Wildgrass Seeds icon.png Wildgrass Seeds R
Yew Log icon.png Yew Log R
Zinc Ore icon.png Zinc Ore R
Chestnut Log icon.png Chestnut Log VR
Dried Marjoram icon.png Dried Marjoram VR
Cactus Stems icon.png Cactus Stems VR
Coin of Glory icon.png Coin of Glory SR
Heavy Metal icon.png Heavy Metal SR

Valkurm Dunes

Chocobo Digging
Item Rarity
Seashell icon.png Seashell C
Black C. Feather icon.png Black C. Feather U
Bone Chip icon.png Bone Chip U
Phoenix Feather icon.png Phoenix Feather U
Fish Scales icon.png Fish Scales R
Giant Femur icon.png Giant Femur R
H.Q. Pugil Scale icon.png H.Q. Pugil Scale R
Lizard Molt icon.png Lizard Molt R
Lugworm icon.png Lugworm R
Red Moko Grass icon.png Red Moko Grass R
Shall Shell icon.png Shall Shell R
Shell Bug icon.png Shell Bug R
Spider Web icon.png Spider Web R
Titanictus Shell icon.png Titanictus Shell R
Turtle Shell icon.png Turtle Shell R
Blue Rock icon.png Blue Rock VR
Demon Horn icon.png Demon Horn VR
Demon Skull icon.png Demon Skull VR
Dragon Scales icon.png Dragon Scales VR
G. Bird Plume icon.png G. Bird Plume VR
Wyvern Scales icon.png Wyvern Scales VR
Coin of Decay icon.png Coin of Decay SR
O. Bronzepiece icon.png O. Bronzepiece SR
T. Whiteshell icon.png T. Whiteshell SR

Konschtat Highlands

Chocobo Digging
Item Rarity
Black C. Feather icon.png Black C. Feather U
Phoenix Feather icon.png Phoenix Feather U
Bone Chip icon.png Bone Chip R
Elm Log icon.png Elm Log R
Fish Scales icon.png Fish Scales R
Flint Stone icon.png Flint Stone R
Lizard Molt icon.png Lizard Molt R
Pebble icon.png Pebble R
Red Moko Grass icon.png Red Moko Grass R
Spider Web icon.png Spider Web R
Zinc Ore icon.png Zinc Ore R
Bird Feather icon.png Bird Feather VR
G. Bird Plume icon.png G. Bird Plume VR
Coin of Birth icon.png Coin of Birth SR
Heavy Metal icon.png Heavy Metal SR
Mtl. Beastcoin icon.png Mtl. Beastcoin SR

Tahrongi Canyon

Chocobo Digging
Item Rarity
Beastcoin icon.png Beastcoin C
Bone Chip icon.png Bone Chip U
Seashell icon.png Seashell U
Silver Beastcoin icon.png Silver Beastcoin U
Fish Scales icon.png Fish Scales R
Gold Beastcoin icon.png Gold Beastcoin R
H.Q. Pugil Scale icon.png H.Q. Pugil Scale R
Insect Wing icon.png Insect Wing R
Mtl. Beastcoin icon.png Mtl. Beastcoin R
Pebble icon.png Pebble R
Tin Ore icon.png Tin Ore R
Titanictus Shell icon.png Titanictus Shell R
Turtle Shell icon.png Turtle Shell R
Yagudo Feather icon.png Yagudo Feather R
Demon Horn icon.png Demon Horn VR
Demon Skull icon.png Demon Skull VR
Dragon Scales icon.png Dragon Scales VR
Giant Femur icon.png Giant Femur VR
Gold Ore icon.png Gold Ore VR
Red Rock icon.png Red Rock VR
Coin of Adv. icon.png Coin of Adv. SR
Heavy Metal icon.png Heavy Metal SR
Plt. Beastcoin icon.png Plt. Beastcoin SR
Wyvern Scales icon.png Wyvern Scales SR

Buburimu Peninsula

Chocobo Digging
Item Rarity
Black C. Feather icon.png Black C. Feather U
Phoenix Feather icon.png Phoenix Feather U
Seashell icon.png Seashell U
Bird Feather icon.png Bird Feather R
Bone Chip icon.png Bone Chip R
Demon Skull icon.png Demon Skull R
Fish Scales icon.png Fish Scales R
Giant Femur icon.png Giant Femur R
H.Q. Pugil Scale icon.png H.Q. Pugil Scale R
Lugworm icon.png Lugworm R
Red Moko Grass icon.png Red Moko Grass R
Shall Shell icon.png Shall Shell R
Shell Bug icon.png Shell Bug R
Spider Web icon.png Spider Web R
Tin Ore icon.png Tin Ore R
Titanictus Shell icon.png Titanictus Shell R
Turtle Shell icon.png Turtle Shell R
Demon Horn icon.png Demon Horn VR
Dragon Scales icon.png Dragon Scales VR
G. Bird Plume icon.png G. Bird Plume VR
Platinum Ore icon.png Platinum Ore VR
1 Byne Bill icon.png 1 Byne Bill SR
Coin of Birth icon.png Coin of Birth SR
Coin of Decay icon.png Coin of Decay SR
Heavy Metal icon.png Heavy Metal SR
Wyvern Scales icon.png Wyvern Scales SR

Jugner Forest

Chocobo Digging
Item Rarity
Arrowwood Log icon.png Arrowwood Log C
Acorn icon.png Acorn R
Holly Log icon.png Holly Log R
Little Worm icon.png Little Worm R
Maple Log icon.png Maple Log R
Oak Log icon.png Oak Log R
Willow Log icon.png Willow Log R
Yew Log icon.png Yew Log R
Elm Log icon.png Elm Log VR
Lacquer Tree Log icon.png Lacquer Tree Log VR
Mahogany Log icon.png Mahogany Log VR
Mistletoe icon.png Mistletoe VR
Rosewood Log icon.png Rosewood Log VR
Ancient Lumber icon.png Ancient Lumber SR
Scream Fungus icon.png Scream Fungus SR
Coin of Birth icon.png Coin of Birth SR
Heavy Metal icon.png Heavy Metal SR

Pashhow Marshlands

Chocobo Digging
Item Rarity
Yellow Ginseng icon.png Yellow Ginseng C
Black Rock icon.png Black Rock R
Insect Wing icon.png Insect Wing R
Lizard Molt icon.png Lizard Molt R
Pebble icon.png Pebble R
Silver Ore icon.png Silver Ore R
Wildgrass Seeds icon.png Wildgrass Seeds R
Mtl. Beastcoin icon.png Mtl. Beastcoin VR
Tree Cuttings icon.png Tree Cuttings VR
Turtle Shell icon.png Turtle Shell VR
Willow Log icon.png Willow Log VR
Cactus Stems icon.png Cactus Stems SR
Coin of Adv. icon.png Coin of Adv. SR
Heavy Metal icon.png Heavy Metal SR
Petrified Log icon.png Petrified Log SR
Puffball icon.png Puffball SR

Meriphataud Mountains

Chocobo Digging
Item Rarity
Flint Stone icon.png Flint Stone VC
Silver Ore icon.png Silver Ore U
Iron Ore icon.png Iron Ore U
Kopparnickel Ore icon.png Kopparnickel Ore U
Copper Ore icon.png Copper Ore R
Giant Femur icon.png Giant Femur R
Insect Wing icon.png Insect Wing R
Lizard Molt icon.png Lizard Molt R
Mythril Ore icon.png Mythril Ore R
Pebble icon.png Pebble R
Darksteel Ore icon.png Darksteel Ore VR
Gold Beastcoin icon.png Gold Beastcoin VR
Adaman Ore icon.png Adaman Ore SR
Aluminum Ore icon.png Aluminum Ore SR
Coin of Adv. icon.png Coin of Adv. SR
Gold Ore icon.png Gold Ore SR
Heavy Metal icon.png Heavy Metal SR

Batallia Downs

Chocobo Digging
Item Rarity
Yellow Ginseng icon.png Yellow Ginseng C
Beastcoin icon.png Beastcoin U
Silver Beastcoin icon.png Silver Beastcoin U
Bird Feather icon.png Bird Feather R
Bone Chip icon.png Bone Chip R
Copper Ore icon.png Copper Ore R
Flint Stone icon.png Flint Stone R
Gold Beastcoin icon.png Gold Beastcoin R
Iron Ore icon.png Iron Ore R
Mtl. Beastcoin icon.png Mtl. Beastcoin R
Pebble icon.png Pebble R
Red Jar icon.png Red Jar R
Wildgrass Seeds icon.png Wildgrass Seeds R
Plt. Beastcoin icon.png Plt. Beastcoin VR
Purple Rock icon.png Purple Rock VR
Tree Cuttings icon.png Tree Cuttings VR
Black C. Feather icon.png Black C. Feather SR
Cactus Stems icon.png Cactus Stems SR
Coin of Adv. icon.png Coin of Adv. SR
Heavy Metal icon.png Heavy Metal SR
Reishi Mushroom icon.png Reishi Mushroom SR

