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Category:Trial of the Magians
Trial Rules
- You may only have ten active trials at one time. You must either complete or abandon a trial should you wish to do more.
- The ten trials includes any active Armor trials as well as Weapons, job emotes, and Adventuring Fellow Genkai.
- You may only have one Trial Insignia on any one item at a time.
- You may have more than one copy of an item at a time (as long as it is not a rare item), but you cannot undertake the same trial on two items at the same time.
- You may repeat the same trial after completing it as many times as you like.
- It is not possible to have two rare items with the same name, even if they have different Item IDs, but you can have identical exclusive items. (ex: 2 Shamshir with PDT-10%)
- You may choose to abandon the trial from the Magian Moogle. It will not affect the weapon or the augments on it. You can redo the same trial, select a different trial, or do nothing with the weapon.
- Should you abandon a trial, all progress on that trial will be lost, and you will start over from 0 objectives should you restart that trial on the item.
- After abandoning a trial, you must trade the weapon to the Magian Moogle to have the Trial Insignia removed from it before you are able to undertake any trials with that item.
- Dropping an item will not abandon the trial, you must do so with the Magian Moogle.
- Storing an item with a Porter Moogle will delete the Trial Insignia and all progress on a trial. You will have to abandon the trial with the Magian Moogle to restart a trial.
- You can check the progress of all of your trials in any field or dungeon area after you obtain Magian Spectacles from the Magian Moogle for 500 gil.
- Magian Spectacles can also give a zone's three-day weather report. (The current and next two Vana'diel days.)
Completing Trials
When you take up a Magian Trial, you must perform a specific task a certain number of times in order to complete it.
- To start a trial, trade your item to the proper Magian Moogle to obtain the proper Trial Insignia You will not receive credit for your trial if you do not have the proper Trial Insignia on your item.
- Each trial has specific conditions that must be met before it can be completed and falls into one of the general categories below.
- Defeat a number of Notorious Monsters with the item equipped.
- Trade in a number of an item to the Delivery Crate in Ru'Lude Gardens (H-5) unless otherwise noted. When trading the requested item(s) to the Delivery Crate, you must also trade the item that you are upgrading for the Trial. Any items traded to the Delivery Crate that are in excess of the requirement to complete the trial will be returned to you.
- Proc a weapon's added effect upon a type or family of monsters that yield experience a specific number of times.
- Defeat a quantity of a type or family of monsters that yield experience points with the item equipped. Further restrictions may apply:
- Defeat a quantity of a type or family of monsters that yield experience points in a specific weather type and/or on a specific day of the Vana'diel week.
- Defeat a quantity of a type or family of monsters that yield experience points in one of several weather conditions.
- Monsters killed during the appropriate weather are worth 5 kills, monsters killed on the appropriate day are worth 1 kill, monsters killed during the appropriate day and weather are worth 6 kills.
- Scholar's Storm spells do not count for weather trials, only the weather inherent in the zone will give credit.
- The weather or day must be present when the monster dies, should the weather or day change while you are fighting the mob, you will not get credit if you slay it. This can be used to your advantage if you can hold several enemies at low health while waiting for the correct weather to appear.
- For these trials, it is often beneficial to check the weather in advance and make sure that the season is correct for the weather that you want.
- Defeat a quantity of a type or family of monsters that yield experience points with a specific elemental damage.
- The elemental damage must be equal to or greater than the number specified by the Moogle. (50 damage, 150 damage, 250 damage, etc.)
- The elemental damage does not have to be generated from a spell or by the person who is doing the trial. Monsters killed with elemental weaponskills or elemental blood pact damage will give credit for the trial.
- Have your pet defeat a quantity of a type of family of monsters.
- Monsters killed by your Adventuring Fellow or other people's pet will count towards these trials.
- Monsters that are passively killed (DoT such as poison, countered attack, killed with a skillchain, monster weaponskills like Self-Destruct or Final Sting) will not count even if that is caused by your pet.
