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The History of Final Fantasy XI
Welcome to The History of Final Fantasy XI - A Treatise by Funkworkz | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Mission Statement: I set off and began this massive project after realizing that a conclusive documentation of the evolution of Final Fantasy XI did not exist. Nobody will disagree that the game has entirely changed from when it was first released; but I believe that what once was should not be forgotten - it should be preserved for everybody to see. With this in mind, I set out to sustain all of the ups and downs of Final Fantasy XI's life. This includes perspectives and reactions from players all over the world, English and Japanese alike. I want veterans to read something on the following pages and say to themselves "Wow, I forgot that happened!". At the same time, I want a new player or somebody who has never played, to read that same entry and say "Wow, I wish I was playing to experience that!".
This page is not about the lore of Vana'diel. Check out The History of Vana'diel for further information on that topic. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Contents To fully enjoy this project, I recommend that you read through from the beginning to end in order. Grab your favorite drink and click on a year below to begin!
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