Rolanberry Fields

Chocobo Digging
Item Rarity
Beastcoin icon.png Beastcoin U
Silver Beastcoin icon.png Silver Beastcoin U
Flint Stone icon.png Flint Stone U
Sleepshroom icon.png Sleepshroom U
Woozyshroom icon.png Woozyshroom U
Danceshroom icon.png Danceshroom R
Gold Beastcoin icon.png Gold Beastcoin R
Insect Wing icon.png Insect Wing R
Little Worm icon.png Little Worm R
Mtl. Beastcoin icon.png Mtl. Beastcoin R
Pebble icon.png Pebble R
Red Jar icon.png Red Jar R
Sage icon.png Sage R
Coral Fungus icon.png Coral Fungus VR
Puffball icon.png Puffball VR
Reishi Mushroom icon.png Reishi Mushroom VR
Coin of Glory icon.png Coin of Glory SR
Deathball icon.png Deathball SR
Heavy Metal icon.png Heavy Metal SR
Orichalcum Ore icon.png Orichalcum Ore SR
Plt. Beastcoin icon.png Plt. Beastcoin SR

Sauromugue Champaign

Chocobo Digging
Item Rarity
Beastcoin icon.png Beastcoin U
Silver Beastcoin icon.png Silver Beastcoin U
Bone Chip icon.png Bone Chip U
Fish Scales icon.png Fish Scales R
Flint Stone icon.png Flint Stone R
Gold Beastcoin icon.png Gold Beastcoin R
H.Q. Pugil Scale icon.png H.Q. Pugil Scale R
Insect Wing icon.png Insect Wing R
Iron Ore icon.png Iron Ore R
Lizard Molt icon.png Lizard Molt R
Mtl. Beastcoin icon.png Mtl. Beastcoin R
Pebble icon.png Pebble R
Seashell icon.png Seashell R
Turtle Shell icon.png Turtle Shell R
Black C. Feather icon.png Black C. Feather VR
Demon Horn icon.png Demon Horn VR
Demon Skull icon.png Demon Skull VR
Dragon Scales icon.png Dragon Scales VR
Red Jar icon.png Red Jar VR
Titanictus Shell icon.png Titanictus Shell VR
Wyvern Scales icon.png Wyvern Scales VR
Coin of Glory icon.png Coin of Glory SR
Heavy Metal icon.png Heavy Metal SR
Plt. Beastcoin icon.png Plt. Beastcoin SR

Carpenters' Landing

Chocobo Digging
Item Rarity
Arrowwood Log icon.png Arrowwood Log U
Little Worm icon.png Little Worm U
Acorn icon.png Acorn R
Holly Log icon.png Holly Log R
Maple Log icon.png Maple Log R
Oak Log icon.png Oak Log R
Willow Log icon.png Willow Log R
Yew Log icon.png Yew Log R
Ancient Lumber icon.png Ancient Lumber VR
Ebony Log icon.png Ebony Log VR
Elm Log icon.png Elm Log VR
Mistletoe icon.png Mistletoe VR
Rosewood Log icon.png Rosewood Log VR
Scream Fungus icon.png Scream Fungus VR
King Truffle icon.png King Truffle VR
Lacquer Tree Log icon.png Lacquer Tree Log VR
Mahogany Log icon.png Mahogany Log VR

Bibiki Bay

Chocobo Digging
Item Rarity
Black C. Feather icon.png Black C. Feather U
Seashell icon.png Seashell U
Bird Feather icon.png Bird Feather R
Bone Chip icon.png Bone Chip R
Fish Scales icon.png Fish Scales R
Giant Femur icon.png Giant Femur R
Lugworm icon.png Lugworm R
Phoenix Feather icon.png Phoenix Feather R
Red Moko Grass icon.png Red Moko Grass R
Shall Shell icon.png Shall Shell R
Tin Ore icon.png Tin Ore R
Titanictus Shell icon.png Titanictus Shell R
Turtle Shell icon.png Turtle Shell R
Demon Horn icon.png Demon Horn VR
Demon Skull icon.png Demon Skull VR
Dragon Scales icon.png Dragon Scales VR
G. Bird Plume icon.png G. Bird Plume VR
H.Q. Pugil Scale icon.png H.Q. Pugil Scale VR
Shell Bug icon.png Shell Bug VR
Spider Web icon.png Spider Web VR
Wyvern Scales icon.png Wyvern Scales VR
Coin of Birth icon.png Coin of Birth SR
Coral Fragment icon.png Coral Fragment SR
Heavy Metal icon.png Heavy Metal SR
Platinum Ore icon.png Platinum Ore SR

Purgonorgo Isle

Chocobo Digging
Item Rarity
Black C. Feather icon.png Black C. Feather U
Phoenix Feather icon.png Phoenix Feather U
Seashell icon.png Seashell U
Bird Feather icon.png Bird Feather R
Bone Chip icon.png Bone Chip R
Giant Femur icon.png Giant Femur R
Lugworm icon.png Lugworm R
Phoenix Feather icon.png Phoenix Feather R
Red Moko Grass icon.png Red Moko Grass R
Shall Shell icon.png Shall Shell R
Demon Horn icon.png Demon Horn R
Fish Scales icon.png Fish Scales R
Giant Femur icon.png Giant Femur R
H.Q. Pugil Scale icon.png H.Q. Pugil Scale R
Lugworm icon.png Lugworm R
Red Moko Grass icon.png Red Moko Grass R
Tin Ore icon.png Tin Ore R
Titanictus Shell icon.png Titanictus Shell R
Demon Skull icon.png Demon Skull VR
Dragon Scales icon.png Dragon Scales VR
G. Bird Plume icon.png G. Bird Plume VR
Shall Shell icon.png Shall Shell VR
Shell Bug icon.png Shell Bug VR
Spider Web icon.png Spider Web VR
Turtle Shell icon.png Turtle Shell VR
Wyvern Scales icon.png Wyvern Scales VR
Heavy Metal icon.png Heavy Metal SR
Platinum Ore icon.png Platinum Ore SR

Attohwa Chasm

Chocobo Digging
Item Rarity
Yellow Ginseng icon.png Yellow Ginseng VC
Bone Chip icon.png Bone Chip U
Kopparnickel Ore icon.png Kopparnickel Ore U
Silver Ore icon.png Silver Ore U
Antlion Jaw icon.png Antlion Jaw R
Iolite icon.png Iolite R
Iron Ore icon.png Iron Ore R
Mythril Ore icon.png Mythril Ore R
Pebble icon.png Pebble R
Sulfur icon.png Sulfur R
Wildgrass Seeds icon.png Wildgrass Seeds R
Cactus Stems icon.png Cactus Stems VR
Darksteel Ore icon.png Darksteel Ore VR
Phoenix Feather icon.png Phoenix Feather VR
Red Gravel icon.png Red Gravel VR
Tree Cuttings icon.png Tree Cuttings VR
Venom Dust icon.png Venom Dust VR
Heavy Metal icon.png Heavy Metal SR
Titanium Ore icon.png Titanium Ore SR

Beaucedine Glacier

Chocobo Digging
Item Rarity
Beastcoin icon.png Beastcoin U
Silver Beastcoin icon.png Silver Beastcoin U
Beaugreens icon.png Beaugreens R
Blk. Tiger Fang icon.png Blk. Tiger Fang R
Gigas Necklace icon.png Gigas Necklace R
Ice Cluster icon.png Ice Cluster R
Lugworm icon.png Lugworm R
Mtl. Beastcoin icon.png Mtl. Beastcoin R
Pebble icon.png Pebble R
Petrified Log icon.png Petrified Log R
Gold Beastcoin icon.png Gold Beastcoin VR
Ordrynite icon.png Ordrynite VR
Platinum Leaf icon.png Platinum Leaf VR


Chocobo Digging
Item Rarity
Beastcoin icon.png Beastcoin U
Silver Beastcoin icon.png Silver Beastcoin U
Ahriman Lens icon.png Ahriman Lens R
Bone Chip icon.png Bone Chip R
Frost Turnip icon.png Frost Turnip R
Gigas Socks icon.png Gigas Socks R
Mtl. Beastcoin icon.png Mtl. Beastcoin R
Old Arrow icon.png Old Arrow R
Pebble icon.png Pebble R
Demon Skull icon.png Demon Skull VR
Gold Beastcoin icon.png Gold Beastcoin VR
Gold Ore icon.png Gold Ore VR
Petrified Log icon.png Petrified Log VR
Garnet icon.png Garnet SR
Onyx icon.png Onyx SR
Plt. Beastcoin icon.png Plt. Beastcoin SR
Relic Iron icon.png Relic Iron SR

Uleguerand Range

Chocobo Digging
Item Rarity
Beastcoin icon.png Beastcoin U
Iron Ore icon.png Iron Ore U
Kopparnickel Ore icon.png Kopparnickel Ore U
Mythril Ore icon.png Mythril Ore U
Silver Beastcoin icon.png Silver Beastcoin U
Silver Ore icon.png Silver Ore R
Blk. Tiger Fang icon.png Blk. Tiger Fang R
Buffalo Horn icon.png Buffalo Horn R
Ice Cluster icon.png Ice Cluster R
Mythril Ore icon.png Mythril Ore R
Pebble icon.png Pebble R
Rabbit Hide icon.png Rabbit Hide R
Darksteel Ore icon.png Darksteel Ore VR
Demon Horn icon.png Demon Horn VR
Flame Geode icon.png Flame Geode VR
Gold Beastcoin icon.png Gold Beastcoin VR
Plt. Beastcoin icon.png Plt. Beastcoin VR
Snow Geode icon.png Snow Geode VR
Heavy Metal icon.png Heavy Metal SR
Mammoth Tusk icon.png Mammoth Tusk SR