- For trials that specify an Avatar; another party member's Avatar kills will count if it is of the correct type, but you must also have the avatar summoned to receive credit.
- Defeat a quantity of a type of family of monsters while it is under the effect of an enfeeble of a specific element.
- The enfeebling effect can be applied by any party member, not just the person doing to trial.
- Gain a set quantity of experience points in a particular area or areas.
- If more than one piece of equipment is equipped whose conditions are fulfilled in a certain area, the experience will be split evenly between the pieces.
- You will not receive credit for trials that involve killing monsters if the monster is defeated while you are out of experience points range or if you are K.O.ed.
- You will not receive credit for a kill if it is unclaimed and dies passively (DoT, self-destruct-type weaponskill) or if it is under Call for Help status; however, you will receive credit for AoE kills of unclaimed monsters.
- Weapons that are dual wielded in the off-hand will still receive credit for kills.
- You can receive credit for main hand and off-hand weapons simultaneously provided that you fulfill the conditions of both.
- You will receive credit for monsters killed with Level Sync status if the objectives are met. Some trials are much faster to do in a starter area while level synced to 12-13 since the monsters in starter areas have comparatively low HP.
- You will receive the same amount of credit in a party or alliance that you would solo so long as the objective is met for your trial. You do not have to take an action on the monster to receive credit.
- Maze Lurkers that appear from Moblin Maze Mongers will give credit if they fulfill the trial's objective.
- You will receive updates in the chat log on the progress of the trial as you gain credit. This can also be checked by using Magian Spectacles. You will be instructed to return to the Magian Moogle when the trial is complete.
- Once a trial has been completed, trade the item to the Magian Moogle to receive the upgraded or augmented item trial reward.
Weapon Trials
Armor Trials
Armor trials are used exclusively to upgrade Empyrean Armor and to create Relic Armor +2.
Empyrean Armor
For each equipment slot, the base Empyrean armor component is obtained in a different location and by a different method. Empyrean heads, legs, and feet are obtained in Scars of Abyssea zones: Abyssea - Attohwa, Abyssea - Misareaux, and Abyssea - Vunkerl. Empyrean hands and bodies are obtained in Heroes of Abyssea zones: Abyssea - Altepa, Abyssea - Uleguerand, Abyssea - Grauberg.
- Unlike Weapon Trials, to begin Armor Trials you must trade the desired armor to the Magian Moogle with the blue poof ball.
- You must have a Magian trial log from the Magian Moogle with the red poof ball to be eligible to undertake armor upgrade quests.
- Since Empyrean Armor trials are only trade quests, you are able to upgrade armors even if you are unable to equip them.
- To complete the trial, trade the requested items and the item to be upgraded to the Delivery Crate at Ru'Lude Gardens (H-5).
- You can trade all of the requested upgrade items at one time.
- You may obtain seals and upgrade items before you have the trial active, which is a good strategy since players are limited to 10 active trials at a time.
Obtaining Empyrean Upgrade Items
Empyrean Armor +1
Empyrean Armor +2
Relic Armor
Relic Armor and Relic Armor +1 can both be upgraded to Relic Armor +2 using Trial of the Magians by turning in the 50 or 30 of the correct "Forgotten" items, respectively. They can then be further upgraded and augmented by gaining 20,000 Experience Points with the +2 piece equipped in the zones where the associated NQ AF drops. Be aware that trying to complete two Experience Points trials at once in Dynamis - Tavnazia will split your Experience Points between the two pieces you are wearing. So if you got 100EXP from a monster, each piece would get 50.
Job Emote Trials
Job Emotes are available without completion of these trials.
The sole reward for completing these trials is a lvl 30 Job Specific torque .
Please see the Job Emotes page for more information.
Adventuring Fellow Trials
These trials are all executed in tandem with Adventuring Fellow Quests.