Qufim Island

Chocobo Digging
Item Rarity
Pebble icon.png Pebble C
Bone Chip icon.png Bone Chip U
Silica icon.png Silica U
Yellow Rock icon.png Yellow Rock U
Zinc Ore icon.png Zinc Ore U
Red Jar icon.png Red Jar U
Coral Fragment icon.png Coral Fragment R
Magic Pot Shard icon.png Magic Pot Shard R
Sparkling Stone icon.png Sparkling Stone VR
Tin Ore icon.png Tin Ore VR
T. Whiteshell icon.png T. Whiteshell SR
O. Bronzepiece icon.png O. Bronzepiece SR
1 Byne Bill icon.png 1 Byne Bill SR
Coin of Ruin icon.png Coin of Ruin SR
Heavy Metal icon.png Heavy Metal SR
Lightning Crystal icon.png Lightning Crystal C
Elemental Ore icon.png Elemental Ore VR
Bkn. Single Rod icon.png Bkn. Single Rod SR
Bkn. Clothespole icon.png Bkn. Clothespole SR
Bkn. Mithran Rod icon.png Bkn. Mithran Rod SR
Bkn. Willow Rod icon.png Bkn. Willow Rod SR
Bkn. Fast. Rod icon.png Bkn. Fast. Rod SR
Bkn. Carbon Rod icon.png Bkn. Carbon Rod SR
Bkn. Hume Rod icon.png Bkn. Hume Rod SR
Bkn. Halcyon Rod icon.png Bkn. Halcyon Rod SR
Beastcoin icon.png Beastcoin U
Silver Beastcoin icon.png Silver Beastcoin U
Mtl. Beastcoin icon.png Mtl. Beastcoin R
Gold Beastcoin icon.png Gold Beastcoin VR
Plt. Beastcoin icon.png Plt. Beastcoin SR

Behemoth's Dominion

Chocobo Digging
Item Rarity
Flint Stone icon.png Flint Stone VC
Yellow Ginseng icon.png Yellow Ginseng VC
Bat Wing icon.png Bat Wing R
Bone Chip icon.png Bone Chip R
Giant Femur icon.png Giant Femur R
Lightning Cluster icon.png Lightning Cluster R
Pebble icon.png Pebble R
Silver Ore icon.png Silver Ore R
Tree Cuttings icon.png Tree Cuttings R
Wildgrass Seeds icon.png Wildgrass Seeds R
Behemoth Hide icon.png Behemoth Hide VR
Bloodthread icon.png Bloodthread VR
Cactus Stems icon.png Cactus Stems VR
Darksteel Ore icon.png Darksteel Ore VR
Granite icon.png Granite VR
Aluminum Ore icon.png Aluminum Ore SR
Burning Memory icon.png Burning Memory SR
Gold Ore icon.png Gold Ore SR
Heavy Metal icon.png Heavy Metal SR
Platinum Ore icon.png Platinum Ore SR

The Sanctuary of Zi'Tah

Chocobo Digging
Item Rarity
Silver Beastcoin icon.png Silver Beastcoin C
Arrowwood Log icon.png Arrowwood Log U
Beastcoin icon.png Beastcoin U
Pebble icon.png Pebble U
Yew Log icon.png Yew Log U
Bone Chip icon.png Bone Chip R
Elm Log icon.png Elm Log R
Moko Grass icon.png Moko Grass R
Mtl. Beastcoin icon.png Mtl. Beastcoin R
Oak Log icon.png Oak Log R
Ebony Log icon.png Ebony Log VR
Gold Beastcoin icon.png Gold Beastcoin VR
Green Rock icon.png Green Rock VR
Mahogany Log icon.png Mahogany Log VR
Rosewood Log icon.png Rosewood Log VR
Translucent Rock icon.png Translucent Rock VR
Ancient Lumber icon.png Ancient Lumber SR
Coin of Decay icon.png Coin of Decay SR
Lacquer Tree Log icon.png Lacquer Tree Log SR
Petrified Log icon.png Petrified Log SR
Plt. Beastcoin icon.png Plt. Beastcoin SR

Eastern Altepa Desert

Chocobo Digging
Item Rarity
Flint Stone icon.png Flint Stone VC
Bone Chip icon.png Bone Chip U
Fruit Seeds icon.png Fruit Seeds R
Giant Femur icon.png Giant Femur R
Grain Seeds icon.png Grain Seeds R
Herb Seeds icon.png Herb Seeds R
Pebble icon.png Pebble R
Silver Ore icon.png Silver Ore R
Vegetable Seeds icon.png Vegetable Seeds R
Wildgrass Seeds icon.png Wildgrass Seeds R
Wyvern Scales icon.png Wyvern Scales R
Zinc Ore icon.png Zinc Ore R
Aluminum Ore icon.png Aluminum Ore VR
Cactus Stems icon.png Cactus Stems VR
Mythril Ore icon.png Mythril Ore VR
Orichalcum Ore icon.png Orichalcum Ore VR
Platinum Ore icon.png Platinum Ore VR
Tree Cuttings icon.png Tree Cuttings VR
Gold Ore icon.png Gold Ore SR
Heavy Metal icon.png Heavy Metal SR
Phil. Stone icon.png Phil. Stone SR

Western Altepa Desert

Chocobo Digging
Item Rarity
Bone Chip icon.png Bone Chip C
Black C. Feather icon.png Black C. Feather U
Giant Femur icon.png Giant Femur U
Phoenix Feather icon.png Phoenix Feather U
Coral Fragment icon.png Coral Fragment R
Fish Scales icon.png Fish Scales R
H.Q. Pugil Scale icon.png H.Q. Pugil Scale R
Iron Ore icon.png Iron Ore R
Pebble icon.png Pebble R
Red Moko Grass icon.png Red Moko Grass R
Seashell icon.png Seashell R
Turtle Shell icon.png Turtle Shell R
Zinc Ore icon.png Zinc Ore R
Darksteel Ore icon.png Darksteel Ore VR
Demon Horn icon.png Demon Horn VR
Demon Skull icon.png Demon Skull VR
Dragon Scales icon.png Dragon Scales VR
G. Bird Plume icon.png G. Bird Plume VR
Gold Ore icon.png Gold Ore VR
Phil. Stone icon.png Phil. Stone VR
Spider Web icon.png Spider Web VR
Titanictus Shell icon.png Titanictus Shell VR
Wyvern Scales icon.png Wyvern Scales VR
Heavy Metal icon.png Heavy Metal SR

Cape Teriggan

Chocobo Digging
Item Rarity
Arrowwood Log icon.png Arrowwood Log U
Black C. Feather icon.png Black C. Feather U
Phoenix Feather icon.png Phoenix Feather U
Bone Chip icon.png Bone Chip R
Elm Log icon.png Elm Log R
Fish Scales icon.png Fish Scales R
Lizard Molt icon.png Lizard Molt R
Lugworm icon.png Lugworm R
Manticore Hair icon.png Manticore Hair R
Oak Log icon.png Oak Log R
Red Moko Grass icon.png Red Moko Grass R
Seashell icon.png Seashell R
Shall Shell icon.png Shall Shell R
Spider Web icon.png Spider Web R
Ebony Log icon.png Ebony Log VR
G. Bird Plume icon.png G. Bird Plume VR
Lacquer Tree Log icon.png Lacquer Tree Log VR
Light Chest icon.png Light Chest VR
Mahogany Log icon.png Mahogany Log VR
Mythril Ore icon.png Mythril Ore VR
Phil. Stone icon.png Phil. Stone VR
Rosewood Log icon.png Rosewood Log VR
Shadow Geode icon.png Shadow Geode VR
Yew Log icon.png Yew Log VR
Ancient Lumber icon.png Ancient Lumber SR

Valley of Sorrows

Chocobo Digging
Item Rarity
Black C. Feather icon.png Black C. Feather U
Kopparnickel Ore icon.png Kopparnickel Ore U
Phoenix Feather icon.png Phoenix Feather U
Silver Ore icon.png Silver Ore U
Bone Chip icon.png Bone Chip R
Fish Scales icon.png Fish Scales R
Giant Femur icon.png Giant Femur R
Iron Ore icon.png Iron Ore R
Kitron icon.png Kitron R
Lugworm icon.png Lugworm R
Mythril Ore icon.png Mythril Ore R
Red Moko Grass icon.png Red Moko Grass R
Seashell icon.png Seashell R
Spider Web icon.png Spider Web R
Turtle Shell icon.png Turtle Shell R
Darksteel Ore icon.png Darksteel Ore VR
Gold Leaf icon.png Gold Leaf VR
Gold Ore icon.png Gold Ore VR
Phil. Stone icon.png Phil. Stone VR
G. Bird Plume icon.png G. Bird Plume SR