Begin each Adventuring Fellow Quest first to receive the Key Item needed to begin each Magian Trial.
Your Adventuring Fellow's level cap will be increased at the conclusion of each Adventuring Fellow Quest.
This category has the following 29 subcategories, out of 29 total.
- Trial of the Magians Archery
- Trial of the Magians Axes
- Trial of the Magians Bodies
- Trial of the Magians Clubs
- Trial of the Magians Daggers
- Trial of the Magians Feet
- Trial of the Magians Great Axes
- Trial of the Magians Great Katanas
- Trial of the Magians Great Swords
- Trial of the Magians Hand-to-Hand
- Trial of the Magians Hands
- Trial of the Magians Heads
- Trial of the Magians Instruments
- Trial of the Magians Job Emotes
- Trial of the Magians Katanas
- Trial of the Magians Legs
- Trial of the Magians Marksmanship
- Trial of the Magians Polearms
- Trial of the Magians Scythes
- Trial of the Magians Shields
- Trial of the Magians Staves
- Trial of the Magians Swords
Pages in category "Trial of the Magians"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 4,356 total.
(previous page) (next page)C
- Thunder Geode
- Titanite
- Trial 1
- Trial 10
- Trial 100
- Trial 1000
- Trial 1001
- Trial 1002
- Trial 1003
- Trial 1004
- Trial 1005
- Trial 1006
- Trial 1007
- Trial 1008
- Trial 1009
- Trial 101
- Trial 1010
- Trial 1011
- Trial 1012
- Trial 1013
- Trial 1014
- Trial 1015
- Trial 1016
- Trial 1017
- Trial 1018
- Trial 1019
- Trial 102
- Trial 1020
- Trial 1021
- Trial 1022
- Trial 1023
- Trial 1024
- Trial 1025
- Trial 1026
- Trial 1027
- Trial 1028
- Trial 1029
- Trial 103
- Trial 1030
- Trial 1031
- Trial 1032
- Trial 1033
- Trial 1034
- Trial 1035
- Trial 1036
- Trial 1037
- Trial 1038
- Trial 1039
- Trial 104
- Trial 1040
- Trial 1041
- Trial 1042
- Trial 1043
- Trial 1044
- Trial 1045
- Trial 1046
- Trial 1047
- Trial 1048
- Trial 1049
- Trial 105
- Trial 1050
- Trial 1051
- Trial 1052
- Trial 1053
- Trial 1054
- Trial 1055
- Trial 1056
- Trial 1057
- Trial 1058
- Trial 1059
- Trial 106
- Trial 1060
- Trial 1061
- Trial 1062
- Trial 1063
- Trial 1064
- Trial 1065
- Trial 1066
- Trial 1067
- Trial 1068
- Trial 1069
- Trial 107
- Trial 1070
- Trial 1071
- Trial 1072
- Trial 1073
- Trial 1074
- Trial 1075
- Trial 1076
- Trial 1077
- Trial 1078
- Trial 1079
- Trial 108
- Trial 1080
- Trial 1081
- Trial 1082
- Trial 1083
- Trial 1084
- Trial 1085
- Trial 1086
- Trial 1087
- Trial 1088
- Trial 1089
- Trial 109
- Trial 1090
- Trial 1091
- Trial 1092
- Trial 1093
- Trial 1094
- Trial 1095
- Trial 1096
- Trial 1097
- Trial 1098
- Trial 1099
- Trial 11
- Trial 110
- Trial 1100
- Trial 1101
- Trial 1102
- Trial 1103
- Trial 1104
- Trial 1105
- Trial 1106
- Trial 1107
- Trial 1108
- Trial 1109
- Trial 111
- Trial 1110
- Trial 1111
- Trial 1112
- Trial 1113
- Trial 1114
- Trial 1115
- Trial 1116
- Trial 1117
- Trial 1118
- Trial 1119
- Trial 112
- Trial 1120
- Trial 1121