Yuhtunga Jungle

Chocobo Digging
Item Rarity
Arrowwood Log icon.png Arrowwood Log U
Bone Chip icon.png Bone Chip U
Danceshroom icon.png Danceshroom U
Woozyshroom icon.png Woozyshroom U
Cinnamon icon.png Cinnamon R
Ebony Log icon.png Ebony Log R
Elm Log icon.png Elm Log R
Puffball icon.png Puffball R
Rattan Lumber icon.png Rattan Lumber R
Rosewood Log icon.png Rosewood Log R
Sleepshroom icon.png Sleepshroom R
Yew Log icon.png Yew Log R
Deathball icon.png Deathball VR
King Truffle icon.png King Truffle VR
Oak Log icon.png Oak Log VR
Petrified Log icon.png Petrified Log VR
Reishi Mushroom icon.png Reishi Mushroom VR
Ancient Lumber icon.png Ancient Lumber SR
Heavy Metal icon.png Heavy Metal SR
Lacquer Tree Log icon.png Lacquer Tree Log SR
Mahogany Log icon.png Mahogany Log SR

Yhoator Jungle

Chocobo Digging
Item Rarity
Arrowwood Log icon.png Arrowwood Log U
Bone Chip icon.png Bone Chip U
Sleepshroom icon.png Sleepshroom U-
Woozyshroom icon.png Woozyshroom U
Danceshroom icon.png Danceshroom R
Dryad Root icon.png Dryad Root R
Ebony Log icon.png Ebony Log R
Elm Log icon.png Elm Log R
Kazham Pineapl. icon.png Kazham Pineapl. R
Lauan Log icon.png Lauan Log R
Mahogany Log icon.png Mahogany Log R
Oak Log icon.png Oak Log R
Reishi Mushroom icon.png Reishi Mushroom R
Rosewood Log icon.png Rosewood Log R
Yew Log icon.png Yew Log R
Coral Fungus icon.png Coral Fungus VR
Petrified Log icon.png Petrified Log VR
Puffball icon.png Puffball VR
Ancient Lumber icon.png Ancient Lumber SR
Deathball icon.png Deathball SR
Lacquer Tree Log icon.png Lacquer Tree Log SR

Lufaise Meadows

Chocobo Digging
Item Rarity
Acorn icon.png Acorn U
Apple Mint icon.png Apple Mint R
Cibol icon.png Cibol R
Dark Crystal icon.png Dark Crystal R
Earth Crystal icon.png Earth Crystal R
Fire Crystal icon.png Fire Crystal R
Holy Basil icon.png Holy Basil R
Ice Crystal icon.png Ice Crystal R
Light Crystal icon.png Light Crystal R
Lightning Crystal icon.png Lightning Crystal R
Lufaise Fly icon.png Lufaise Fly R
Misx. Parsley icon.png Misx. Parsley R
Moko Grass icon.png Moko Grass R
Popoto icon.png Popoto R
Red Moko Grass icon.png Red Moko Grass R
Water Crystal icon.png Water Crystal R
Wind Crystal icon.png Wind Crystal R
Beehive Chip icon.png Beehive Chip VR
Blue Peas icon.png Blue Peas VR
Giant Stinger icon.png Giant Stinger VR
Light Chest icon.png Light Chest VR
Puffball icon.png Puffball VR
Ram Horn icon.png Ram Horn VR
Wild Onion icon.png Wild Onion VR
Gold Beastcoin icon.png Gold Beastcoin SR
Griffon Hide icon.png Griffon Hide SR
Heavy Metal icon.png Heavy Metal SR
Vegetable Seeds icon.png Vegetable Seeds SR

Misareaux Coast

Chocobo Digging
Item Rarity
Acorn icon.png Acorn U
Apple Mint icon.png Apple Mint U
Arrowwood Log icon.png Arrowwood Log U
Blue Peas icon.png Blue Peas R
Cibol icon.png Cibol R
Flytrap Leaf icon.png Flytrap Leaf R
Herb Seeds icon.png Herb Seeds R
Holy Basil icon.png Holy Basil R
Misx. Parsley icon.png Misx. Parsley R
Moko Grass icon.png Moko Grass R
Oak Log icon.png Oak Log R
Moko Grass icon.png Moko Grass R
Oak Log icon.png Oak Log R
Popoto icon.png Popoto R
Wild Onion icon.png Wild Onion R
Yew Log icon.png Yew Log R
Beehive Chip icon.png Beehive Chip VR
Ebony Log icon.png Ebony Log VR
Elm Log icon.png Elm Log VR
Gold Beastcoin icon.png Gold Beastcoin VR
Lacquer Tree Log icon.png Lacquer Tree Log VR
Lightning Crystal icon.png Lightning Crystal VR
Mahogany Log icon.png Mahogany Log VR
Puffball icon.png Puffball VR
Red Moko Grass icon.png Red Moko Grass VR
Rosewood Log icon.png Rosewood Log VR
Saffron Blossom icon.png Saffron Blossom VR
Shadow Geode icon.png Shadow Geode VR
Wind Crystal icon.png Wind Crystal VR
Ancient Lumber icon.png Ancient Lumber SR
Breeze Geode icon.png Breeze Geode SR
Heavy Metal icon.png Heavy Metal SR
Oxblood icon.png Oxblood SR

Bhaflau Thickets

Chocobo Digging
Item Rarity
Flint Stone icon.png Flint Stone VC
Arrowwood Log icon.png Arrowwood Log C
Colibri Feather icon.png Colibri Feather R
Dried Marjoram icon.png Dried Marjoram R
Moko Grass icon.png Moko Grass R
Oak Log icon.png Oak Log R
Pebble icon.png Pebble R
Petrified Log icon.png Petrified Log R
Pine Nuts icon.png Pine Nuts R
Yew Log icon.png Yew Log R
Aluminum Ore icon.png Aluminum Ore VR
Black C. Feather icon.png Black C. Feather VR
Blue Rock icon.png Blue Rock VR
Ebony Log icon.png Ebony Log VR
Elm Log icon.png Elm Log VR
Gold Ore icon.png Gold Ore VR
Mahogany Log icon.png Mahogany Log VR
Orichalcum Ore icon.png Orichalcum Ore VR
Platinum Ore icon.png Platinum Ore VR
Rosewood Log icon.png Rosewood Log VR
Wind Crystal icon.png Wind Crystal VR
Alexandrite icon.png Alexandrite SR
Ancient Lumber icon.png Ancient Lumber SR
Darksteel Ore icon.png Darksteel Ore SR
Lacquer Tree Log icon.png Lacquer Tree Log SR
Lesser Chigoe icon.png Lesser Chigoe SR
Peph. Hive Chip icon.png Peph. Hive Chip SR
Spider Web icon.png Spider Web SR

Wajaom Woodlands

Chocobo Digging
Item Rarity
Flint Stone icon.png Flint Stone VC
Arrowwood Log icon.png Arrowwood Log C
Moko Grass icon.png Moko Grass U
Black C. Feather icon.png Black C. Feather R
Blue Rock icon.png Blue Rock R
Ebony Log icon.png Ebony Log R
Elm Log icon.png Elm Log R
Oak Log icon.png Oak Log R
Pebble icon.png Pebble R
Pine Nuts icon.png Pine Nuts R
Yew Log icon.png Yew Log R
Adaman Ore icon.png Adaman Ore VR
Aluminum Ore icon.png Aluminum Ore VR
Darksteel Ore icon.png Darksteel Ore VR
Gold Ore icon.png Gold Ore VR
Mahogany Log icon.png Mahogany Log VR
Orichalcum Ore icon.png Orichalcum Ore VR
Peph. Hive Chip icon.png Peph. Hive Chip VR
Spider Web icon.png Spider Web VR
Wind Crystal icon.png Wind Crystal VR
Alexandrite icon.png Alexandrite SR
Ancient Lumber icon.png Ancient Lumber SR
Kaolin icon.png Kaolin SR
Lacquer Tree Log icon.png Lacquer Tree Log SR
Platinum Ore icon.png Platinum Ore SR
Rosewood Log icon.png Rosewood Log SR

Caedarva Mire

Chocobo Digging
Item Rarity
Flint Stone icon.png Flint Stone VC
Arrowwood Log icon.png Arrowwood Log C
Bone Chip icon.png Bone Chip U
Dogwood Log icon.png Dogwood Log R
Ebony Log icon.png Ebony Log R
Imp Wing icon.png Imp Wing R
Mistletoe icon.png Mistletoe R
Rosewood Log icon.png Rosewood Log R
Treant Bulb icon.png Treant Bulb R
Water Crystal icon.png Water Crystal R
Water Lily icon.png Water Lily R
Yew Log icon.png Yew Log R
Aluminum Ore icon.png Aluminum Ore VR
Ancient Lumber icon.png Ancient Lumber VR
Bloodwood Log icon.png Bloodwood Log VR
Darksteel Ore icon.png Darksteel Ore VR
Khroma Ore icon.png Khroma Ore VR
Lesser Chigoe icon.png Lesser Chigoe VR
Lightning Crystal icon.png Lightning Crystal VR
Petrified Log icon.png Petrified Log VR
Alexandrite icon.png Alexandrite SR
Heavy Metal icon.png Heavy Metal SR
Kaolin icon.png Kaolin SR
Lancewood Log icon.png Lancewood Log SR
Platinum Ore icon.png Platinum Ore SR
Tama-Hagane icon.png Tama-Hagane SR
Wootz Ore icon.png Wootz Ore SR

East Ronfaure (S)

Chocobo Digging
Item Rarity
Gysahl Greens icon.png Gysahl Greens C
Arrowwood Log icon.png Arrowwood Log U
Chamomile icon.png Chamomile U
Acorn icon.png Acorn R
Black C. Feather icon.png Black C. Feather R
Chestnut icon.png Chestnut R
Elm Log icon.png Elm Log R
Ginger icon.png Ginger R
Lacquer Tree Log icon.png Lacquer Tree Log R
Ladybug Wing icon.png Ladybug Wing R
Napa icon.png Napa R
Oak Log icon.png Oak Log R
Red Moko Grass icon.png Red Moko Grass R
Feyweald Log icon.png Feyweald Log VR
Fruit Seeds icon.png Fruit Seeds VR
Grove Cuttings icon.png Grove Cuttings VR
Mtl. Beastcoin icon.png Mtl. Beastcoin VR
Silver Leaf icon.png Silver Leaf VR
Teak Log icon.png Teak Log VR
Ancient Lumber icon.png Ancient Lumber SR
Bottled Pixie icon.png Bottled Pixie SR
Coin of Birth icon.png Coin of Birth SR
Exalted Log icon.png Exalted Log SR
Heavy Metal icon.png Heavy Metal SR
Jacaranda Log icon.png Jacaranda Log SR
O. Bronzepiece icon.png O. Bronzepiece SR

Jugner Forest (S)

Chocobo Digging
Item Rarity
Arrowwood Log icon.png Arrowwood Log VC
Oak Log icon.png Oak Log U
Pebble icon.png Pebble U
Sleepshroom icon.png Sleepshroom U
Woozyshroom icon.png Woozyshroom U
Danceshroom icon.png Danceshroom R
Gnole Claw icon.png Gnole Claw R
Grove Cuttings icon.png Grove Cuttings R
Holly Log icon.png Holly Log R
Bottled Pixie icon.png Bottled Pixie VR
Deathball icon.png Deathball VR
Elm Log icon.png Elm Log VR
Exalted Log icon.png Exalted Log VR
Feyweald Log icon.png Feyweald Log VR
King Truffle icon.png King Truffle VR
Lacquer Tree Log icon.png Lacquer Tree Log VR
Reishi Mushroom icon.png Reishi Mushroom VR
Scream Fungus icon.png Scream Fungus VR
Teak Log icon.png Teak Log VR
Ancient Lumber icon.png Ancient Lumber SR
Coin of Adv. icon.png Coin of Adv. SR
Heavy Metal icon.png Heavy Metal SR
Jacaranda Log icon.png Jacaranda Log SR
O. Bronzepiece icon.png O. Bronzepiece SR
Puffball icon.png Puffball SR
Tree Cuttings icon.png Tree Cuttings SR

Vunkerl Inlet (S)

Chocobo Digging
Item Rarity
Yellow Ginseng icon.png Yellow Ginseng VC
Black C. Feather icon.png Black C. Feather U
Phoenix Feather icon.png Phoenix Feather U
Acorn icon.png Acorn R
Fish Scales icon.png Fish Scales R
Mahogany Log icon.png Mahogany Log R
Red Moko Grass icon.png Red Moko Grass R
Shungiku icon.png Shungiku R
Spider Web icon.png Spider Web R
Treant Bulb icon.png Treant Bulb R
Wildgrass Seeds icon.png Wildgrass Seeds R
Chestnut Log icon.png Chestnut Log VR
G. Bird Plume icon.png G. Bird Plume VR
Gold Leaf icon.png Gold Leaf VR
Lightning Crystal icon.png Lightning Crystal VR
Mtl. Beastcoin icon.png Mtl. Beastcoin VR
Tree Cuttings icon.png Tree Cuttings VR
Wind Crystal icon.png Wind Crystal VR
Bottled Pixie icon.png Bottled Pixie SR
Cactus Stems icon.png Cactus Stems SR
Heavy Metal icon.png Heavy Metal SR
Herb Seeds icon.png Herb Seeds SR
Maliya. Coral icon.png Maliya. Coral SR
O. Bronzepiece icon.png O. Bronzepiece SR

Batallia Downs (S)

Chocobo Digging
Item Rarity
Black C. Feather icon.png Black C. Feather U
Iron Ore icon.png Iron Ore U
Kopparnickel Ore icon.png Kopparnickel Ore U
Phoenix Feather icon.png Phoenix Feather U
Silver Ore icon.png Silver Ore U
Copper Ore icon.png Copper Ore R
Goblin Mess Tin icon.png Goblin Mess Tin R
Lycopodium Flower icon.png Lycopodium Flower R
Mahogany Log icon.png Mahogany Log R
Mythril Ore icon.png Mythril Ore R
Pebble icon.png Pebble R
Purple Rock icon.png Purple Rock R
Red Moko Grass icon.png Red Moko Grass R
Smilodon Hide icon.png Smilodon Hide R
Spider Web icon.png Spider Web R
Bottled Pixie icon.png Bottled Pixie VR
Darksteel Ore icon.png Darksteel Ore VR
G. Bird Plume icon.png G. Bird Plume VR
Gold Beastcoin icon.png Gold Beastcoin VR
Beetle Blood icon.png Beetle Blood SR
Coin of Glory icon.png Coin of Glory SR
Grain Seeds icon.png Grain Seeds SR
Heavy Metal icon.png Heavy Metal SR
O. Bronzepiece icon.png O. Bronzepiece SR

North Gustaberg (S)

Chocobo Digging
Item Rarity
Black C. Feather icon.png Black C. Feather U
Iron Ore icon.png Iron Ore U
Phoenix Feather icon.png Phoenix Feather U
Silver Ore icon.png Silver Ore U
Aluminum Ore icon.png Aluminum Ore R
Flint Stone icon.png Flint Stone R
Kopparnickel Ore icon.png Kopparnickel Ore R
Moblin Sheepskin icon.png Moblin Sheepskin R
Obsidian icon.png Obsidian R
Pebble icon.png Pebble R
Red Moko Grass icon.png Red Moko Grass R
Spider Web icon.png Spider Web R
Zinc Ore icon.png Zinc Ore R
Adaman Ore icon.png Adaman Ore VR
Bottled Pixie icon.png Bottled Pixie VR
Cactus Stems icon.png Cactus Stems VR
Darksteel Ore icon.png Darksteel Ore VR
Fool's Gold Ore icon.png Fool's Gold Ore VR
G. Bird Plume icon.png G. Bird Plume VR
Hepatizon Ore icon.png Hepatizon Ore VR
P. Brass Ore icon.png P. Brass Ore VR
Squamous Hide icon.png Squamous Hide VR
Swamp Ore icon.png Swamp Ore VR
1 Byne Bill icon.png 1 Byne Bill SR
Coin of Decay icon.png Coin of Decay SR
Heavy Metal icon.png Heavy Metal SR

Grauberg (S)

Chocobo Digging
Item Rarity
Yellow Ginseng icon.png Yellow Ginseng VC
Arrowwood Log icon.png Arrowwood Log U
Elm Log icon.png Elm Log R
Gardenia Seed icon.png Gardenia Seed R
Grauberg Lettuce icon.png Grauberg Lettuce R
Iron Ore icon.png Iron Ore R
Jacaranda Log icon.png Jacaranda Log R
Lacquer Tree Log icon.png Lacquer Tree Log R
Little Worm icon.png Little Worm R
Oak Log icon.png Oak Log R
Pebble icon.png Pebble R
Rosewood Log icon.png Rosewood Log R
Wildgrass Seeds icon.png Wildgrass Seeds R
Yew Log icon.png Yew Log R
Feyweald Log icon.png Feyweald Log VR
Tree Cuttings icon.png Tree Cuttings VR
Vegetable Seeds icon.png Vegetable Seeds VR
Wyvern Wing icon.png Wyvern Wing VR
1 Byne Bill icon.png 1 Byne Bill SR
Ancient Lumber icon.png Ancient Lumber SR
Beryllium Ore icon.png Beryllium Ore SR
Cactus Stems icon.png Cactus Stems SR
Teak Log icon.png Teak Log SR
Heavy Metal icon.png Heavy Metal SR

Pashhow Marshlands (S)

Chocobo Digging
Item Rarity
Yellow Ginseng icon.png Yellow Ginseng C
Black Rock icon.png Black Rock R
Earth Crystal icon.png Earth Crystal R
Fire Crystal icon.png Fire Crystal R
Ice Crystal icon.png Ice Crystal R
Insect Wing icon.png Insect Wing R
Light Crystal icon.png Light Crystal R
Lightning Crystal icon.png Lightning Crystal R
Little Worm icon.png Little Worm R
Peiste Skin icon.png Peiste Skin R
Silver Ore icon.png Silver Ore R
Water Crystal icon.png Water Crystal R
Wildgrass Seeds icon.png Wildgrass Seeds R
Wind Crystal icon.png Wind Crystal R
Agaricus icon.png Agaricus VR
Herb Seeds icon.png Herb Seeds VR
H.Q. Crab Shell icon.png H.Q. Crab Shell VR
Malboro Fiber icon.png Malboro Fiber VR
Tree Cuttings icon.png Tree Cuttings VR
Willow Log icon.png Willow Log VR
1 Byne Bill icon.png 1 Byne Bill SR
Cactus Stems icon.png Cactus Stems SR
Coin of Birth icon.png Coin of Birth SR
Heavy Metal icon.png Heavy Metal SR

Rolanberry Fields (S)

Chocobo Digging
Item Rarity
Beastcoin icon.png Beastcoin U
Mtl. Beastcoin icon.png Mtl. Beastcoin U
Silver Beastcoin icon.png Silver Beastcoin U
Sleepshroom icon.png Sleepshroom U
Woozyshroom icon.png Woozyshroom U
Acorn icon.png Acorn R
Coral Fungus icon.png Coral Fungus R
Danceshroom icon.png Danceshroom R
Lycopodium Flower icon.png Lycopodium Flower R
Pebble icon.png Pebble R
Rolanberry icon.png Rolanberry R
Sage icon.png Sage R
Bottled Pixie icon.png Bottled Pixie VR
Deathball icon.png Deathball VR
Gold Beastcoin icon.png Gold Beastcoin VR
Light Chest icon.png Light Chest VR
Reishi Mushroom icon.png Reishi Mushroom VR
Sif's Macrame icon.png Sif's Macrame VR
Water Crystal icon.png Water Crystal VR
Wyrdstrand icon.png Wyrdstrand VR
1 Byne Bill icon.png 1 Byne Bill SR
Coin of Adv. icon.png Coin of Adv. SR
Heavy Metal icon.png Heavy Metal SR
Plt. Beastcoin icon.png Plt. Beastcoin SR
Puffball icon.png Puffball SR
Wildgrass Seeds icon.png Wildgrass Seeds SR

West Sarutabaruta (S)

Chocobo Digging
Item Rarity
Gysahl Greens icon.png Gysahl Greens C
Burdock icon.png Burdock R
Chamomile icon.png Chamomile R
Dark Crystal icon.png Dark Crystal R
Earth Crystal icon.png Earth Crystal R
Fire Crystal icon.png Fire Crystal R
Ginger icon.png Ginger R
Grain Seeds icon.png Grain Seeds R
Green Rock icon.png Green Rock R
Ice Crystal icon.png Ice Crystal R
Light Crystal icon.png Light Crystal R
Lightning Crystal icon.png Lightning Crystal R
Lycopodium Flower icon.png Lycopodium Flower R
Napa icon.png Napa R
Pebble icon.png Pebble R
Red Moko Grass icon.png Red Moko Grass R
Water Crystal icon.png Water Crystal R
Wind Crystal icon.png Wind Crystal R
G. Bird Plume icon.png G. Bird Plume VR
Maliya. Coral icon.png Maliya. Coral VR
Rosewood Log icon.png Rosewood Log VR
Saruta Cotton icon.png Saruta Cotton VR
Coin of Glory icon.png Coin of Glory SR
Heavy Metal icon.png Heavy Metal SR
T. Whiteshell icon.png T. Whiteshell SR

Fort Karugo-Narugo (S)

Chocobo Digging
Item Rarity
Flint Stone icon.png Flint Stone VC
Darksteel Ore icon.png Darksteel Ore R
Dragon Fruit icon.png Dragon Fruit R
Iron Ore icon.png Iron Ore R
Karugo Clay icon.png Karugo Clay R
Kopparnickel Ore icon.png Kopparnickel Ore R
Obsidian icon.png Obsidian R
Pebble icon.png Pebble R
Rafflesia Vine icon.png Rafflesia Vine R
Red Rock icon.png Red Rock R
Silver Ore icon.png Silver Ore R
Wildgrass Seeds icon.png Wildgrass Seeds R
Adaman Ore icon.png Adaman Ore VR
Aluminum Ore icon.png Aluminum Ore VR
Bottled Pixie icon.png Bottled Pixie VR
Fool's Gold Ore icon.png Fool's Gold Ore VR
Goblin Mess Tin icon.png Goblin Mess Tin VR
Gold Ore icon.png Gold Ore VR
Phil. Stone icon.png Phil. Stone SR
Swamp Ore icon.png Swamp Ore SR
Heavy Metal icon.png Heavy Metal SR
Kaolin icon.png Kaolin SR
P. Brass Ore icon.png P. Brass Ore SR
Platinum Ore icon.png Platinum Ore SR
T. Whiteshell icon.png T. Whiteshell SR

Meriphataud Mountains (S)

Chocobo Digging
Item Rarity
Bone Chip icon.png Bone Chip R
Fish Scales icon.png Fish Scales R
Flint Stone icon.png Flint Stone R
Giant Femur icon.png Giant Femur R
Grain Seeds icon.png Grain Seeds R
H.Q. Pugil Scale icon.png H.Q. Pugil Scale R
Iron Ore icon.png Iron Ore R
Kopparnickel Ore icon.png Kopparnickel Ore R
Lynx Hide icon.png Lynx Hide R
Obsidian icon.png Obsidian R
Pebble icon.png Pebble R
Red Gravel icon.png Red Gravel R
Seashell icon.png Seashell R
Silver Ore icon.png Silver Ore R
Sunflower Seeds icon.png Sunflower Seeds R
Titanictus Shell icon.png Titanictus Shell R
Treant Bulb icon.png Treant Bulb R
Yellow Rock icon.png Yellow Rock R
Adaman Ore icon.png Adaman Ore VR
Darksteel Ore icon.png Darksteel Ore VR
Demon Horn icon.png Demon Horn VR
Demon Skull icon.png Demon Skull VR
Dragon Scales icon.png Dragon Scales VR
Fool's Gold Ore icon.png Fool's Gold Ore VR
P. Brass Ore icon.png P. Brass Ore VR
Swamp Ore icon.png Swamp Ore VR
Turtle Shell icon.png Turtle Shell VR
Coin of Decay icon.png Coin of Decay SR
Heavy Metal icon.png Heavy Metal SR
Hepatizon Ore icon.png Hepatizon Ore SR
T. Whiteshell icon.png T. Whiteshell SR
Wyvern Scales icon.png Wyvern Scales SR

Sauromugue Champaign (S)

Chocobo Digging
Item Rarity
Silver Beastcoin icon.png Silver Beastcoin C
Arrowwood Log icon.png Arrowwood Log U
Beastcoin icon.png Beastcoin U
Antique Bullet icon.png Antique Bullet R
Elm Log icon.png Elm Log R
Flint Stone icon.png Flint Stone R
Gnat Wing icon.png Gnat Wing R
Lacquer Tree Log icon.png Lacquer Tree Log R
Mtl. Beastcoin icon.png Mtl. Beastcoin R
Oak Log icon.png Oak Log R
Pebble icon.png Pebble R
Translucent Rock icon.png Translucent Rock R
Vegetable Seeds icon.png Vegetable Seeds R
Feyweald Log icon.png Feyweald Log VR
G. Bird Plume icon.png G. Bird Plume VR
Gold Beastcoin icon.png Gold Beastcoin VR
Jacaranda Log icon.png Jacaranda Log VR
Light Chest icon.png Light Chest VR
Teak Log icon.png Teak Log VR
Ancient Lumber icon.png Ancient Lumber SR
Beryllium Ore icon.png Beryllium Ore SR
Coin of Ruin icon.png Coin of Ruin SR
Heavy Metal icon.png Heavy Metal SR
Plt. Beastcoin icon.png Plt. Beastcoin SR
T. Whiteshell icon.png T. Whiteshell SR

Beaucedine Glacier (S)

Chocobo Digging
Item Rarity
Ice Cluster icon.png Ice Cluster VC
Blk. Tiger Fang icon.png Blk. Tiger Fang R
Darksteel Ore icon.png Darksteel Ore R
Flint Stone icon.png Flint Stone R
Ice Crystal icon.png Ice Crystal R
Iron Ore icon.png Iron Ore R
Kopparnickel Ore icon.png Kopparnickel Ore R
Lugworm icon.png Lugworm R
Obsidian icon.png Obsidian R
Pebble icon.png Pebble R
Petrified Log icon.png Petrified Log R
Silver Ore icon.png Silver Ore R
Dark Crystal icon.png Dark Crystal VR
Dogbolt icon.png Dogbolt VR
Earth Crystal icon.png Earth Crystal VR
Fire Crystal icon.png Fire Crystal VR
Fool's Gold Ore icon.png Fool's Gold Ore VR
Gargouille Horn icon.png Gargouille Horn VR
Light Crystal icon.png Light Crystal VR
Lightning Crystal icon.png Lightning Crystal VR
Platinum Leaf icon.png Platinum Leaf VR
Swamp Ore icon.png Swamp Ore VR
Wind Crystal icon.png Wind Crystal VR
1 Byne Bill icon.png 1 Byne Bill SR
Adaman Ore icon.png Adaman Ore SR
Adaman Ore icon.png Adaman Ore SR
Amphiptere Hide icon.png Amphiptere Hide SR
O. Bronzepiece icon.png O. Bronzepiece SR
P. Brass Ore icon.png P. Brass Ore SR
T. Whiteshell icon.png T. Whiteshell SR

Xarcabard (S)

Chocobo Digging
Item Rarity
Arrowwood Log icon.png Arrowwood Log U
Beastcoin icon.png Beastcoin U
Silver Beastcoin icon.png Silver Beastcoin U
Bone Chip icon.png Bone Chip R
Frost Turnip icon.png Frost Turnip R
Gigas Helm icon.png Gigas Helm R
Mtl. Beastcoin icon.png Mtl. Beastcoin R
Mythril Leaf icon.png Mythril Leaf R
Oak Log icon.png Oak Log R
Old Arrow icon.png Old Arrow R
Pebble icon.png Pebble R
Ruszor Fang icon.png Ruszor Fang R
Yew Log icon.png Yew Log R
Ancient Lumber icon.png Ancient Lumber VR
Elm Log icon.png Elm Log VR
Feyweald Log icon.png Feyweald Log VR
Gold Beastcoin icon.png Gold Beastcoin VR
Jacaranda Log icon.png Jacaranda Log VR
Lacquer Tree Log icon.png Lacquer Tree Log VR
Painite icon.png Painite VR
Plt. Beastcoin icon.png Plt. Beastcoin VR
Teak Log icon.png Teak Log VR
Tourmaline icon.png Tourmaline VR
1 Byne Bill icon.png 1 Byne Bill SR
Dragon Heart icon.png Dragon Heart SR
O. Bronzepiece icon.png O. Bronzepiece SR
Peridot icon.png Peridot SR
Shagreen icon.png Shagreen SR
Sif's Macrame icon.png Sif's Macrame SR
T. Whiteshell icon.png T. Whiteshell SR

Ceizak Battlegrounds

Chocobo Digging
Item Rarity
Arrowwood Log icon.png Arrowwood Log U
Akaso icon.png Akaso R
Ash Log icon.png Ash Log R
Blue Peas icon.png Blue Peas R
Chapuli Horn icon.png Chapuli Horn R
Chestnut Log icon.png Chestnut Log R
Felicifruit icon.png Felicifruit R
Feyweald Log icon.png Feyweald Log R
Guatambu Log icon.png Guatambu Log R
Insect Wing icon.png Insect Wing R
Isleracea icon.png Isleracea R
Leafkin Frond icon.png Leafkin Frond R
Paprika icon.png Paprika R
Rosewood Log icon.png Rosewood Log R
Sleepshroom icon.png Sleepshroom R
Walnut icon.png Walnut R
Walnut Log icon.png Walnut Log R
White Sand icon.png White Sand R
Zucchini icon.png Zucchini R
Beech Log icon.png Beech Log VR
Gold Leaf icon.png Gold Leaf VR
Reishi Mushroom icon.png Reishi Mushroom VR
Saffron Blossom icon.png Saffron Blossom VR
Ulbuconut icon.png Ulbuconut VR
Urunday Log icon.png Urunday Log VR
C. Ygg. Shard I icon.png C. Ygg. Shard I SR
C. Ygg. Shard II icon.png C. Ygg. Shard II SR
C. Ygg. Shard III icon.png C. Ygg. Shard III SR
C. Ygg. Shard IV icon.png C. Ygg. Shard IV SR
C. Ygg. Shard V icon.png C. Ygg. Shard V SR
Faithful's Legs I icon.png Faithful's Legs I SR
Faithful's Legs II icon.png Faithful's Legs II SR
Faithful's Legs III icon.png Faithful's Legs III SR
Faithful's Legs IV icon.png Faithful's Legs IV SR
Faithful's Legs V icon.png Faithful's Legs V SR
Faithful's Torso I icon.png Faithful's Torso I SR
Faithful's Torso II icon.png Faithful's Torso II SR
Faithfl. Torso III icon.png Faithfl. Torso III SR
Faithfl. Torso IV icon.png Faithfl. Torso IV SR
Faithful's Torso V icon.png Faithful's Torso V SR
Gr. Velkk Coffer icon.png Gr. Velkk Coffer SR
H-P Bayld icon.png H-P Bayld SR
Rala Visage I icon.png Rala Visage I SR
Rala Visage II icon.png Rala Visage II SR
Rala Visage III icon.png Rala Visage III SR
Rala Visage IV icon.png Rala Visage IV SR-
Rala Visage V icon.png Rala Visage V SR

Yahse Hunting Grounds

Chocobo Digging
Item Rarity
Acorn icon.png Acorn U
Ash Log icon.png Ash Log R
Akaso icon.png Akaso R
Arrowwood Log icon.png Arrowwood Log R
Blue Peas icon.png Blue Peas R
Chapuli Wing icon.png Chapuli Wing R
Chestnut Log icon.png Chestnut Log R
Felicifruit icon.png Felicifruit R
Rosewood Log icon.png Rosewood Log R
Silver Leaf icon.png Silver Leaf R
Sleepshroom icon.png Sleepshroom R
Walnut icon.png Walnut R
Walnut Log icon.png Walnut Log R
Yellow Ginseng icon.png Yellow Ginseng R
Zucchini icon.png Zucchini R
Beech Log icon.png Beech Log VR
Guatambu Log icon.png Guatambu Log VR
Isleracea icon.png Isleracea VR
Leafkin Frond icon.png Leafkin Frond VR
Paprika icon.png Paprika VR
Saffron Blossom icon.png Saffron Blossom VR
Ulbuconut icon.png Ulbuconut VR
Urunday Log icon.png Urunday Log VR
Eudaemon Cape icon.png Eudaemon Cape SR
Eudaemon Ring icon.png Eudaemon Ring VR
Eudaemon Sash icon.png Eudaemon Sash SR
Eudaemon Shld. icon.png Eudaemon Shld. SR
Eudaemon Blade icon.png Eudaemon Blade SR
Faithful's Torso I icon.png Faithful's Torso I SR
Faithful's Torso II icon.png Faithful's Torso II SR
Faithfl. Torso III icon.png Faithfl. Torso III SR
Faithfl. Torso IV icon.png Faithfl. Torso IV SR
Faithful's Torso V icon.png Faithful's Torso V SR
Gr. Velkk Coffer icon.png Gr. Velkk Coffer SR
H-P Bayld icon.png H-P Bayld SR
Rala Visage I icon.png Rala Visage I SR
Rala Visage II icon.png Rala Visage II SR
Rala Visage III icon.png Rala Visage III SR
Rala Visage IV icon.png Rala Visage IV SR-
Rala Visage V icon.png Rala Visage V SR

Foret de Hennetiel

Chocobo Digging
Item Rarity
Flint Stone icon.png Flint Stone VC
Pebble icon.png Pebble U
Sleepshroom icon.png Sleepshroom U
Woozyshroom icon.png Woozyshroom U
Danceshroom icon.png Danceshroom R
Deathball icon.png Deathball R
Gnatbane icon.png Gnatbane R
Loc. Elutriator icon.png Loc. Elutriator R
Tin Ore icon.png Tin Ore R
Adaman Ore icon.png Adaman Ore VR
Aluminum Ore icon.png Aluminum Ore VR
Darksteel Ore icon.png Darksteel Ore VR
King Truffle icon.png King Truffle VR
Orobon Lure icon.png Orobon Lure VR
Orpiment icon.png Orpiment VR
Platinum Ore icon.png Platinum Ore VR
Puffball icon.png Puffball VR
Reishi Mushroom icon.png Reishi Mushroom VR
Eudaemon Cape icon.png Eudaemon Cape SR
Eudaemon Ring icon.png Eudaemon Ring VR
Eudaemon Sash icon.png Eudaemon Sash SR
Eudaemon Shld. icon.png Eudaemon Shld. SR
Eudaemon Blade icon.png Eudaemon Blade SR
Faithful's Torso I icon.png Faithful's Torso I SR
Faithful's Torso II icon.png Faithful's Torso II SR
Faithfl. Torso III icon.png Faithfl. Torso III SR
Faithfl. Torso IV icon.png Faithfl. Torso IV SR
Faithful's Torso V icon.png Faithful's Torso V SR
Gold Ore icon.png Gold Ore SR
Gr. Velkk Coffer icon.png Gr. Velkk Coffer SR
H-P Bayld icon.png H-P Bayld SR
Z. Ygg. Shard I icon.png Z. Ygg. Shard I SR
Z. Ygg. Shard II icon.png Z. Ygg. Shard II SR
Z. Ygg. Shard III icon.png Z. Ygg. Shard III SR
Z. Ygg. Shard IV icon.png Z. Ygg. Shard IV SR
Z. Ygg. Shard V icon.png Z. Ygg. Shard V SR

Morimar Basalt Fields

Chocobo Digging
Item Rarity
Yellow Ginseng icon.png Yellow Ginseng VC
Lizard Molt icon.png Lizard Molt U
Copper Ore icon.png Copper Ore R
Darksteel Ore icon.png Darksteel Ore R
Igneous Rock icon.png Igneous Rock R
Iron Ore icon.png Iron Ore R
Matamata Shell icon.png Matamata Shell R
Midrium Ore icon.png Midrium Ore R
Pebble icon.png Pebble R
Silver Ore icon.png Silver Ore R
Sulfur icon.png Sulfur R
Wildgrass Seeds icon.png Wildgrass Seeds R
Cactus Stems icon.png Cactus Stems VR
Gold Ore icon.png Gold Ore VR
Marble Nugget icon.png Marble Nugget VR
Orpiment icon.png Orpiment VR
Tree Cuttings icon.png Tree Cuttings VR
Vanadium Ore icon.png Vanadium Ore VR
A. Ygg. Shard I icon.png A. Ygg. Shard I SR
A. Ygg. Shard II icon.png A. Ygg. Shard II SR
A. Ygg. Shard III icon.png A. Ygg. Shard III SR
A. Ygg. Shard IV icon.png A. Ygg. Shard IV SR
A. Ygg. Shard V icon.png A. Ygg. Shard V SR
Eudaemon Cape icon.png Eudaemon Cape SR
Eudaemon Ring icon.png Eudaemon Ring VR
Eudaemon Sash icon.png Eudaemon Sash SR
Eudaemon Shld. icon.png Eudaemon Shld. SR
Eudaemon Blade icon.png Eudaemon Blade SR
Faithful's Torso I icon.png Faithful's Torso I SR
Faithful's Torso II icon.png Faithful's Torso II SR
Faithfl. Torso III icon.png Faithfl. Torso III SR
Faithfl. Torso IV icon.png Faithfl. Torso IV SR
Faithful's Torso V icon.png Faithful's Torso V SR
Gr. Velkk Coffer icon.png Gr. Velkk Coffer SR
H-P Bayld icon.png H-P Bayld SR
Rhodium Ore icon.png Rhodium Ore SR
Snowsteel Ore icon.png Snowsteel Ore SR
Yorcia Visage I icon.png Yorcia Visage I SR
Yorcia Visage II icon.png Yorcia Visage II SR
Yorcia Visage III icon.png Yorcia Visage III SR
Yorcia Visage IV icon.png Yorcia Visage IV SR
Yorcia Visage V icon.png Yorcia Visage V SR

Yorcia Weald

Chocobo Digging
Item Rarity
Yellow Ginseng icon.png Yellow Ginseng C
Acorn icon.png Acorn U
Arrowwood Log icon.png Arrowwood Log R
Ash Log icon.png Ash Log R
Chestnut Log icon.png Chestnut Log R
Divine Log icon.png Divine Log R
Guatambu Log icon.png Guatambu Log R
Leafkin Frond icon.png Leafkin Frond R
Lesser Chigoe icon.png Lesser Chigoe R
Little Worm icon.png Little Worm R
Rosewood Log icon.png Rosewood Log R
Snap. Tendril icon.png Snap. Tendril R
Verboshroom icon.png Verboshroom R
Walnut Log icon.png Walnut Log R
Wildgrass Seeds icon.png Wildgrass Seeds R
Beech Log icon.png Beech Log VR
Cactus Stems icon.png Cactus Stems VR
Tree Cuttings icon.png Tree Cuttings VR
Urunday Log icon.png Urunday Log VR
Faithful's Legs I icon.png Faithful's Legs I SR
Faithful's Legs II icon.png Faithful's Legs II SR
Faithful's Legs III icon.png Faithful's Legs III SR
Faithful's Legs IV icon.png Faithful's Legs IV SR
Faithful's Legs V icon.png Faithful's Legs V SR
Faithful's Torso I icon.png Faithful's Torso I SR
Faithful's Torso II icon.png Faithful's Torso II SR
Faithfl. Torso III icon.png Faithfl. Torso III SR
Faithfl. Torso IV icon.png Faithfl. Torso IV SR
Faithful's Torso V icon.png Faithful's Torso V SR
Gr. Velkk Coffer icon.png Gr. Velkk Coffer SR
H-P Bayld icon.png H-P Bayld SR
R. Ygg. Shard I icon.png R. Ygg. Shard I SR
R. Ygg. Shard II icon.png R. Ygg. Shard II SR
R. Ygg. Shard III icon.png R. Ygg. Shard III SR
R. Ygg. Shard IV icon.png R. Ygg. Shard IV SR
R. Ygg. Shard V icon.png R. Ygg. Shard V SR
Yorcia Visage I icon.png Yorcia Visage I SR
Yorcia Visage II icon.png Yorcia Visage II SR
Yorcia Visage III icon.png Yorcia Visage III SR
Yorcia Visage IV icon.png Yorcia Visage IV SR
Yorcia Visage V icon.png Yorcia Visage V SR

Marjami Ravine

Chocobo Digging
Item Rarity
Arrowwood Log icon.png Arrowwood Log U
Akaso icon.png Akaso R
Ash Log icon.png Ash Log R
Ash Log icon.png Ash Log R
Chestnut Log icon.png Chestnut Log R
Copper Ore icon.png Copper Ore R
Darksteel Ore icon.png Darksteel Ore R
Fish Scales icon.png Fish Scales R
Iron Ore icon.png Iron Ore R
Little Worm icon.png Little Worm R
Mythril Leaf icon.png Mythril Leaf R
Rosewood Log icon.png Rosewood Log R
Silver Ore icon.png Silver Ore R
Tulfaire Feather icon.png Tulfaire Feather R
Walnut Log icon.png Walnut Log R
Beech Log icon.png Beech Log VR
Gold Ore icon.png Gold Ore VR
Guatambu Log icon.png Guatambu Log VR
Leafkin Frond icon.png Leafkin Frond VR
Orpiment icon.png Orpiment VR
Rhodium Ore icon.png Rhodium Ore VR
Snowsteel Ore icon.png Snowsteel Ore VR
Urunday Log icon.png Urunday Log VR
Vanadium Ore icon.png Vanadium Ore VR
Velkk Coffer icon.png Velkk Coffer VR
Faithful's Legs I icon.png Faithful's Legs I SR
Faithful's Legs II icon.png Faithful's Legs II SR
Faithful's Legs III icon.png Faithful's Legs III SR
Faithful's Legs IV icon.png Faithful's Legs IV SR
Faithful's Legs V icon.png Faithful's Legs V SR
Faithful's Torso I icon.png Faithful's Torso I SR
Faithful's Torso II icon.png Faithful's Torso II SR
Faithfl. Torso III icon.png Faithfl. Torso III SR
Faithfl. Torso IV icon.png Faithfl. Torso IV SR
Faithful's Torso V icon.png Faithful's Torso V SR
Gr. Velkk Coffer icon.png Gr. Velkk Coffer SR
H-P Bayld icon.png H-P Bayld SR
Ra'Ka. Visage I icon.png Ra'Ka. Visage I SR
Ra'Ka. Visage II icon.png Ra'Ka. Visage II SR
Ra'Ka. Visage III icon.png Ra'Ka. Visage III SR
Ra'Ka. Visage IV icon.png Ra'Ka. Visage IV SR
Ra'Ka. Visage V icon.png Ra'Ka. Visage V SR

Kamihr Drifts

Chocobo Digging
Item Rarity
Arrowwood Log icon.png Arrowwood Log U
Blk. Tiger Fang icon.png Blk. Tiger Fang R
Bone Chip icon.png Bone Chip R
Copper Ore icon.png Copper Ore R
Darksteel Ore icon.png Darksteel Ore R
Elm Log icon.png Elm Log R
Iron Ore icon.png Iron Ore R
Leafkin Frond icon.png Leafkin Frond R
Pebble icon.png Pebble R
Raaz Tusk icon.png Raaz Tusk R
Sheep Tooth icon.png Sheep Tooth R
Silver Ore icon.png Silver Ore R
Yew Log icon.png Yew Log R
Ancient Lumber icon.png Ancient Lumber VR
Ebony Log icon.png Ebony Log VR
Gold Ore icon.png Gold Ore VR
Lacquer Tree Log icon.png Lacquer Tree Log VR
Mahogany Log icon.png Mahogany Log VR
Midrium Ore icon.png Midrium Ore VR
Oak Log icon.png Oak Log VR
Orpiment icon.png Orpiment VR
Rhodium Ore icon.png Rhodium Ore VR
Rosewood Log icon.png Rosewood Log VR
Snowsteel Ore icon.png Snowsteel Ore VR
Vanadium Ore icon.png Vanadium Ore VR
As. Ygg. Sh. I icon.png As. Ygg. Sh. I SR
As. Ygg. Sh. II icon.png As. Ygg. Sh. II SR
As. Ygg. Sh. III icon.png As. Ygg. Sh. III SR
As. Ygg. Sh. IV icon.png As. Ygg. Sh. IV SR
As. Ygg. Sh. V icon.png As. Ygg. Sh. V SR
Faithful's Torso I icon.png Faithful's Torso I SR
Faithful's Torso II icon.png Faithful's Torso II SR
Faithfl. Torso III icon.png Faithfl. Torso III SR
Faithfl. Torso IV icon.png Faithfl. Torso IV SR
Faithful's Torso V icon.png Faithful's Torso V SR
Gr. Velkk Coffer icon.png Gr. Velkk Coffer SR
H-P Bayld icon.png H-P Bayld SR
Ra'Ka. Visage I icon.png Ra'Ka. Visage I SR
Ra'Ka. Visage II icon.png Ra'Ka. Visage II SR
Ra'Ka. Visage III icon.png Ra'Ka. Visage III SR
Ra'Ka. Visage IV icon.png Ra'Ka. Visage IV SR
Ra'Ka. Visage V icon.png Ra'Ka. Visage V SR


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